On the blog of the University Ultimate, Michel Saloff-Coste its founder, offers a text entitled Review and reflection on the future of the University Ultimate written in March 2010. After referring to the balance sheet derrnière three years, we published in our last post , he gives some perspectives on the future of Integral University. By analyzing the social and cultural context in France, leading what is special about the Ultimate University "... questioning mechanistic ways of thinking and the necessary emergence of a new culture and full systemic and therefore a new civilization based on new approach to science, art and spirituality . "
Many visionaries like Edgar Morin , Ervin Laszlo or Thierry Gaudin , announced the necessary emergence of this" new civilization "who meets resistance more strong that it implies a change of thought patterns and modes of sensitivity: a shift from mechanistic and positivist thought, scientist and materialist, a systemic and comprehensive vision, dynamic and evolutionary. Michel Saloff Coste calls this a true " epistemological war , underlying many debates that run through the whole twentieth century .
One epistemological stakes of this war is, according to the author, the creation of a "full sustainable development" which would combine systemically economic, social and ecological . The Ultimate University is an offshoot of the Club of Budapest who has a history in this area because it has not only been 30 years since the diagnosis of the current crisis but it has mostly "placed this analysis in a systematic and comprehensive. "
Review and reflection on the future of the University Ultimate. Michel Saloff-Coste
"... The essential question that arises today is the general direction of the University in coming years Ultimate. That's a question I had to deal with many of you on multiple occasions and from different angles. Here I would structure the whole work in this field in order to clarify the debate and we can enrich the collective intelligence. The paper the two years ended with an opening at the future which was a first attempt to clarify a number of points already discussed:
" The Future of the University Ultimate is today ' Today in debate. Different suites take shape, and their achievement will depend on the motivations of each other and how we can meet for project development.
A track being explored is to develop workshops and seminars for practicing for reclaiming the integral approach in daily life .
A second solution investigate topics of fundamental research to shed new light on some theoretical aspects. A third runway
aims to forge links with other research centers and teaching using the integral approach worldwide.
A fourth runway is the question of accessibility and dissemination of the integral approach to a larger number.
A fifth track is a work of comparison ( benchmarking) of best international practices of the systemic and integrated approach to sustainable development applied. "These five
tracks are not exclusive of each other. They are, rather, complementary, but each is very ambitious and calls for the establishment of a team particularly interested in deepening it. It would be interesting to know the affinities of each other and the degree of commitment to each one.
A set of thematic
Furthermore, a set of themes appear more or less inevitable, and merit further elaboration. I made a list that can serve as a basis for our thinking and should be ordered:
1) Health and Wellness Full - 2) Exchange, economy and currency - 3) Businesses and Integral organizations - 4) Council and coaching full - 5) Science, art and spirituality integral - 6) Peoples first and integral vision - 7) The Kosmos a comprehensive vision and possible extra-terrestrial life and supra-human - 8) Integral Technologies - 9) full games - 10) Town planning, architecture and decoration full - 11) Full Cinema - 12) The novel full - 13) The family full - 14) relationship to another, the couple, sexuality full - 15) Fashion & Apparel Full - 16) The full policy - 17) Yoga, meditation and personal development Full - 18) history, evolution and value systems of a full view
This list is not exhaustive and it is interesting to supplement even though obviously it will take us years to treat all these subjects. In addition, a number of days inaugural are inherently likely to be renewed every year or every two years: the first day on the integral approach in general can lead an annual Introduction Day for beginners example. This is also true for the subject "How to integrate integral approach? . The other four thematic education, crisis, sustainable development, and civilizations of the future, could give rise to periodic updates, eg every two years.
It would also be interesting to spend whole days deepening of an author, a concept or example of a place who scored particularly the development of the integral approach.
The integral approach is by definition interdisciplinary, thematic idea abound. It is all the more necessary, given our resources and our limited time, define a research center that allows us , beyond the cultural zapping (necessary to explore different facets of the problem drive), to focus on a few topics where we would be likely to provide new insights.
