Knowledge and Co-birth
In the period of change which we live, the decline of institutions is synchronous with the emergence of new forms of thought and sensibility for a humanity living in the changing world and a globalized information society. Education must be transformed into depth to enable young people to develop their personality developing the creative faculties which are essential to evolve in this new context of both global and interconnected.
education must break with the exclusive worship of abstract knowledge, profoundly lethal when it leads to the vision of a subject reified in a mechanized world founded on a culture of domination and a society reduced to market relations. A widening gap between consciousness before, which is the market, and today who knows . A DC current is that of a information society based on constant movement and communication and creating a permanent swap-specific interaction and interconnection.
When, according to Eric Schmidt, Google CEO , the world today produces as much data in two days between the dawn of civilization and 2003, he became absolutely impossible to think of today ' Today as yesterday. If new models is emerging is that the experience in this new world gradually moving away from what we lived before, when our interconnected global village still resembled a vast world with mysterious backgrounds. It is also not a coincidence that Ken Wilber , a leading proponent of the new models is one of the authors most pirated on the Internet.
The awakening of this new consciousness is the cause and consequence of the development of a sensitive intelligence to own the real co- birth. Deeply initiation, irreducible to any information whatsoever, this co-birth is the cause of individuation process through which the subject creates and develops in a living and evolving by integrating elements of its natural environment, social and cultural. As its name suggests, the integral education should facilitate the emergence and development of this process of integration based on the creator .
Replace tool in its place.
According Einstein: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift . "Modern education has put a whole in the service of the servant, the rational mind, denying the link that binds living and organic intuition sensitivity to diverse environments in which it operates.
Just as the rational mind s is placed at the service of selfish and predatory instincts, themselves zealous servants of infantile fantasies of omnipotence. Those of an individual, enclosed in a bubble narcissistic, disconnected from its internal wealth and deflected its evolutionary process, creator of individuation.
Education has forgotten the gift - in every sense - one who, in the heart of co-born, naturally born of an epistemology of the sensitive relationship. And that is why education must include full reinvent pedagogy of the gift based on an epistemology of the relationship.
Develop sensitive intelligence is to create bridges between left brain and right brain, between abstract forms of epistemology and rational concrete forms of epistemology relational . Is to understand the function of an instrumental thinking that the objective world of sense and cut into pieces to seamlessly manage the resources of an environment that is - when the servant usurps the place of the master - an environment to operate.
But beware, any tool, if not stored in its place, can be very dangerous. In this case, it can upset consciousness by reversing the ends and means . The sensitive intelligence to the tool gives the rational mind the place that is hers, serving a gift inspired by the creative movement of life, of emotion and spirit.
The poetic sensibility
Develop sensitive intelligence is to find a poetic sensibility that is not reducible to a simple aesthetic expression, not a frivolous pastime of idle minds, with which 'identify a culture too often abstract. This sensitivity arises from a poetic involvement vital, emotional and creative subjectivity in the middle of development.
The power efficiency is a cognitive faculty visionary who participates inside the creative dynamics of subjectivity : one that allows him to perceive, beyond the apparent disorder of the phenomena, their meaning, the symbolic order in which they are the manifestation and their connections to within a total organic evolution. In
era designers , Raoul Vaneigem writes: "Poetry is Science future." On the air of a paradox, this point is fundamental. Poetic sensibility perceives the sensitive relationships between the world of interiority and the forms in which it is pro-throws. It reveals the harmonic and symbolic continuity between the consciousness of subject and object of attention. The word "poetry" comes from the Greek ποιεῖν ( poiein ) which means creating making . The inspiration of the poet, the archetype of the creator, reveals the formal mediation between subjective life and its environment changes.
Poetry presents the objective world in its true place is a world of appearance, that is to say that it appears to the subjectivity of a living conscience and sensitive itself intersubjective network connected to a human community. The hegemonic rule of objectivity happens when instrumental thinking abstractly trying to purify the world of appearances, by evacuating the sensitivity that makes it happen.
The evacuation process begins by minimizing the vital role of sensitivity, reducing it to a trace of an archaic mentality and an animal instinct that must be overcome at all costs, then under the demonizing forms of irrationality and the mad house, and finally, by denying its existence altogether. This process blackout of life and sensitivity is behind what the philosopher Michel Henry appoint, in a wonderful book: The Barbary .
Interpretation and creation
The origin of modern science, instrumental reason creates distinctions logical and numerical relationships needed for modeling the intellectual world of objective appearances. Science of the future as it is the key to gnosis immemorial, poetic intuition can find, beyond these distinctions mental connections and symbolic mediations that bind the life force and creative forms of visible matter in which it is pro-throws.
The poetic sensibility is punctuated by two stages of interpretation and creativity that are the inspiration and expiration of breath is the Spirit:
time interpretation is where intuition that reveals the symbolic meaning of appearances. Deeply poetic, traditional hermeneutics interprets each phenomenon as symbolic and significant expression of the overall context where it appears.
time of creation is where the creative force of subjectivity expresses its intent through a form, and this , to induce the experience of a revelation aesthetic or cognitive. In traditional art, the aesthetic form épiphanise so ritual, a spiritual force.
poetic intuition
poetic intuition is the beating heart of the sensitive intelligence. It was she who, through the organic thought traditions, has long guided the species in its evolution path. She, too, which allows get to the point by interpreting the hidden meaning of appearances .
it is still allowing individual subjectivity involved intimately with a set natural, social and cultural which she feels the interpreter. She finally invented forms that aesthetic and conceptual able to translate and to symbolize a global context that the intelligence and analytical linear unable to grasp its dynamics and in its entirety.
sensitive intelligence returned to upright the relationship between intuition and reason, reversed in late modernity where instrumental reason, become hegemonic, denies the cognitive power of intuition. Yet, far from unique to this obscurantism modernist abstraction, poetic intuition, we have seen, has a potential cognitive recognized and developed by all pre-modern traditions. This potential is part of a relational epistemology that is both unique and complementary to the dominant epistemology sound today ... and domineering.
(To be continued ...)