For Ultimate University is also a database videos for all those wishing to view them on the canvas a number of conferences held since the beginning of its activities. Finally, it is a network of people interested in developing a full view and can connect either through a social network dedicated or through Facebook.
Carine Dartiguepeyrou and Michel Saloff Coste realized with the help of Michel Nguyen The a retrospective review of the first two years of the University Ultimate. This two-page document in French has been the basis for an article by Michel Nguyen The in French for Blog University Full and English for the journal Integral Leadership Review who echoed these activities.
These items are used to measure the magnitude of the issues explored in two years and the novelty of the themes discussed and the pedagogy applied. At retrospective review of these first two years, 2008 and 2009, conducted by facilitators from the University Ultimate, we ourselves be added to complete the program four days that took place in 2010. This is to have a comprehensive view of creative thinking involved in Ultimate University for three years.
February 28, 2008. What is the integral approach?
"On this day, we explained what we mean by the integral approach. For this we have referred and we used the three major types of inputs used in any encyclopedic work. We firstly attention on concepts and notions that seem to structure the integral approach. Second, we appointed a number of authors recognized for have made essential to the integral approach. Thirdly we have established a list of places emblematic where the integral approach for a century has developed a unique way.
During this first day we affirmed our commitment to build the Ultimate University in Paris on the basis of a logical international, open to all currents of the systems approach and comprehensive in their epistemological diversity . "
Speakers: Eric Allodi , Etienne Avronsart, Carine Dartiguepeyrou Bruno Marion Marion Peterson, Eric de Rochefort, Michel Saloff Coste, Brian Van Der Horst.
October 16, 2008. How to integrate fully the thought?
"During the second day, we focused our attention on the central issue of coherence between thought and action. The day was built around testimony singular personalities who explained how they discovered the integral approach, how they have applied and how they have developed through meaningful actions and creations. "
Speakers: Eric Allodi, Thierry Gaudin, Ervin Laszlo, Chris Peytier Michel Saloff-Coste, Brian Van Der Horst, Robin Wood.
January 13, 2009. How to rethink the way we think?
"The third day was the theme education. What are the characteristics of a" Good, Beautiful, True "full education? Opening and understanding of other cultures from within. Respect singularity of each and its otherness. Mental and Physical Education, but also education of the heart and mind through sports, science, art, philosophy and spirituality. Critical ability to "meta analysis" that the analytical approach is implemented. "
Speakers: Stephen Avronsart Diane Baran, Robert Branch, Justine Caulliez, Delphine Charvolin Henri Conze, Carine Dartiguepeyrou Marc Fleuriet, Bénédicte Fumey, Marine Goodmorning, Alain Gourhant Caroline Guidetti, Sophie Laleman, Martine Laval, Solen Penchèvre Chris Peytier, Cecile Priou Michel Saloff Coste, André Staropoli, Antonella Verdiani.
March 10, 2009. How to respond in a positive, lasting and comprehensive the systemic crisis today?
"The fourth day was the theme of the crisis. What are the main characteristics of the systemic crisis in its contemporary dimensions, economic, social and ecological? How this crisis is different from earlier diagnosis and what to do? The answers in the world today and in France they are relevant, appropriate and sufficient? "can be found here the full program of the day.
Speakers: Jean-Eric Aubert, Etienne Avronsart, Carine Dartiguepeyrou, Thierry Gaudin, Sophie Laleman, Bruno Marion, Edgar Morin, Michel Saloff Coste, Gerard Schoun Patrick Viveret, Robin Wood.
June 23, 2009. integral ecology and sustainable societies: how to move from vision to action?
"The fifth day was the theme sustainable development. Today, time is not only the balance sheets. Early initiatives such as Limits to Growth, Meadows ( 1973), Manifesto Club Budapest for a global consciousness (1980) and more recently Declaration of a state of emergency Ervin Laszlo (2009) we give an international overview and summary of facts and diagnoses that can be done on sustainability throughout the world.
The issue is now out of our contradictions to deploy a reform our ways of thinking and living. is well with this ambition that we have put this fifth day of the University Ultimate: put man at the heart of the living and identify avenues of congruence between vision and action to accelerate the transformation of our societies towards sustainability.
We sought in particular to address the following questions: Why sustainable development as defined by international authorities (environmental, social and economic), confronts us does our contradictions? How to arbitrate priorities between ecology, economy and society? What are the ways of governance to implement sustainability? How living can inspire our worldview? How rethink and organize our agriculture? What are the key elements of a sustainable vision? How to act in an environmentally and integral to daily life? What is the integral ecology? "can be found here detailed program of the day.
Speakers: Stephen Avronsart, Amanda Bartholomew, Tapas Bhatt, Gauthier Chapelle, Carine Dartiguepeyrou Philippe Desbrosses, Bénédicte Fumey, Caroline Gervais, The Yolanda Bigne, Karim Lapp, Elisabeth Laville, Michel Saloff Coste.
