This post is a continuation of the previous: Era Creators (1)
For Cyber Generation, the name of Raoul Vaneigem evoke probably not much. For older teens - a delicate euphemism avoids the word old, so unpleasant to the ears of the youth culture surrounding - those who belong to a generation who lived his adolescence and youth in the late sixties and during the seventies Raoul Vaneigem - just like Guy Debord - remain symbolic figures of situationist movement has largely inspired the student revolt of May 68. The World in , Nicolas Truong describes The Situationist International :
" Beyond art, subverting everyday life and enjoy unhindered live without downtime, making the revolution a celebration of the feast of a game and the existence of a construction situation. Insult and abuse the rebels false true Stalinist practice as an art scandal and knock out the glories of the radical installed, preventing the standards of popular culture in order to free the workers while focusing on workers' councils ...
For almost ten years, twelve issues of the Situationist International (1958-1969), written by a handful of insurgents, would subvert the old avant-gardes, provide some useful tools for the critique of consumer society ... The " show," this " social relation among people, mediated by images " which removes what was directly experienced in a performance, writes Guy Debord in Society of the Spectacle ( 1967), is one of the hallmarks of the movement ... "
The world is again
Raoul Vaneigem, he is the author of Treatise on the use of live young generations where a flamboyant style, both classical and operatic, serves critical thinking, both libertarian and revolutionary, punctuated by numerous literary references and philosophical. Vaneigem deconstructs the myths of the society of the spectacle in calling for a revolt of youth against the old world.
From the introduction of the Treaty, Vaneigem the tone of a radical thought: "What is lived in this book, I did not intend to make significant to readers who are about in good conscience to relive it. I expect it to be lost and is found in a general movement of mind, as I flatter myself that these conditions will disappear from human memory. The world is again: all his reconditioning specialists did not prevent . Of these, I do not want to understand better not to be understood ... "
A Marxist analysis of class struggle, and the Situationists Vaneigem add the bias of subjectivity and life:" Those who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and positive in the refusal of constraints , these have a corpse in the mouth . "
In this sense, there are the megaphone of an international movement which, from Mexico City to Prague, Berkeley in Japan via Germany and Italy, saw the energy of youth to stand up sclerosis cons of an old world from war and promised to collapse by the advent of consumer society: "The struggle of subjective and what corrupts it now expands the boundaries of the old struggle classes. It renews and sharpens. The bias of life is a political bias. We do not want a world where the guarantee of not dying from hunger comes against the risk of dying of boredom .
The Situationist movement transforms the economic and political demands that were those of the labor movement into a global challenge with strong accents existential and cultural. What is disputed are not only statements of fact but a state of mind: this bourgeois vision of the world that real life sacrificed to the abstract world of economics . This challenge rests on the assertion a subjective quality to face the very simplistic and deadly power of a purely accounting and quantity of life.
Man crumbled and man unit
The youth of this era therefore protested against the hegemony of technocratic and utilitarian thinking which leaves no room for creative movement of life and subjectivity. This culture of domination is the origin of man crumbled opposed by the man who claims unit in a full revolt alive and creative :
"The man survival is man crumbled in the mechanisms of hierarchical power, a combination of interference in a chaos of oppressive techniques just waiting to arrange themselves that the patient programming programmed thinkers. The man of survival is also man unit, the man of total refusal . It happens some time, but each of us live contradictorily, and all degrees of reality, the conflict of oppression and freedom, without it being weird and distorted as before at the same time as two antagonistic perspectives: the perspective of power and the prospect of passing. "
The" show "is another name for this alienation that abstract rights of vital movement and creator behind it. On behalf of the appeal of life in him he feels like concrete and poetic expression of his subjectivity, man unit, one of total rejection, disputes the company's performance, producer of man crumbled. Thought and action subversive express this vital and creative movement refuses to choke under the orders of a technocratic power guiding individuals towards their dissolution in the deadly machinery of production and consumption.
" Not a riot, not a revolution, which reveals a passionate quest for the exuberant life, transparency in human relations and a collective mode of transformation of the world ... Men of thought does plenty of humor: they disconnect the circuit elements and then announce that the current will not pass. They can then say, without a net, the total realization is an illusion, an illusion of transparency, social harmony a fad. Where the separation reign, everyone is really taking the impossible. The Cartesian way of fragmenting and progress by degrees always guarantees the imperfect and flawed. The forces of Order only hire the disabled. "
No revolution that is also cultural: the man crumbled, the fragmentation of the origin of Cartesian thought dominant technocratic, must be passed by man alive that expresses, through the vital movement of creation, his subjective participation in a collective whole and natural. This expression of sensitivity homéotélique linking the Party and the all foreshadows the development of a full thought.
