Monday, January 31, 2011

Alberta Dental Rates 2010

Integral Education (1) "Poetry is the Future of Science "The era of

Following the last post about sensitive intelligence, which is at the heart of culture in toto, and the diagnosis of Raoul Vaneigem about the impotence of the school to take this into account, here are some thoughts on what we mean by holistic education .

Knowledge and Co-birth

In the period of change which we live, the decline of institutions is synchronous with the emergence of new forms of thought and sensibility for a humanity living in the changing world and a globalized information society. Education must be transformed into depth to enable young people to develop their personality developing the creative faculties which are essential to evolve in this new context of both global and interconnected.

education must break with the exclusive worship of abstract knowledge, profoundly lethal when it leads to the vision of a subject reified in a mechanized world founded on a culture of domination and a society reduced to market relations. A widening gap between consciousness before, which is the market, and today who knows . A DC current is that of a information society based on constant movement and communication and creating a permanent swap-specific interaction and interconnection.

When, according to Eric Schmidt, Google CEO , the world today produces as much data in two days between the dawn of civilization and 2003, he became absolutely impossible to think of today ' Today as yesterday. If new models is emerging is that the experience in this new world gradually moving away from what we lived before, when our interconnected global village still resembled a vast world with mysterious backgrounds. It is also not a coincidence that Ken Wilber , a leading proponent of the new models is one of the authors most pirated on the Internet.

The awakening of this new consciousness is the cause and consequence of the development of a sensitive intelligence to own the real co- birth. Deeply initiation, irreducible to any information whatsoever, this co-birth is the cause of individuation process through which the subject creates and develops in a living and evolving by integrating elements of its natural environment, social and cultural. As its name suggests, the integral education should facilitate the emergence and development of this process of integration based on the creator .

Replace tool in its place.

According Einstein: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift . "Modern education has put a whole in the service of the servant, the rational mind, denying the link that binds living and organic intuition sensitivity to diverse environments in which it operates.
Just as the rational mind s is placed at the service of selfish and predatory instincts, themselves zealous servants of infantile fantasies of omnipotence. Those of an individual, enclosed in a bubble narcissistic, disconnected from its internal wealth and deflected its evolutionary process, creator of individuation.

Education has forgotten the gift - in every sense - one who, in the heart of co-born, naturally born of an epistemology of the sensitive relationship. And that is why education must include full reinvent pedagogy of the gift based on an epistemology of the relationship.

Develop sensitive intelligence is to create bridges between left brain and right brain, between abstract forms of epistemology and rational concrete forms of epistemology relational . Is to understand the function of an instrumental thinking that the objective world of sense and cut into pieces to seamlessly manage the resources of an environment that is - when the servant usurps the place of the master - an environment to operate.

But beware, any tool, if not stored in its place, can be very dangerous. In this case, it can upset consciousness by reversing the ends and means . The sensitive intelligence to the tool gives the rational mind the place that is hers, serving a gift inspired by the creative movement of life, of emotion and spirit.

The poetic sensibility

Develop sensitive intelligence is to find a poetic sensibility that is not reducible to a simple aesthetic expression, not a frivolous pastime of idle minds, with which 'identify a culture too often abstract. This sensitivity arises from a poetic involvement vital, emotional and creative subjectivity in the middle of development.

The power efficiency is a cognitive faculty visionary who participates inside the creative dynamics of subjectivity : one that allows him to perceive, beyond the apparent disorder of the phenomena, their meaning, the symbolic order in which they are the manifestation and their connections to within a total organic evolution. In

era designers , Raoul Vaneigem writes: "Poetry is Science future." On the air of a paradox, this point is fundamental. Poetic sensibility perceives the sensitive relationships between the world of interiority and the forms in which it is pro-throws. It reveals the harmonic and symbolic continuity between the consciousness of subject and object of attention. The word "poetry" comes from the Greek ποιεῖν ( poiein ) which means creating making . The inspiration of the poet, the archetype of the creator, reveals the formal mediation between subjective life and its environment changes.

Poetry presents the objective world in its true place is a world of appearance, that is to say that it appears to the subjectivity of a living conscience and sensitive itself intersubjective network connected to a human community. The hegemonic rule of objectivity happens when instrumental thinking abstractly trying to purify the world of appearances, by evacuating the sensitivity that makes it happen.

The evacuation process begins by minimizing the vital role of sensitivity, reducing it to a trace of an archaic mentality and an animal instinct that must be overcome at all costs, then under the demonizing forms of irrationality and the mad house, and finally, by denying its existence altogether. This process blackout of life and sensitivity is behind what the philosopher Michel Henry appoint, in a wonderful book: The Barbary .

