This post is a continuation of Era Creators ( 1) (2 ) and (3 ).
" Give the child a high priority to sensitive intelligence to an approach where the living is revealed as a movement of creation ... I guess no other educational project than to create in love and knowledge of life ... We do not want a school where one learns to survive in unlearning to live. " Raoul Vaneigem
The era of creators, that of man reconciled with the life that animates life and reconciled with the spirit that inspires it, is the era of comprehensive education whose priority is the development of a sensitive intelligence that gives " capacity to recreate, recreating the world . This sensitive intelligence, we attempted to sketch the contours ( here, there and elsewhere ...) is at the heart of a new worldview that comes from the integration between two forms of epistemology: modern and rational one hand, traditional relational other.
sensitive intelligence is the cause and the effect of an integral consciousness. Consciousness becomes full when abstract forms - logical, distinctive and conceptual - of rational reflection organically blend with concrete forms - aesthetic, spiritual and symbolic - of the relational sensibility . We invoke here recently that sensitive intelligence in reference to this article World evoking " The urgency to defend a href through a poetic consciousness that gives thanks to the wonderful without falling into the rut of religion. "
Rethinking Education
But how to develop this sensitive intelligence specific to the era of creative in educational institutions in ruins, haunted by a deadly ideology that does not train individuals but formats to make them obedient and castrated - small disciplined soldiers of the economic war of everyone against everyone and workings of a small company market based on hysteria and hypnosis productivist consumerist - stifled in the bud creative vitality that is both the essence of childhood and adult inner wealth that will ?
father of four Raoul Vaneigem ask this question in his Warning schoolchildren and students distributed to more than eighty thousand copies since its release in 1995, if evidence is that this text is carrying a lucid and shared: "The business school has does not obey until day an overriding concern: to improve training techniques so that the animal be profitable?
No child crosses the threshold of a school without exposure to the risk of losing I mean losing this exuberant life, hungry for knowledge and wonder, it would be so exciting to eat, instead to sterilize and despair as the tedious work of abstract knowledge ... If teaching is received with reluctance and with reluctance, that knowledge is filtered through the curriculum bears the mark of an old wound: he was neutered of its original sensuality. World knowledge without awareness of the desires of life is dead knowledge. "In these pages
aphoristic style, Raoul Vaneigem gives a cruel and crucial than deep inadequacy of our educational institution to the new zeitgeist " The world has changed in more than thirty years three miles ... However, intelligence remains fossilized, as powerless to perceive the change that takes place before our eyes ... " An abstract intelligence incapable of understanding the movement of life is that of evolution because it is trapped "this abstraction, whose etymology - abstrahere, pull out - said enough self exile, separation from life . "
Education is the marker of a civilization . It reflects the vision that we are doing humans. In a society of information, constantly evolving and growing complexity, it is extremely urgent rethink education so that the development of sensitive intelligence finally gives "the priority to living on the economy of survival .
Raoul Vaneigem. Warning to schoolchildren and students
... The world has changed more in thirty years than three miles . Never - in Western Europe at least - the sensitivity of children has so diverged from old habits of predators that made the human animal the fiercest and most destructive species on earth.
But intelligence remains fossilized, as powerless to perceive the change that takes place before our eyes. A mutation similar to the invention of the tool, which once produced the work of exploitation of nature and created a society of masters and slaves. A mutation that reveals the true specificity human: not the production of a survival subservient to the imperatives of a lucrative economy, but creating an environment conducive to a life more intense and rich.
Our educational system prides itself on account of having responded effectively to the demands of a patriarchal society once all-powerful; this detail about such glory is both repugnant and over.
What stands the patriarchal power, the tyranny of the father, the power of the male? On a hierarchical structure, the cult leader, the contempt for women, the devastation of the nation, rape and violence oppressive. This power, as history now abandoned in a advanced state of decay: in the European community, dictatorial regimes have disappeared, the army and the police saw on welfare, the state dissolves in water disorder cases and the paternal absolutism is a memory of horn.
You really cultivate stupidity with ministerial eloquence not to revoke the teaching field that the past still kneaded with the yeast of the dastardly tyranny, forced labor, military discipline and this abstraction, whose etymology - abstrahere, pull out - said enough self-exile, the separation from life.
She finally dying, the company which were entered alive than to learn to die. Life reasserts itself shyly as if for the first time in history, it drew an eternal spring instead of mortifying to an endless winter.
Odious yesterday, the school is more than ridiculous. She worked relentlessly as the workings of an order believed to be immutable. Its mechanical perfection broke exuberance, curiosity, generosity of adolescents in order to better integrate into the drawers of a cabinet that wear of working gradually changed into a coffin. The power of things outweighed the desire of human beings.
The logic of an economy thriving was unstoppable, like the gin hours of survival that sound consistent with the point of death. The power of prejudice, the force of inertia, the customary resignation so commonly practiced their grip on the citizenry that apart from some rebellious, independence-loving, most people found their account in the miserable hope of a social promotion and career guaranteed until the retreat.
was missing so no good reasons to engage the child in the right path of propriety, since rely blindly to the authority provided to the faculty recipient of the laurels ultimate prize: the certainty of employment and wages.
Educators `discoursed on school failure without worrying about where the scene was going on daily life, performed at every step in the anguish of merit and demerit, loss and profit, the honor and dishonor. An appalling banality reigned in the ideas and behavior: there was the strong and weak, rich and poor, clever and stupid, the lucky and the unfortunate.
course the prospect of having to spend his life in a factory or an office to earn money this month was not likely to excite dreams of happiness and harmony cherished childhood. It produced a chain of adult dissatisfied, frustrated after they had desired for more generous. Disappointed and educated by the lessons of bitterness, they were mostly other outlet for their resentment of absurd arguments, backed by the best of reasons. Clashes religious, political, ideological provided them an alibi for a Cause - as they said pompously - they hid it the dark violence of evil survival which they suffered.