Cultural evolution
analyzes Vaneigem find many echoes at the same time, in the work of Herbert Marcuse : One-Dimensional Man, subtitled An Essay on the ideology of advanced industrial society , published in France in 1964 and reissued in 1968. The thought of Vaneigem, like Marcuse, reflects this dialectic between alienation of man crumbled and the liberation of man unit, ie between the one-dimensional man of Advanced Industrial Society and Human multidimensional from one civilization to invent together.
In those years, the same dialectic of anime cons-American culture - and its quest for a new paradigm - thinking that seeks to charge a man again reunited in a re-enchanted world. For one who sees beyond appearances, the metamorphoses of evolution, there is a deep genealogical continuity between the movement of May 68, culture cons of the 60/70, the quest for a new paradigm in the 80s, the emergence of Cultural Creatives in the 2000s and that of the integral culture in the 2010s.
This genealogical continuity is all the more apparent that the Situationists themselves part of the parentage of surrealism, the Dada movement and the socialist and libertarian thought of the nineteenth century, many avant-garde inspired expressing the refusal vital, creative thinking and collective dominance to Once utilitarian, individualistic and technocratic. As Guy Debord writes: " The vanguards have a time, which may happen to them most happy is, in the fullest sense of having outlived their . " In
creatively expressing the zeitgeist, these minorities have actually made their evolutionary time by printing in the collective consciousness of new ways of living, feeling and thinking . These vanguards are all transformations of the same impetus that has been sweeping gradually transformed our world view. The advent of an integral culture and its development is part So in a cultural genealogy we described the premises, including here , here and there .
In reaction to a culture of domination abstract, become deadly, cultural developments of the last two centuries, as expressed through the creative minority, gradually draws the figure of a concrete totality : that of a subjectivity involved in the various natural and social, cultural and spiritual or it operates. Such a development diffuses throughout the company when the natural renewal of generations causes the ruin of the dominant thought and institutions who represents even a current creator gradually introduces a new vision of the world more complex and more complete.
The creation of self
Throughout its route author Vaneigem will continually identify personal, social and cultural allowing expression of vital movement and creator of the subjectivity and emancipation in the restraints exercised by the various economic and political power, cultural and religious. In Era creators, published in 2002, Vaneigem perceives the conditions for a revolution in attitudes, manners and society which makes possible the advent of another world. Fax this and Phil that book in Nouvelle Revue Moderne :
"The Age of creators is the debate at the heart of the relationship between the individual and society." Is there a man who not be resolved at one time or another, build his life according to his aspirations, despite the upset that he opposed the order of things millennium? "asked Raoul Vaneigem before finding that most are resigned and eventually fall into an order based on the renunciation. Despite the contradictions that undermine that order remains bearer of reproduction, because " violence of a society is only stating that each inflicts violence to oneself by renouncing live." This analysis is based
Vaneigem in the rejection of violence, but also leads to stress that it is unsatisfactory to refer all to himself and its responsibility for its own ills. His choice to put " the heart desires, the center of a will to live only able to identify whether a fascinating labyrinth " the state that led to the creation of self becomes " the alpha and omega of a human adventure in which I participate in both inviting my happiness on the happiness of others. Being happy reads the singular and the plural is combined .
An insurgency poetic
The creation of self, however, does not of itself : Millennia of lives subject to labor, oppression of women, religious thought, laid upon it a taboo which is served from childhood. One can read the history of the company's relationship with its most creative individuals in relation to that person. "Oh Montaigne, Shakespeare, Diderot, Stendhal, Hölderlin, James, Chekhov, Kafka, Joyce, Lowry, the least I guessed, even in your problems, because the affection I bear you 's' Vaneigem cried ...
We could easily fill it with the list of writers and artists who touch us deeply because the conflicts that reflect their lives and work are also ours. In contrast to the myth of the "artiste maudit" that he rejects, Vaneigem calls for streamlined creation of what the exchange goods and labor, creating a focused desire to be refined by recreating, as " all creation refers to the creation of self .
The ability to "rediscover our potential for exercise" is not restricted to a chosen few marked by grace. "We're all creators but the ban to create, build our lives - we have been served for centuries - encourages us to ignore, deny, despise a practice that we engage spontaneously .
be recognized in its appeal invigorating air whose breath gives life to the embers of the great poetic insurrection " The creation of man by man is the only violence that can break the inertia, passivity, fatalism The voluntary servitude which we continue to arm the tyrannies that oppress us . Such is the poetry will be made by all and each . ""
Throughout its route author Vaneigem will continually identify personal, social and cultural allowing expression of vital movement and creator of the subjectivity and emancipation in the restraints exercised by the various economic and political power, cultural and religious. In Era creators, published in 2002, Vaneigem perceives the conditions for a revolution in attitudes, manners and society which makes possible the advent of another world. Fax this and Phil that book in Nouvelle Revue Moderne :
"The Age of creators is the debate at the heart of the relationship between the individual and society." Is there a man who not be resolved at one time or another, build his life according to his aspirations, despite the upset that he opposed the order of things millennium? "asked Raoul Vaneigem before finding that most are resigned and eventually fall into an order based on the renunciation. Despite the contradictions that undermine that order remains bearer of reproduction, because " violence of a society is only stating that each inflicts violence to oneself by renouncing live." This analysis is based
Vaneigem in the rejection of violence, but also leads to stress that it is unsatisfactory to refer all to himself and its responsibility for its own ills. His choice to put " the heart desires, the center of a will to live only able to identify whether a fascinating labyrinth " the state that led to the creation of self becomes " the alpha and omega of a human adventure in which I participate in both inviting my happiness on the happiness of others. Being happy reads the singular and the plural is combined .
