In a section of World published in the 09/01/11 and whose title is taken from the Turkish proverb: "The nights are pregnant and no one knows the day will be born "Edgar Morin made the review the past year and sets the prospects early this year.
Father of complex thought, Edgar Morin is a visionary thinker whose work is essential for all those interested in the paradigm shift in the origin of an integral vision. This is the reason for us which we refer regularly to his thought and that we regularly quote in The Journal Integral, including here, there , there ... and many other ! ...
sociologist and philosopher Edgar Morin born in 1921, is research director emeritus at the CNRS, President of the European Agency for Culture (UNESCO) and president of the Association for complex thought. II published in 2010 "Pros and cons Marx", "My left ", " How to live in times of crisis? " (with Patrick Viveret ).
The sense of history
In this article, Edgar Morin applied his method of deciphering the complex events that we're living without that we understand well the meaning that is to say the overall direction and meaning. It puts into perspective the short term more immediate, than the year past, with long-term anthropological evolution.
known phrase of Karl Marx that it is men who write history, but they do not know the history they write . It is characteristic of visionaries that see through the multiplicity and diversity events - sometimes their confusion - all signs and symbols that express the deep and dynamic general architectonic president global movement of history, and through it, to that of human evolution.
Edgar Morin is one of those rare visionaries whose eyes both inspired and lucid can give a deeper meaning and coherence to the significant events that we live , without which it is not fair and effective action . If he was often despised by supporters of the university is that his complex thought could come in boxes specialized knowledge of what is now often reduced academic thought.
It became in effect a disciplinary and fragmentary thought which does after all express a culture of abstract domination of man over nature and exploitation of man by man. But we know from Diderot: " is the fate of almost all men of genius, they do not reach their century, they write for the next generation .
decomposition and recomposition
It is no coincidence that the thought Morin met with resistance as the picture he paints of the time is cleaner, " Everywhere, the forces of disintegration and decomposition progresses. However, decompositions are needed for the new compositions , and everywhere they arise at the base of companies. Everywhere forces of resistance, regeneration, invention, creation multiply, but dispersed without bond, without organization, without facilities, without a head. By cons, which is administratively organized, hierarchical, centralized is ossified, blind, often repressive . "
This diagnosis is, of course, ours. That we have ceased to express and illustrate all of last year in our various notes: the deep decomposition room marked by various crises we are facing, is the emergence of innovative forms of thought and sensibility , life and society. These forms are innovative solutions that express the dynamics of evolution and experimented through the emergence of creative initiatives and interconnectivity between networks innovative. According to Morin
" march towards disaster will accelerate in the coming decade ... The race began between the probable and the improbable despairing hope. They are inseparable from the rest: " Where grows the danger grows also what saves " (Friedrich Hölderlin ) ... But the likely is unclear and is often the unexpected happens ... The year 2010 has brought forth new opportunities in Internet-resistance and regeneration. "
Fifteen days before the publication of this article, we rightly A cultural regeneration our post of 22 December on the University Ultimate , illustrated by a photo of Edgar Morin made during a lecture he are given. Beautiful synchronicity. It is precisely at the beginning of 2010, to celebrate the new decade, we have initiated The Journal Full without other ambition than to participate in our own way, this current of deep cultural regeneration own the comprehensive vision.
A new world is being built on the ruins of the old. A community of sensibility and thought unites those who feel inspired by the same evolutionary dynamics . Hugo's not forget the admonition that nothing can stop an idea whose time has come. The times ahead are carriers of a new "Spirit of Time" incarnated through men and women together in innovative networks.
networks that are the core of a cultural regeneration gradually gaining the whole society, by successive waves, particularly through the movement of new generations. Regeneration who encounters numerous obstacles due to the habits of thought, institutions, custodians of these habits, and clerks, custodians of these institutions! ...
A community full
grant that, in the coming months and years following, a true "full community" is growing and increasingly is embodied in the Francophone world, in resonance with a global and multifaceted movement which can monitor almost in real time through Internet. The emergence and full development of this community in the Francophone world will be through the provision of initiatives and visions, reflections and debates, putting into relations of ideas and people within a collective intelligence powered by each.
This collective intelligence is even more necessary than what Edgar Morin reign calls a "generalized blindness" of "the lack of thought everywhere taught that separates and categorizes knowledge without being able to meet confront global issues and rights. "
In this new year, we will ensure that Full Journal continues to go against the grain of decomposition room, meeting and those who, here and elsewhere, inventing new ways based - not on the fragmentation of knowledge - but on an integration of knowledge, art and spirituality . Integration requires the development of a sensitive intelligence and inspired, capable of uniting the conceptual rigor of thought and depth of creative intuition , without rejecting neither one nor the other.
Edgar Morin . " Nights are pregnant "
In 2010, the planet has continued its wild ride powered by the engine of the three faces globalization and development, Westernization fed by science, technology, profit without control or regulation.
Unification techno-economic the world continues under the guidance of a financial capitalism unbridled but continues to arouse in response "reclosing" ethnic, national, religious, causing dislocation and conflict. freedoms and tolerances regress, fanaticism and Manichaeism progressing. Poverty is not only converts class affluence average for some of the world's people, but especially in huge troubles relegated into huge slums.
Westernization of the world has accompanied the decline now visible from the West. Three enormous nations rose to power, in 2010, the oldest, most populous and most economically growing, the most bullies exporting states of the West, East, South point to arouse their fear of attending the awarding of a Nobel prize to a jailed Chinese dissident. In 2010, for the first time, three South colluded against Western influence: Turkey Brazil and Iran have created this unprecedented. The race to growth inhibition in the West by the economic crisis continues accelerated in Asia and Brazil.