Saturday, October 24, 2009. Civilizations of the future and the future of civilizations?
"We are in a period of economic transformation, social and ecological. It becomes important to develop ways to survive in the short term, while also building a sustainable future and invest for the long term. How to civilize the future? What would the possible future of civilizations? What new approaches to economic, social and ecological illustrate the civilizations of the future? How civilize the future to make it exciting and restore confidence in humanity's destiny? What look like a civilization that responds to current issues through innovative solutions? New initiatives, sometimes under new paradigms appear everywhere across multiple initiatives and experiments: how explicit and catalyze? Can be found here detailed program of the day. "
Speakers: Stephen Avronsart, Anne Betancourt, Carine Dartiguepeyrou, Jean-Baptiste de Foucault, Bénédicte Fumey, Thierry Gaudin, Sophie Laleman, Jacques Lesourne, Bruno Marion Michel Saloff Coste, Jean Staune.
Saturday, January 23, 2010. Ecovie, Ecoville, Ecovillage .
"How to develop urban and rural lifestyle an ecological ? How imagine a new sociality that is inclusive and connected meaningful ? How involve personal development and social transformation ? How to act at all scales of land greater than the smallest proximity?
This day will give us the keys to drive change in an active way: creative, practical and enthusiastic! The various operations and our trade will be an opportunity to reflect and experiment together how we can use the full thinking at the individual and collective transformation of our inner and outer frames de références. On trouvera ici le programme détaillé de cette journée."
Intervenant : Carine Dartiguepeyrou, Michel Saloff-Coste, Bruno Marion, Esther Dubois, Bénédicte Fumey, Etienne Avronsart, Pierre Dommergue et Marie Francoise Guyonaud, Anne de Béthencourt, Philippe Desbrosses, Robert Lion, Pascale d'Erm, Jean-Yves Fromonot, Véronique Bouthegourd, Brian Van Der Horst.
Mardi 20 avril 2010. Asie et Occident : vers une culture intégrale ?
"Au travers de la comparaison, de la confrontation et de l’intégration des points communs and differences between Asian and Western cultures, we will explore together how the meeting of Asia and the West enables us to decipher and understand the great changes taking place? We teach the spiritual and philosophical cultures Asian and Western? How to integrate all this knowledge into our daily lives? Asia, West: the harmony of the civilization of the future? "We find here detailed program of the day.
Speakers: Michel Saloff Coste Bruno Marion, Stephen Avronsart, Coriam Pierre Pyronnet Denis Marquet, Charlotte Silguy, John Larroquette, Danya Quing, Jean Staune, Floriana Pagliano
Wednesday, June 16, 2010. Prospective a changing world
"A special day organized by the Club of Budapest and the entire University to celebrate the release of the anthology Prospective a changing world (eds Carine Dartiguepeyrou) which have notably contributed Ervin Laszlo , Edgar Morin and Matthieu Ricard .
Explaining the major global changes we live? What is the nature of this transformation and how does it impact our political, economic and social? How to build a sustainable development beyond the debate on growth and decay? Is this a "turn " or "metamorphosis " leading us towards a new civilization ?
The challenge of our companies is to achieve identify creative strategies that combine vision and action to build a better future, closer to the men and life. This day will focus on the elements of diagnosis and solutions. " Can be found here detailed program of the day.
Speakers: Jean-Baptiste de Foucauld, Thierry Gaudin, Ervin Laszlo, Tristan Leconte, Bruno Marion, Michel Saloff Coste, Jean Staune, Antonella Verdiani
On 17 November 2010. A comprehensive approach to health.
It seems that videos of that day are not yet online.
"Since 1986, the Ottawa Charter , the health of the population becomes a collective responsibility. It seems essential in these times of societal change, that our approach to health is changing. Consider in their entirety is an invitation to paraphrase Einstein, " formulate a new way of thinking, necessary for humanity to survive and reach a higher plane of consciousness . "We want to evoke
be living in an integral approach, through its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, in constant interaction . The ecological dimension will be discussed with the influence of our environment on our well-being. How, for a better understanding of the effects on the body, of food, clean air and water, the rhythms and ways of life, can we create the foundation for good health? Art and creativity, which we set in motion, will have a place in this day of meeting and sharing.
We will also new therapeutic approaches for Health tomorrow, with a different perspective on the disease, our potential, our inner qualities, the relationship to the patient and the need to rethink a system of care more comprehensive and more empowering. "can be found here detailed program of this day.
Next Day 2011
February 19, 2011: The Company and economy integrals
June 6, 2011: The Company and policy integrals
These events take place at the Forum 104 , 104 rue de Vaugirard, 75006 Paris. Details will be posted shortly on the website of the Club of Budapest France.
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