" We are in the world and ourselves at the intersection of two civilizations. One completes its ruin by sterilizing the universe in its icy shadow, the other discovered the first glimmers of a life reborn the new man, sensitive, and creative living, frail twig of an evolution where economic man is no longer a dead branch . " Raoul Vaneigem
libertarian thinker and emblematic figure of the Situationist International , Raoul Vaneigem, is author of a book that has deeply inspired by the student revolt of May 68: The Treaty Savoir Vivre for use by young generations , published in 1967. In 2002 he published the Era creators we offer below the last pages that constitute a kind of manifesto expressing the mutation that we live: a revolution in attitudes, manners and society, carrying new values and a different vision the world.
Raoul Vaneigem . Era Creators
strange lucidity than that autopsy the old world and ignores the birth of a new world. In the 1960s, when the bloom of the economy promised by the state of well-being for all, denounce the ravages of the goods exhibited at sarcasm skeptics.
How do you objected the good spirits of the time, that people accessing the happiness guaranteed by the car, television, low-cost housing and consumer goods, are considering a moment to revolt?
Today came the fashion of condemning the economic horror, the same blindness prevents awareness of changes taking place before our eyes.
From assert new values, they complete the ruin of the old, they highlight love of life, the creative imagination, human progress, generosity, solidarity-based collective consciousness individual.
They do not rely on the goodwill that has always said the worst disappointments. They can not be satisfied with a determination ethics that, however useful it may be, is too focused on abstraction, the intellectual in modern versions of the old categorical imperative. They are carried by the harbingers of a revolution in attitudes, customs, societies and economies to meet their needs .
What are the signs that we must gather not as an immediate, favorable to the beatitudes of silly, but as the disparate elements of a creative to do?
1 - The emergence of a new production method based on natural renewable energies , seeking the exercise of creating and opening the door to the concept less compatible with the economics of exploitation: free.
2 - The development of civic consciousness and the initiation of its overcoming in a project where the happiness of each is the guarantor of happiness for all.
The fight for life, the passage of civil resistance and disobedience to the passive creating new collective social relations . He has no use regulations account between businessmen gang that put the world under the scalpel, but it is however the only party capable of driving the warring parties in consolidating the territory of living.
We want to emancipate humanity from all forms of economies based on exploitation of nature and of man by man, the release of the gangue lucrative stifles .
3 - The growing importance given in the project of humanization of man, in school, child and women's action . No regime can not be tolerated where women are oppressed, because it means that men who oppress them are nothing in themselves and resign themselves to pay in the most spineless cronyism mafia interests.
The future of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Algeria, the country still under the thumb of a religion * that perpetuates the absolute predominance of the male belongs to women across the United distinctions nations and cultures, not those that compete with the power of manhood, such as Thatcher or Benazir Bhutto, but those who eventually with the brute male, military and patriarchal.
4 - recreation body, the excess of consumerist hedonism and the rediscovery of the body as a place of enjoyment creative. The only way to guard against hatred endemic only waiting for a pretext to break in some of the world whatsoever, is to awaken everywhere the company to build a happiness , focusing , refining and harmonizing daily pleasures.
5 - The only progress that interests us now is that the human faculty and its specific: creativity . Only the imaginative power of prejudice in life that can revoke the global share of death-profit, whose arrogant nihilism exhibited in the eyes of his triumph resigned ridiculous.
* (Editor's note: All its legitimate defense of women's empowerment, Raoul Vaneigem operates by equating the spiritual dimension of Islam and obscurantist and fundamentalist forms of Islam that instrumentalize .. . It existed yesterday, as it exists today, an Islam which advocates the emancipation and women's right .)
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