Interpretation and creation

The origin of modern science, instrumental reason creates distinctions logical and numerical relationships needed for modeling the intellectual world of objective appearances. Science of the future as it is the key to gnosis immemorial, poetic intuition can find, beyond these distinctions mental connections and symbolic mediations that bind the life force and creative forms of visible matter in which it is pro-throws.

The poetic sensibility is punctuated by two stages of interpretation and creativity that are the inspiration and expiration of breath is the Spirit:

time interpretation is where intuition that reveals the symbolic meaning of appearances. Deeply poetic, traditional hermeneutics interprets each phenomenon as symbolic and significant expression of the overall context where it appears.

time of creation is where the creative force of subjectivity expresses its intent through a form, and this , to induce the experience of a revelation aesthetic or cognitive. In traditional art, the aesthetic form épiphanise so ritual, a spiritual force.

poetic intuition
poetic intuition is the beating heart of the sensitive intelligence. It was she who, through the organic thought traditions, has long guided the species in its evolution path. She, too, which allows get to the point by interpreting the hidden meaning of appearances .
it is still allowing individual subjectivity involved intimately with a set natural, social and cultural which she feels the interpreter. She finally invented forms that aesthetic and conceptual able to translate and to symbolize a global context that the intelligence and analytical linear unable to grasp its dynamics and in its entirety.

sensitive intelligence returned to upright the relationship between intuition and reason, reversed in late modernity where instrumental reason, become hegemonic, denies the cognitive power of intuition. Yet, far from unique to this obscurantism modernist abstraction, poetic intuition, we have seen, has a potential cognitive recognized and developed by all pre-modern traditions. This potential is part of a relational epistemology that is both unique and complementary to the dominant epistemology sound today ... and domineering.

(To be continued ...)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Best Blackwork Tattoo Artist

Václav Havel, Adam Michnik ... are sounding the alarm
Hungary: An anti-Semitic campaign backed by the pro-government media attack five intellectuals / monde/01012314982-hongrie-orb-n-cible-les-philosophes

"[...] The daily Magyar Nemzet, close to the government, is the voice of a witch hunt against the great Hungarian philosopher Agnes Heller, a leading figure of dissent, and four of his fellow cons [...] "Why do they attack me, me? Because I talked about the danger of the new media law, the push from democratic institutions and dictatorial tendencies of Viktor Orbán, "said Agnes Heller, a professor emeritus at the New School University in New York and the University of Budapest. Most of these intellectuals appointed to public scrutiny is of Jewish origin, and the campaign plays on the old cliches of anti-Semitism. Magyar Nemzet can talk about "tribal hatred in these people's minds" and "band to Heller, who has" pocketed a half billion pounds to translate from Hungarian to the Hungarian " (In fact, a new translation of Plato). Coded references to alleged Jewish greed perfectly clear to the reader Hungarian.
"This anti-intellectualism and the latent anti-Semitism," growls Gabor Gulyas, conservative philosopher and director of the Museum of Modern Art in the city of Debrecen (eastern). For the first time a human right, to be close Fidesz, reacts. [...]
The campaign against these philosophers' evokes the darkest period of communism and recalls the lawsuits launched by Stalin against the conspiracy of Jewish doctors, "said the weekly Hetek. Agnes Heller, who filed a complaint for libel, these attacks have an air of deja vu: "In 1973, power had launched a similar campaign against me: they said that I was no longer worthy of research. My husband was arrested and we were charged with currency smuggling. Today, as I am accused of economic crimes, without any basis [...] dragging our name through the mud, "says one who was the chief disciple of Georg Lukacs.
In an appeal to European parliamentarians, members of the Commission and to all governments of Twenty-Seven, former opponents of communism as Václav Havel, Petr Uhl, Arpad Goncz, Miklos Haraszti, György Konrad, Adam Michnik, many of whom spent years in prison, are sounding the alarm (see the site "What the Union EU wanted to prevent, and what many thought impossible, is flesh: an illiberal democracy is being born inside the borders of Europe. [...] If fundamental rights are violated in a country, it demeans all Europeans. "

Friday, January 28, 2011

Birthday Wishes To Our 18 Year Old Son

Designers (4) The sensitive intelligence

This post is a continuation of Era Creators ( 1) (2 ) and (3 ).

