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" We are the children of a devastated world, which show try to be reborn in a world created. Learn to be human is the only radical ... It was never ordered to do s'atteindre than seeking its identity in any religion, ideology, nationality, race, culture, tradition, a myth, an image. Identify with what one has in itself more alive, it only empowers. " Raoul Vaneigem
The voice of the prophets
The voice of the prophets sing - or scream, as appropriate - in the desert of indifference, contempt and misunderstanding until we are able to capture the echo, muffled by our habits of living, feeling and thought. Yet inspiration visionary designers always announces the advent of new times before they objectified in events that change the world.
For before appearing in the objective world, these events are emerging in what Henry Corbin - then, after him, his disciple, the anthropologist Gilbert Durand and disciple thereof, the sociologist Michel Maffesoli - called the imaginal world : that of an imaginary intersubjective, creative stories and myths through which the collective consciousness gives meaning to experience. Nothing happens that does not begin from this intersubjectivity that the subjectivity of vision is intimately connected by the organic movement - vital and creative - its sensitivity.
Raoul Vaneigem is a prophet in his own way - an atheist and libertarian - who has written skillfully and accurately describe, before many others, the perverse mechanisms of alienation peculiar to the society of spectacle and the urgent need to restore the creative movement of life a central place in our world and our experience of social organization. He carefully analyzed and expressed lyrically existential impasse which leads us to a market society and the way it operates on the debilitating consciousness.
This is probably not for anything other than Raoul Vaneigem is the author of three books on heresies: Resistance to Christianity , The Heresies and The movement of free spirit . This prophet of life is actually a heretic whose freethinking hustles the dogmas of this religion that is the modern economy - gathered around the holy trinity: profit, labor, consumer - as did the heretics of the past vis-à-vis the dominant dogmas of Christianity.
A radically new era
As and when they occur with the regularity of a metronome, the events are all examples validating the analysis and insights of this heretic. In a text written in the 90s where he presented his Treaty Savoir Vivre in paperback, Vaneigem writes: "The Treaty of etiquette for use by younger generations marks the emergence of a world in decline, a radically new era. During accelerated wins recently beings and things, its clarity is not allowed to grow. I want to be contrary to the will of individual autonomy sense, necessarily desperate to be in the throes of a universal conspiracy of hostile circumstances. The negative is the alibi of a resignation never to be se, does not enter his own rich life.
I preferred based on the desires lucidity, illuminating at each instant, the battle of life against death, most surely dismiss the logic of decline of the merchandise. The drop of profit from the exploitation and destruction of nature has determined, in the late nineteenth century, the development of a new neo-capitalism and ecological production methods. The cost of living not put more on his exhaustion but on its reconstruction.
The consciousness of life creating progress because the meaning of things contribute. Never desires, returned to their childhood, have disposed of each such power to break what the other hand, denies the reifies items in stores. It arrives today that no imagination had dared to support: the process of alchemy individual came to nothing less than the transmutation of history into inhuman achievement of human .
We who want endless
Raoul Vaneigem continues the chronicle of this alchemical transmutation in a book published in 96 " Designed as a brief analysis and theses We who want endless critiqued in a declining market society and a vibrant society called to pass. Global capitalism is more than a parasitic system determining the existence of a bureaucracy where politics is the orders of a usurious practice. Any social organization and is threatened even in his controversy, seeking alternatives outside the operating economy, deteriorates with her.
However, if we want more of a civilization that has turned his hopes toward death, we do not want more of a society where life is seen through the perspective of profitability. How to prevent desires to become their opposites? How the negative strip is coated with a secular tradition? How do I know what you want and want what we know? The answer is in everyone from the moment it is important above all to revive what he has in him more alive . "We
below the first - and uncertain Undaunted is the one who conquers chance - and the final text - which Children dispel the nightmare of the old world - in this book. More than a decade before the global crisis of capitalism, Vaneigem describes with precision the visionary end of a world ravaged by totalitarianism and the coming financial reclassified as a life.
Unfazed and uncertain is the one who wins the chance
We are in the world and ourselves at the intersection of two civilizations. One succeeds in breaking the bank by sterilizing the universe in its icy shadow, one discovers the first glimmers of a life reborn the new man, sensitive, and creative living, frail twig of an evolution where the 'economic man is no longer a dead branch.