An insurgency poetic
The creation of self, however, does not of itself : Millennia of lives subject to labor, oppression of women, religious thought, laid upon it a taboo which is served from childhood. One can read the history of the company's relationship with its most creative individuals in relation to that person. "Oh Montaigne, Shakespeare, Diderot, Stendhal, Hölderlin, James, Chekhov, Kafka, Joyce, Lowry, the least I guessed, even in your problems, because the affection I bear you 's' Vaneigem cried ...
We could easily fill it with the list of writers and artists who touch us deeply because the conflicts that reflect their lives and work are also ours. In contrast to the myth of the "artiste maudit" that he rejects, Vaneigem calls for streamlined creation of what the exchange goods and labor, creating a focused desire to be refined by recreating, as " all creation refers to the creation of self .
The ability to "rediscover our potential for exercise" is not restricted to a chosen few marked by grace. "We're all creators but the ban to create, build our lives - we have been served for centuries - encourages us to ignore, deny, despise a practice that we engage spontaneously .
be recognized in its appeal invigorating air whose breath gives life to the embers of the great poetic insurrection " The creation of man by man is the only violence that can break the inertia, passivity, fatalism The voluntary servitude which we continue to arm the tyrannies that oppress us . Such is the poetry will be made by all and each . ""
green meme
Beyond the purely aesthetic of the work of Vaneigem, breath sometimes stunning style, those who are familiar models of cultural evolution, including that of Spiral Dynamics, see this iconic work of the current protest of May 68 as the affirmation of the values of Meme Green - compassionate, pluralistic - based on the prevalence of subjective experience and feelings, relativism and cooperation, the hatred of hierarchy and competitions. A green meme that allows the excess values of same orange - rational / individualistic - based on the values of individual success, efficiency and competition.
The Age of ad creators obviously the next evolutionary stage - full - but the denial of spiritual experience in favor of a purely immanent and vitalistic human existence Vaneigem prevents access to this level. Based on the prevalence of desire and subjectivity, this vitalism is immanent well some French intelligentsia whose Deleuze and famous desiring machines were once emblematic figures. This
intellectual generation born before the war and was at its zenith during the 60/70 'creator is still trapped in a cultural tradition that makes amalgam of religion and spirituality , between obedience to a dogma clerical pre-modern and emergent consciousness and transpersonal transrational. What makes it quite incapable to seize the vital movement in desire and energy to create an expression and an immanent spirit transcending .
This lack of evolutionary perspective that whole neo-liberal thinking has recovered this libertarian relativism and subjective to turn them into "ideology instinctual " manipulated, in fact, serving the market. The alliance of liberal and libertarian ideologies reduced the subjective assertion of power to that of a deeply nihilistic narcissism, a sort of "just ego " putrid focused on meeting the individual drives and those fantasies of omnipotence inherent. Neo-liberal intrinsically evil which we see the ravages of the economic, political and social insofar as it reduces the role of another instrument in the service of selfish satisfaction, both impulsive and compulsive.
An integral spirituality
However, borrowed by the sensitivity of a new generation, a different path emerges, which lets you go from green meme relativistic the same yellow full recognizing the vital movement of desire and creativity, energy and the expression of an immanent transcendent Spirit which we can experience an introduction to both aesthetic and sensitive, intellectual and symbolic.
Everywhere in the Western world, asserting a cultural movement based on a deeply innovative Thought Reform and the regenerative depth of spiritual experience that has nothing to do with dogma and clerical pre-modern religion. In France, a new generation of thinkers and writers - I refer specifically to Denis Marquet and his work element philosophy angelic to which we will - dare to defy the tenets of a stale formalism franchouillard to affirm the close link between energy and the transcendent Spirit and movement evolution of life immanent.
About the last book of Annie Le Brun , Nicolas Truong World speaks of " The urgency to defend a href through poetic consciousness gives thanks to the wonderful without falling into the rut of religious . "Can we say more? The era of the creators is it not simply that of a poetic life based on the intimate experience of a world re-enchanted?
Era Creators refers to the emergence of a integral spirituality and poetic, deeply non-dual. Remember, writes Jean Yves Leloup that " Being spiritual means being inspired . The Age of designers is that of a full inspiration, which, in any form, sees the term "symbolic" of this evolutionary force, both vital and creative, which is called the Spirit.
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