Sustainability full
A proposal is to deepen the problem more specifically the "full sustainable development." Several considerations make us converge on this particular idea. Historically, the diagnosis made by the Club of Rome and thorough and repeated several times in different books Ervin Laszlo brings so imperative the issue of sustainable development. Sustainable development issues have become in recent years, inevitable subjects widely shared by civil society.
Repeat constantly the diagnosis of impending catastrophe is not of great value. By cons, "sustainable development" as it is now considered by businesses, politicians, and most NGOs is a relatively superficial vision, and often involved an attempt at greenwashing supplying a new single thought, one-dimensional and fake.
Deepening the theme of sustainable development we would attract full attention to what is perhaps the real value Club of Budapest and the University Ultimate: questioning patterns mechanistic thinking and the necessary emergence of a new culture and systemic full and therefore a new civilization based on new approach to science, art and spirituality.
The forces
This leads me to share with you some thoughts on the news the past two years. It must measure the forces present . A large majority of citizens, including at the highest level decisions, remain locked in denial systemic crisis , economic, social and ecological facing us. They are convinced that the current system can be perpetrated with some adjustments at the margin. The Stern is a particular remarkable attempt to adapt the existing system to the current challenge.
A minority, however, is now fully convinced of the need a major transformation and a paradigm shift . Edgar Morin, Joseph Stiglitz , Ervin Laszlo, Thierry Gaudin, are good examples of people who make this diagnosis. However, we must acknowledge that they are generally understood by most difficult and, in some ways, rejected and marginalized.
Much energy is invested in this debate that features all forms of resistance to change and fighting underlying deeper which are primarily epistemological: transition from one mode of thought to a mechanistic and scientistic thinking systemically and full. This epistemological war underlies many debates that run through the whole twentieth century. We are already in 2010, and if the crisis has thrown fuel on the fire of this debate, the divisions are more present than ever.
The "new civilization"
In this context it is interesting to analyze the different policy proposals in terms of sustainable development: the right remains committed to the economic stimulus the left the Keynesian stimulus by the social and Ecology Europe puts the focus on different specific environmental measures.
All are enclosed in a mechanistic view of the problem and partial, and not just arrive think a real sustainable development that would combine in a systemic economic, social and ecological . To a large extent this is due to their historical roots and monolithic dimensional vision and archaic to right the economy, to the left of the social and the environmental ecology.
Europe-Ecologie , through speeches they made at the Arch of La Défense Saturday, February 13, 2010 is the party that without a doubt the most in-depth analysis of the current crisis . See in this regard the economic and social analysis of the former president of the World Bank and Nobel Prize, Joseph Stiglitz. My analysis converge with his analysis. However, even if incantatory appeal to build a new civilization on a new basis this new civilization and these new bases are still poorly designed and would not appear in the proposals for Europe-Ecology as a political party. Until a
clear vision, operational and pragmatic "new civilization" called all their wishes by Edgar Morin, Ervin Laszlo and Thierry Gaudin is not explained, it seems to me that we continue to lose many energy in fighting a rearguard action which ultimately precipitated in despair most of humanity which, above all, feeling that his future was darkened, still a little more.
A historical legitimacy
Building a detailed picture of the civilization of the future and what a truly sustainable development seems to be full of very special mission to which we must address ourselves. The Club of Budapest Global has a history in this area because it is the only international NGO to have for 30 years, not only did the diagnosis remarkable manner the crisis we are experiencing, but above have placed this analysis in a systemic and integral , which is very special and unique.
Psychology has shown ( Elisabeth Kübler-Ross ) that face any ad that overwhelms us, we all go through four phases: 1) Denial, 2) Acceptance , 3 ) Exploration, 4) reconstruction. Much energy is always lost in the intermediate phase between denial and acceptance . The inner struggle is sometimes so strong that it consumes all the energy vital and makes impossible the revival. This is the danger of this intermediate phase.
The strength of a positive and constructive is what allows individuals and groups through this transition easier. It seems essential today to build brick could give new hope to mankind . "
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