Seminar diagrammatic thinking
Saturday, January 29, 2011
University Paris 8, Room D143 (Building D)
Seminar of Gilles Châtelet
will be discussed during this day of advanced diagrammatic thinking that helped to operate in various disciplines.
Morning 9:30 to 11:00
Philippe Roy, Thinking Diagrammatically is contemplating living with what is found
My response is to comment on the sentence after the book I dedicated to Gilles Châtelet. I will report on its philosophical consistency and I will test in the field of physico-mathematical but also of politics I'm working on now.
11:00 to 12:30
Alexis Meier, The diagram in the architecture of Peter Eisenman
Franck Jedrzejewski, the node noeuf: On a sketch of Gilles Châtelet
theory and knots interlacing occupies in the thought of Gilles Châtelet a key role. The sketch just released Charles Alunni Paoletti and Catherine in The Enchantment of the virtual (Les Presses de l'Ecole) deserves more than a long comment. On the one hand because one finds the main themes of the philosopher diagrams and schemes allusive in physico-mathematical contemporary metaphor of the orchestra- centers of indifference and ambiguity nodes. But also other areas because of grammaticality, the layout flows, subjugation and resistance forces are at stake diagrammatic mathematical figures which compose the four axes of the quadrilateral epistemic which are: virtuality, functoriality, universality and duality. These concepts are related to each other and mark the two major discontinuities in the episteme of Physics and Mathematics of the second half of the twentieth century: those who inaugurate the turn diagrammatic physics and mathematics to those who give the power of machinery based solely on the movements of objects and arrows. In the example of this sketch, the operation of the quadrilateral partially unravels the skein and has the power to bring forth the scope of noeuf.
Noelle Batt, From "diagrammatisation" the artistic sense
In continuation of work undertaken on the concept of pattern in Issue 22 of TLE (PUV, 2004) firstly then in the article: "Diagrammatic Thinking in Literature and Mathematics" ( EJES , vol. 11, No. 3, 2007), I would like to continue my reflection on the operations of thought brought into play by the activity of "diagrammatisation" the artistic sense, the interaction of the work of the author and reader, as well as the potential of this activity to theorize the relationship between the "aesthetic composition" and the "technical composition plan" (Deleuze and Guattari, What is philosophy? ) in connection with notions of fiction, device, and empathetic reading.
Site Gilles Châtelet group:

Gilles Châtelet Charles Alunni, Catherine Paoletti
Released: 27/11/2010
Publisher: Rue d'Ulm
312 pages
"The Enchantment of the virtual is a collection of previously unpublished or become unavailable. Extend Issues in Mobile. Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy (Le Seuil, 1993), he questions the physics and philosophy of the twentieth century and sheds new light on a singular work. Thinker individuation and the magnification of freedoms human, but also the theoretician of the virtual diagram, Gilles Châtelet shows the relationship between algebra and geometry, between mathematics and reality physical connection between the operations of a finite being and self-manifestation of nature.
be found in this book echoes of the debate with major contemporary figures: Alain Badiou, Gilles Deleuze, Roger Penrose and René Thom, and his latest manuscript. "
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