Never despair of having to survive instead of living has reached in time and space and planetary existential extreme tension. Has never been as universally sensed the need to focus on living the totalitarianism of money and financial bureaucracy.
never finally as populations and particular beings have fallen prey to a confusion which mixed the most fearful of voluntary easements and quiet resolution to break under the onslaught of enjoyment of life and the imperatives merchants emmuraillent horizon.
For the first time in history is based a true international of mankind. It is built at the instigation of the woman, by the irresistible force of his emancipation. Decrees or statutes do not govern. He just this will to live that individual and collective of Chiapas to the Urals invent a humanity whose old world usurped the name to deny the quality.
Nothing matters more than to be aware because it is central to our lives.
It may seem vain to recall a few pages the ins and outs of a state of corruption that has plagued a few years what is being said, think and s'entreprend under various pretexts. I have not wanted to draw some light on the debate which it seemed that no one escaped: or die of rabies resigned from a company mired in trouble and inhumanity or take the pleasure of living and enter the throat whoever gets the name of the economy, our way.
If what I wrote, little has been heard, at least do nothing has been recovered by the world dominated by the reality of death and the shadow of an absent life. With some uncertainty, clumsiness or error which I'm found, I kept my resume at the beginning of a life restarted every day, at the very spot where a mutation occurs that our civilization has always declared moribund impossible.
I learn to want everything and nothing only waiting, guided only by the constancy of human being and consciousness of not being enough.
Children who dispel the nightmare of the old world
I lived in the dark ages, exalted me frail and distant gleams like the dawn that filtered out of the ordinary clarity of your life. Sleep imagination engendered monsters of reason . A cruel faculty of abstraction and the syllogisms toying with the numbers we are concealing the global arena where the cold calculation of interest decreed that were saved or slaughtered men, children, animals and trees. Blood splashing stock speculation speculators, large budgetary waters washed slaughterhouses of the world market. The pure spirit of business has always produced the vile brute, with the elegance of not touching it. However
winter so ardently dream of that spring is coming . In the scene that the money was building for the kingdom of death, your silhouette and light unreliable attracted to cemeteries outside of those who had ceased to take pleasure.
I was of those who foresaw your landscape, touching a sensitive approach and voluptuous, as they have the tenderness and abuse of bodies that look. As if there Framed imminent, the familiar you are finally known.
In the secret of going to others and yourself as the rain is going to land, you have discovered without fanning the mystery of the plant, animal, stone, children learn about where born men and women.
Browsing dancing or limping Parks of knowledge. You learn the charms of Orpheus. From a tiny spring the agreement wonders of adventure and the same and distinct beauty of the toad and the orchid.
the deep forest of desires, where everyone travels the maze that is invented by step, no dragon arises only has the power to appease those who, by mistake, fear or evil, has raised the risk. It is
nothing compared to the pleasure that is life itself . The genius of the human heart has led you to the unanimous body and the earth, where lies the power dies, the root regenerating its blood and its sap.
Why worry about another legacy of the single moment that gave birth to you and gives you the unique privilege of being unique and yet present everywhere where all life is reborn and multiply?
Science in you renewed dispenses without reservation or hesitation, the option, which will ignite the curiosity, the festival of inspiration, seasons and ages. Loving and beloved, what you should show it to you or guardian seeking protection? Just wander through the magnetic fields of life to learn the art of magnetism that attracts and repels people and things in the rhythm of time, and is undulate with the grace of a snake slowly traced the path in the interlacing of others and yourself.
Penetrated pleasure to exist, you're you and you are at all and nothing and no one you can enter and capture. The promises that life makes you, you keep them Wager, without accountability to anyone. What you try to live Point of desire, none other than you can take. You prance alone, the only armed force that provides weapons and armor, disdaining the companions of the dead corpses and sarcasm. Laughter Life consumes the coffins.
There is no reward because there is more than punishment. Only the best enjoyment determined to grow and ripen and toughen to defend themselves against what the obstacle and denies it.
