An inspirational quote is a crystal of truth that reveals and briefly summarizes a basic intuition placed deep within us. These phrases are opening the doors of the main letting us glimpse the laws and principles governing life, man and spirit.
Beyond their authors, cultures and eras, these quotations will meet some, others, like so many marks awarded to a harmonically timeless wisdom inherent in humanity. This post is a continuation of the first series of inspirational quotes .
The Donkey and the Buddha
That day, King was visiting the Zen master Muhak, temple Kanju-ji.
He spoke thus: "My friend , we've known for many years, we are alone, I sent my servants. Exchanged a few pleasantries. Too long ago that I laughed! "
- To honor you, Sir, tell me something entertaining.
- Muhak My dear, any Zen master you are, you are no better than a donkey, a donkey saddled Ah, ah, ah... Your turn, makes the king, tell me something funny!
- Sire, as you are right now, you look like at the foot of Sakyamuni Tree of Enlightenment!
- This is not funny at all, "said the king. I'll compared to a donkey, and you assimilate the great Buddha himself!
- But sire, "said Muhak is characteristic of a donkey is seen everywhere as donkeys, and the Buddha not see any being that its Buddha nature. . .
Henri Brunel. The mosquito . 70 Zen stories to laugh and smile. Ed Librio.
Anaïs Nin
We never see things as they are, we see things as we are.
Deepak Chopra
" Master I want to become immensely rich to cure the world of the evils that overwhelm. What is the secret of abundance? " asked the young man.
- In the heart of every human being ," replied the master, resident two goddesses: the Knowledge and the Wealth. Each of us is in love with these two supreme beings. But you have to pay more attention to the goddess of knowledge and love relentlessly. So the Goddess of Wealth, jealous, and you continue to focus your steps .
What digress me, separating me from others.
Pierre Dac
The missing link between ape and man, that's us!
Raoul Vaneigem
How we prevent the multinational undead to destroy us if we do not create the lives they destroyed as the daylight dissolves the spectra of the night?
In a world that destroys itself, creation is the only way not to destroy him.
Dalai Lama
If you have the impression that you're too small to change something, try to sleep with a mosquito ... and see which one prevents the other from sleeping.
Michel Onfray
A philosopher is not a creator of concepts, much less a university professor, or even a jargonaute, but a being who has a worldview and lives up to the vision it offers.
Aldous Huxley
Our spiritual journey is not to reach a destination to get something that we possess or not become a person that we were not.
It is to dispel our own ignorance vis-à-vis ourselves and our existence, and gradually assimilate this understanding that marks the beginning of spiritual awakening.
Discovering God is a return on itself.
Saint John of the Cross
There is a transcendence is to become what one is.
Jacques Vigne
Psychotherapy heals the mind, the spiritual healing of the mind.
Romain Rolland
I can not say how much my time was deicide. And as my soul was naturally religious, is myself without knowing that they killed.
The problem when men stop believing in God, not that they no longer believe in anything, but they begin to believe in n ' matter what.
Raoul Vaneigem
Nothing is more alien to the life that the structure of binary yes or no, good or evil, mind or body, which does not pass that, in individual and collective history, separation from home and dualism in which man inhuman, such as dialogue with only valid interlocutor.
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