" Give the child a high priority to sensitive intelligence to an approach where the living is revealed as a movement of creation ... I guess no other educational project than to create in love and knowledge of life ... We do not want a school where one learns to survive in unlearning to live. " Raoul Vaneigem

The era of creators, that of man reconciled with the life that animates life and reconciled with the spirit that inspires it, is the era of comprehensive education whose priority is the development of a sensitive intelligence that gives " capacity to recreate, recreating the world . This sensitive intelligence, we attempted to sketch the contours ( here, there and elsewhere ...) is at the heart of a new worldview that comes from the integration between two forms of epistemology: modern and rational one hand, traditional relational other.

sensitive intelligence is the cause and the effect of an integral consciousness. Consciousness becomes full when abstract forms - logical, distinctive and conceptual - of rational reflection organically blend with concrete forms - aesthetic, spiritual and symbolic - of the relational sensibility . We invoke here recently that sensitive intelligence in reference to this article World evoking " The urgency to defend a href through a poetic consciousness that gives thanks to the wonderful without falling into the rut of religion. "

Rethinking Education

But how to develop this sensitive intelligence specific to the era of creative in educational institutions in ruins, haunted by a deadly ideology that does not train individuals but formats to make them obedient and castrated - small disciplined soldiers of the economic war of everyone against everyone and workings of a small company market based on hysteria and hypnosis productivist consumerist - stifled in the bud creative vitality that is both the essence of childhood and adult inner wealth that will ?

father of four Raoul Vaneigem ask this question in his Warning schoolchildren and students distributed to more than eighty thousand copies since its release in 1995, if evidence is that this text is carrying a lucid and shared: "The business school has does not obey until day an overriding concern: to improve training techniques so that the animal be profitable?
No child crosses the threshold of a school without exposure to the risk of losing I mean losing this exuberant life, hungry for knowledge and wonder, it would be so exciting to eat, instead to sterilize and despair as the tedious work of abstract knowledge ... If teaching is received with reluctance and with reluctance, that knowledge is filtered through the curriculum bears the mark of an old wound: he was neutered of its original sensuality. World knowledge without awareness of the desires of life is dead
knowledge. "In these pages

aphoristic style, Raoul Vaneigem gives a cruel and crucial than deep inadequacy of our educational institution to the new zeitgeist " The world has changed in more than thirty years three miles ... However, intelligence remains fossilized, as powerless to perceive the change that takes place before our eyes ... " An abstract intelligence incapable of understanding the movement of life is that of evolution because it is trapped "this abstraction, whose etymology - abstrahere, pull out - said enough self exile, separation from life . "

Education is the marker of a civilization . It reflects the vision that we are doing humans. In a society of information, constantly evolving and growing complexity, it is extremely urgent rethink education so that the development of sensitive intelligence finally gives "the priority to living on the economy of survival .

Raoul Vaneigem. Warning to schoolchildren and students

... The world has changed more in thirty years than three miles . Never - in Western Europe at least - the sensitivity of children has so diverged from old habits of predators that made the human animal the fiercest and most destructive species on earth.

But intelligence remains fossilized, as powerless to perceive the change that takes place before our eyes. A mutation similar to the invention of the tool, which once produced the work of exploitation of nature and created a society of masters and slaves. A mutation that reveals the true specificity human: not the production of a survival subservient to the imperatives of a lucrative economy, but creating an environment conducive to a life more intense and rich.

Our educational system prides itself on account of having responded effectively to the demands of a patriarchal society once all-powerful; this detail about such glory is both repugnant and over.

What stands the patriarchal power, the tyranny of the father, the power of the male? On a hierarchical structure, the cult leader, the contempt for women, the devastation of the nation, rape and violence oppressive. This power, as history now abandoned in a advanced state of decay: in the European community, dictatorial regimes have disappeared, the army and the police saw on welfare, the state dissolves in water disorder cases and the paternal absolutism is a memory of horn.

You really cultivate stupidity with ministerial eloquence not to revoke the teaching field that the past still kneaded with the yeast of the dastardly tyranny, forced labor, military discipline and this abstraction, whose etymology - abstrahere, pull out - said enough self-exile, the separation from life.

She finally dying, the company which were entered alive than to learn to die. Life reasserts itself shyly as if for the first time in history, it drew an eternal spring instead of mortifying to an endless winter.

Odious yesterday, the school is more than ridiculous. She worked relentlessly as the workings of an order believed to be immutable. Its mechanical perfection broke exuberance, curiosity, generosity of adolescents in order to better integrate into the drawers of a cabinet that wear of working gradually changed into a coffin. The power of things outweighed the desire of human beings.

The logic of an economy thriving was unstoppable, like the gin hours of survival that sound consistent with the point of death. The power of prejudice, the force of inertia, the customary resignation so commonly practiced their grip on the citizenry that apart from some rebellious, independence-loving, most people found their account in the miserable hope of a social promotion and career guaranteed until the retreat.

was missing so no good reasons to engage the child in the right path of propriety, since rely blindly to the authority provided to the faculty recipient of the laurels ultimate prize: the certainty of employment and wages.