So she went by their existence in the icy shadow of a life absent. But when air time is the plague, the plague is the law. If inhuman were the despotic principles that governed education and children learn the bloody vanities of adulthood - those Jean Vigo mocks in his film Zero for Conduct - they attended the consistency of a dominant, they responded to orders of a society that does recognize that other prime mover power and profit.
Now, if education insists on obedience to their ideology, the machine has got out of relevance: there is less and less to gain more and more wasted life to scrape the bottom of the barrel. The rule
unbearable financial interests on the desire to live no longer able to deceive. The clatter of everyday greed sounds absurdly as money devalues, a bankrupt common leveled state capitalism and private capitalism, and hurtle down the drain the past patriarchal values of the master and the slave, the ideologies of left and right, collectivism and liberalism, all that was built on rape of terrestrial nature and human nature in the name of the sacrosanct commodity.
A new style is emerging that only hides the shadow of a colossus with feet of clay have already surrendered. The school remains confined in the cons-day old world collapses.
Should it be destroyed? Question doubly absurd.
First, because it is already destroyed. Less concerned by what they teach and study - and especially how to teach and learn - teachers and students busy they do not scuttle the old ship to keep teaching that is water everywhere?
Boredom begets violence, ugly buildings excites vandalism, modern buildings, cemented by the disregard of property developers, is basking, collapse, heating up, according to the programmed wear their shoddy materials .
Second, because the reflex annihilation is consistent with death of a company whose market exhausts the need gainful living beings and things, debases, pollutes, kills him.
Accentuate the decay does not benefit not just scavengers, real estate, the ideologues of fear and security, parties of hate, exclusion, ignorance, he gave assurances to the inertia that keeps changing clothes New and mask its invalidity under the reforms as spectacular ephemeral.
The school is at the center of an area of turbulence where the early years sink into the gloom, where the neurosis of the combined teacher and the student prints his movement to the balance of resignation and revolt, frustration and rage.
It is also the focus of a revival. She is pregnant consciousness that is central to our time: give priority to living on the economy of survival .
She holds the key to dreams in a society without dreams: the resolution to erase boredom in the luxuriance of a landscape where the desire to be happy banish the polluting plants, intensive agriculture, in all prisons types, pharmacies shady business, warehouses of adulterated products, and the chairs of political truths, bureaucratic, ecclesiastical calling to mechanize the mind and body to limp in condemning the inhuman.
Spurred by expectations of the Revolution, Saint-Just wrote: " Happiness is a new idea in Europe . "It took two centuries for the idea, yielding to desire, requires its individual and collective.
Now every child, every teenager, every adult is at the crossroads of a choice in a depleted world use up the logic of profit at any cost, or create his own life by creating a environment that ensures its completeness or harmony. For everyday existence can not be confused with the longer survival adaptive which have reduced men who produce the goods and are produced by it.
We do not want a school where one learns to survive by living unlearning. Most men have been spiritualized that animals are capable of promoting technology for their predatory interests but unable to refine the living humanely and to reach their own specific nature of man, woman, ' child.
After a frantic race to benefit the rats in overalls and three-piece suits are discovering that there remains a small portion of land they have eaten cheese on all sides. They or will progress in dieback, or make a change that will make them human.
It is time the memento vivere replaces memento mori knowledge that stamping grounds that nothing is ever won.
We have too long been persuaded that there was to expect the common fate that the decline and death. It is a vision of old premature to golden boys fell in the early senility because they preferred the money to children. These ghosts from the past this combination no longer hide the will to live that seeks us all the way to his sovereignty!
The new company begins begins learning a life omnipresent. A life to perceive and understand in the mineral, vegetable, animal kingdoms which man is coming and it brings with it with such recklessness and contempt. But also a life based on creativity, not the work on authenticity, not on appearances; on the luxuriance of desires, not on the mechanisms of repression and emotional release. A life devoid of fear, coercion, guilt, the exchange, dependence. Because it combines inseparably awareness and enjoyment of oneself and the world.
A woman who has the misfortune to live in a country plagued by barbarism and obscurantism wrote: " In Algeria, it teaches the child to wash the dead, I want him to learn the gestures love. "Without going into much morbidity, our teaching has been too often, under its apparent elegance, a dead groom. He is now back down to the labels know the gestures of love: the key to knowledge and the key fields where the disease is offered without reserve.
That childhood is trapped in a school that killed the beautiful instead of exalting indicates how urgently enough in education is, it does not sink further into the barbarism of boredom, to create a world where it is permissible to wonder.
Beware, however, to expect aid or panacea some supreme savior. It would be futile, certainly give credit to a government, a political faction, bunch of people eager to support primarily the interests of their faltering; or more of the tribunes and thought leaders, media personalities multiplying their image combine the nullity of the mirror that reflects their daily lives. But it would mostly go back to saying that the beggar kneel in attended, below, while education should be aimed at autonomy, independence, self-creation, without which it does is no real support, real solidarity, of community oppression.
A society that has no answer to the misery that patronage, charity and the combined company is a mafia. Put the school under the sign of competitiveness is to encourage corruption, which is the legal business.
The only support worthy of a human being is that he needs to move on its own. If the school does not teach to fight for the will to power, it will condemn generations to resignation, servitude and revolt suicidal. It will turn into breath of death and barbarism that everyone has in itself more alive and more human.
I do not suppose other than educational project to create the love and knowledge of life. Apart from a truant when life is looking and endless - the art of love speculative mathematics - it Only boredom and the dead weight of the totalitarian past.
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