Globalization, far from invigorating a planetary humanism, instead promotes the business of abstract cosmopolitanism and returns to closed particularism and nationalism in the abstract sense that it abstracts from the collective destiny of humanity. Development is not only a standard form of Westernization that ignores the singularity, solidarity, Knowledge and Lifestyle traditional civilizations, but his outburst techno-economic causes degradation of the biosphere which in turn threatens humanity.
crisis in the West is exported as a solution, which provides, ultimately, its own crisis. Unfortunately, the development crisis, the crisis of globalization, the crisis of Westernization policies are invisible. They have the political economists of the trailer, and continue to see growth in the solution to all social problems. Most states obey the injunctions of International Monetary Fund (IMF), which was first advocated everywhere rigor at the expense population: some are experimenting with the uncertainties of recovery
But everywhere the power of decision is that of markets, that is to say the speculation is to say of financial capitalism. Almost everywhere banks, whose speculations have contributed to the crisis, are saved and preserved. The market has taken shape and the blind force of destiny which can not be obeyed . deficiency of thought everywhere taught that separates and categorizes knowledge without being able to meet to tackle global problems and fundamental , is felt more than anywhere else in politics. Hence a generalized blindness more were believed to have the benefits of a "knowledge society".
The litmus test of the state of regression of the planet in 2010 is the failure of the person most aware of global complexity, the more aware of the perils that awaits humanity: Barack Obama. His first modest initiative to initiate a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem, the demand for a freeze on settlements in the West Bank, was rejected by the Netanyahu government. The pressure in the U.S. conservative forces, evangelists and part of the community Jewish paralyzes any leverage over Israel, even the suspension of the technical and economic assistance.
The deteriorating situation in Afghanistan from finding a peaceful solution to the conflict, then it is obvious that there is no military solution. Iraq has effectively democratized, but at the same time has broken in half and suffered the effect of centrifugal forces. Obama continues to resist the enormous pressures combined Israeli and Arab heads of state in the Middle East to intervene militarily in Iran. But the situation became desperate for the Palestinian people.
While that the United States and Russia establish in 2010 an agreement to reduce nuclear weapons, the desire of denuclearization generalized only way of salvation planetary loses consistency in the arrogance of nuclear North Korea and the likely development of nuclear weapons in Iran. If all continues to be miniaturized nuclear weapons, generalized and privatized . All
favors mounted extremes including Europe. Europe is not only incomplete, but what appeared irreversible, as the single currency, is threatened. Europe, which we could hope for a rebirth of creativity, proved fruitless, passive, sluggish, incapable of any initiative for Israeli-Palestinian conflict and for the salvation of the planet.
Worse, xenophobic and racist parties which advocate the disintegration of the European Union are active. They remain a minority, as was for ten years the Nazi party in Germany that no one in the country most cultivated in Europe, in countries with the highest social democracy and stronger Communist Party, had imagined that he can legally access to power.
march towards disaster will accelerate in the coming decade. A blindness of homo sapiens, whose rationality lack of complexity, joins the blindness of homo Clemens possessed by his rage and hatred.
The death of the totalitarian octopus was followed by the tremendous outburst of religious fanaticism and that of financial capitalism. Everywhere, the forces of disintegration and decomposition progresses. However, decompositions are needed for new compositions, and everywhere they arise at the base of companies . Everywhere, the forces of resistance, regeneration, invention, creation multiply, but dispersed without bond, without organization, without facilities, without a head. By cons, which is administratively organized, hierarchical, centralized is ossified, blind, often repressive.
The year 2010 has brought forth new opportunities in Internet and resistance regeneration. Admittedly, we had seen in previous years that the role of the Internet was becoming increasingly powerful and diverse. We saw that it was becoming a force of documentation and information unmatched; we saw it magnified its privileged role for all communications, including those made for financial speculation and encrypted communications intermafieuses or interterroristes.
In 2010 that increased its strength from cultural democratization allowing free downloads music, novels, poetry, which led states, including ours, wanting to remove free download, to protect, not only copyright but also the benefits of commercial operators of copyright.
It also manifested itself in 2010 as a large resistance force informant and democratization, as in China, and during the tragic repression that accompanied the rigged election of the president in Iran. Finally, the wave Wikileaks , libertarian or libertarian force capable of breaking the state secrets of the greatest world power, triggered a global war of a new type war, firstly, the informational freedom and unfettered on the other hand, not only the United States, whose secrets have been violated, but a large number of states that have pursued the informative sites, and finally the banks that have blocked the accounts of Wikileaks. In this war, Wikileaks has found allies among some multiple of the written media or screen, and in countless Internet users worldwide.
What is remarkable is that States have no concern whatsoever to control or at least control "the market", that is to say, speculation and financial capitalism, but cons are trying to curb the democratizing forces and libertarians who are under the Internet. The race began between the probable and the improbable despairing of hope . They are inseparable from the rest: "Where increases the danger grows also what saves " (Friedrich Hölderlin), and hope feeds which leads to despair.
There was even, in 1940-1941, the hello from the disaster; heads engineering appeared in the disasters of nations. Churchill and de Gaulle in 1940, Stalin, paranoid to the disasters of the Red Army and the arrival of German troops at the gates of Moscow in autumn 1941 became the leader who named Zhukov lucid for the first offensive-cons liberated Moscow.
With the energy of despair that the people of Great Britain and Soviet Union found Energy hope. What heads might arise in planetary disasters for the salvation of mankind? Obama had every reason to be one of those heads, but we repeat: the regressive forces United States and around the world were too strong and broke his will in 2010.
But probably is not certain and it is often the unexpected happens . We can apply to the year 2011 the Turkish proverb: "The nights are pregnant and no one knows the day born."
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