Blessed is he who, beyond any sense of success or failure, without presumption or self-contempt, held Over the labyrinthine admitting the existence: thus have I wanted from my heart that it is.
Such things are only possible on earth.
The voice of the prophets sing - or scream, as appropriate - in the desert of indifference, contempt and misunderstanding until we are able to capture the echo, muffled by our habits of living, feeling and thought. Yet inspiration visionary designers always announces the advent of new times before they objectified in events that change the world.
For before appearing in the objective world, these events are emerging in what Henry Corbin - then, after him, his disciple, the anthropologist Gilbert Durand and disciple thereof, the sociologist Michel Maffesoli - called the imaginal world : that of an imaginary intersubjective, creative stories and myths through which the collective consciousness gives meaning to experience. Nothing happens that does not begin from this intersubjectivity that the subjectivity of vision is intimately connected by the organic movement - vital and creative - its sensitivity.
Raoul Vaneigem is a prophet in his own way - an atheist and libertarian - who has written skillfully and accurately describe, before many others, the perverse mechanisms of alienation peculiar to the society of spectacle and the urgent need to restore the creative movement of life a central place in our world and our experience of social organization. He carefully analyzed and expressed lyrically existential impasse which leads us to a market society and the way it operates on the debilitating consciousness.
This is probably not for anything other than Raoul Vaneigem is the author of three books on heresies: Resistance to Christianity , The Heresies and The movement of free spirit . This prophet of life is actually a heretic whose freethinking hustles the dogmas of this religion that is the modern economy - gathered around the holy trinity: profit, labor, consumer - as did the heretics of the past vis-à-vis the dominant dogmas of Christianity.
A radically new era
As and when they occur with the regularity of a metronome, the events are all examples validating the analysis and insights of this heretic. In a text written in the 90s where he presented his Treaty Savoir Vivre in paperback, Vaneigem writes: "The Treaty of etiquette for use by younger generations marks the emergence of a world in decline, a radically new era. During accelerated wins recently beings and things, its clarity is not allowed to grow. I want to be contrary to the will of individual autonomy sense, necessarily desperate to be in the throes of a universal conspiracy of hostile circumstances. The negative is the alibi of a resignation never to be se, does not enter his own rich life.
I preferred based on the desires lucidity, illuminating at each instant, the battle of life against death, most surely dismiss the logic of decline of the merchandise. The drop of profit from the exploitation and destruction of nature has determined, in the late nineteenth century, the development of a new neo-capitalism and ecological production methods. The cost of living not put more on his exhaustion but on its reconstruction.
The consciousness of life creating progress because the meaning of things contribute. Never desires, returned to their childhood, have disposed of each such power to break what the other hand, denies the reifies items in stores. It arrives today that no imagination had dared to support: the process of alchemy individual came to nothing less than the transmutation of history into inhuman achievement of human .
We who want endless
Raoul Vaneigem continues the chronicle of this alchemical transmutation in a book published in 96 " Designed as a brief analysis and theses We who want endless critiqued in a declining market society and a vibrant society called to pass. Global capitalism is more than a parasitic system determining the existence of a bureaucracy where politics is the orders of a usurious practice. Any social organization and is threatened even in his controversy, seeking alternatives outside the operating economy, deteriorates with her.
However, if we want more of a civilization that has turned his hopes toward death, we do not want more of a society where life is seen through the perspective of profitability. How to prevent desires to become their opposites? How the negative strip is coated with a secular tradition? How do I know what you want and want what we know? The answer is in everyone from the moment it is important above all to revive what he has in him more alive . "We
below the first - and uncertain Undaunted is the one who conquers chance - and the final text - which Children dispel the nightmare of the old world - in this book. More than a decade before the global crisis of capitalism, Vaneigem describes with precision the visionary end of a world ravaged by totalitarianism and the coming financial reclassified as a life.
Unfazed and uncertain is the one who wins the chance
We are in the world and ourselves at the intersection of two civilizations. One succeeds in breaking the bank by sterilizing the universe in its icy shadow, one discovers the first glimmers of a life reborn the new man, sensitive, and creative living, frail twig of an evolution where the 'economic man is no longer a dead branch.
Never despair of having to survive instead of living has reached in time and space and planetary existential extreme tension. Has never been as universally sensed the need to focus on living the totalitarianism of money and financial bureaucracy.
never finally as populations and particular beings have fallen prey to a confusion which mixed the most fearful of voluntary easements and quiet resolution to break under the onslaught of enjoyment of life and the imperatives merchants emmuraillent horizon.
For the first time in history is based a true international of mankind. It is built at the instigation of the woman, by the irresistible force of his emancipation. Decrees or statutes do not govern. He just this will to live that individual and collective of Chiapas to the Urals invent a humanity whose old world usurped the name to deny the quality.
Nothing matters more than to be aware because it is central to our lives.
It may seem vain to recall a few pages the ins and outs of a state of corruption that has plagued a few years what is being said, think and s'entreprend under various pretexts. I have not wanted to draw some light on the debate which it seemed that no one escaped: or die of rabies resigned from a company mired in trouble and inhumanity or take the pleasure of living and enter the throat whoever gets the name of the economy, our way.
If what I wrote, little has been heard, at least do nothing has been recovered by the world dominated by the reality of death and the shadow of an absent life. With some uncertainty, clumsiness or error which I'm found, I kept my resume at the beginning of a life restarted every day, at the very spot where a mutation occurs that our civilization has always declared moribund impossible.
I learn to want everything and nothing only waiting, guided only by the constancy of human being and consciousness of not being enough.
Children who dispel the nightmare of the old world
I lived in the dark ages, exalted me frail and distant gleams like the dawn that filtered out of the ordinary clarity of your life. Sleep imagination engendered monsters of reason . A cruel faculty of abstraction and the syllogisms toying with the numbers we are concealing the global arena where the cold calculation of interest decreed that were saved or slaughtered men, children, animals and trees. Blood splashing stock speculation speculators, large budgetary waters washed slaughterhouses of the world market. The pure spirit of business has always produced the vile brute, with the elegance of not touching it. However
winter so ardently dream of that spring is coming . In the scene that the money was building for the kingdom of death, your silhouette and light unreliable attracted to cemeteries outside of those who had ceased to take pleasure.
I was of those who foresaw your landscape, touching a sensitive approach and voluptuous, as they have the tenderness and abuse of bodies that look. As if there Framed imminent, the familiar you are finally known.
In the secret of going to others and yourself as the rain is going to land, you have discovered without fanning the mystery of the plant, animal, stone, children learn about where born men and women.
Browsing dancing or limping Parks of knowledge. You learn the charms of Orpheus. From a tiny spring the agreement wonders of adventure and the same and distinct beauty of the toad and the orchid.
the deep forest of desires, where everyone travels the maze that is invented by step, no dragon arises only has the power to appease those who, by mistake, fear or evil, has raised the risk. It is
nothing compared to the pleasure that is life itself . The genius of the human heart has led you to the unanimous body and the earth, where lies the power dies, the root regenerating its blood and its sap.
Why worry about another legacy of the single moment that gave birth to you and gives you the unique privilege of being unique and yet present everywhere where all life is reborn and multiply?
Science in you renewed dispenses without reservation or hesitation, the option, which will ignite the curiosity, the festival of inspiration, seasons and ages. Loving and beloved, what you should show it to you or guardian seeking protection? Just wander through the magnetic fields of life to learn the art of magnetism that attracts and repels people and things in the rhythm of time, and is undulate with the grace of a snake slowly traced the path in the interlacing of others and yourself.
Penetrated pleasure to exist, you're you and you are at all and nothing and no one you can enter and capture. The promises that life makes you, you keep them Wager, without accountability to anyone. What you try to live Point of desire, none other than you can take. You prance alone, the only armed force that provides weapons and armor, disdaining the companions of the dead corpses and sarcasm. Laughter Life consumes the coffins.
There is no reward because there is more than punishment. Only the best enjoyment determined to grow and ripen and toughen to defend themselves against what the obstacle and denies it.
Blessed is he who, beyond any sense of success or failure, without presumption or self-contempt, held Over the labyrinthine admitting the existence: thus have I wanted from my heart that it is.
Such things are only possible on earth.
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