Educators `discoursed on school failure without worrying about where the scene was going on daily life, performed at every step in the anguish of merit and demerit, loss and profit, the honor and dishonor. An appalling banality reigned in the ideas and behavior: there was the strong and weak, rich and poor, clever and stupid, the lucky and the unfortunate.

course the prospect of having to spend his life in a factory or an office to earn money this month was not likely to excite dreams of happiness and harmony cherished childhood. It produced a chain of adult dissatisfied, frustrated after they had desired for more generous. Disappointed and educated by the lessons of bitterness, they were mostly other outlet for their resentment of absurd arguments, backed by the best of reasons. Clashes religious, political, ideological provided them an alibi for a Cause - as they said pompously - they hid it the dark violence of evil survival which they suffered.

So she went by their existence in the icy shadow of a life absent. But when air time is the plague, the plague is the law. If inhuman were the despotic principles that governed education and children learn the bloody vanities of adulthood - those Jean Vigo mocks in his film Zero for Conduct - they attended the consistency of a dominant, they responded to orders of a society that does recognize that other prime mover power and profit.

Now, if education insists on obedience to their ideology, the machine has got out of relevance: there is less and less to gain more and more wasted life to scrape the bottom of the barrel. The rule

unbearable financial interests on the desire to live no longer able to deceive. The clatter of everyday greed sounds absurdly as money devalues, a bankrupt common leveled state capitalism and private capitalism, and hurtle down the drain the past patriarchal values of the master and the slave, the ideologies of left and right, collectivism and liberalism, all that was built on rape of terrestrial nature and human nature in the name of the sacrosanct commodity.

A new style is emerging
that only hides the shadow of a colossus with feet of clay have already surrendered. The school remains confined in the cons-day old world collapses.

Should it be destroyed? Question doubly absurd.

First, because it is already destroyed. Less concerned by what they teach and study - and especially how to teach and learn - teachers and students busy they do not scuttle the old ship to keep teaching that is water everywhere?

Boredom begets violence, ugly buildings excites vandalism, modern buildings, cemented by the disregard of property developers, is basking, collapse, heating up, according to the programmed wear their shoddy materials .

Second, because the reflex annihilation is consistent with death of a company whose market exhausts the need gainful living beings and things, debases, pollutes, kills him.

Accentuate the decay does not benefit not just scavengers, real estate, the ideologues of fear and security, parties of hate, exclusion, ignorance, he gave assurances to the inertia that keeps changing clothes New and mask its invalidity under the reforms as spectacular ephemeral.

The school is at the center of an area of turbulence where the early years sink into the gloom, where the neurosis of the combined teacher and the student prints his movement to the balance of resignation and revolt, frustration and rage.

It is also the focus of a revival. She is pregnant consciousness that is central to our time: give priority to living on the economy of survival .

She holds the key to dreams in a society without dreams: the resolution to erase boredom in the luxuriance of a landscape where the desire to be happy banish the polluting plants, intensive agriculture, in all prisons types, pharmacies shady business, warehouses of adulterated products, and the chairs of political truths, bureaucratic, ecclesiastical calling to mechanize the mind and body to limp in condemning the inhuman.

Spurred by expectations of the Revolution, Saint-Just wrote: " Happiness is a new idea in Europe . "It took two centuries for the idea, yielding to desire, requires its individual and collective.

Now every child, every teenager, every adult is at the crossroads of a choice in a depleted world use up the logic of profit at any cost, or create his own life by creating a environment that ensures its completeness or harmony. For everyday existence can not be confused with the longer survival adaptive which have reduced men who produce the goods and are produced by it.

We do not want a school where one learns to survive by living unlearning. Most men have been spiritualized that animals are capable of promoting technology for their predatory interests but unable to refine the living humanely and to reach their own specific nature of man, woman, ' child.

After a frantic race to benefit the rats in overalls and three-piece suits are discovering that there remains a small portion of land they have eaten cheese on all sides. They or will progress in dieback, or make a change that will make them human.

It is time the memento vivere replaces memento mori knowledge that stamping grounds that nothing is ever won.

We have too long been persuaded that there was to expect the common fate that the decline and death. It is a vision of old premature to golden boys fell in the early senility because they preferred the money to children. These ghosts from the past this combination no longer hide the will to live that seeks us all the way to his sovereignty!

The new company begins begins learning a life
omnipresent. A life to perceive and understand in the mineral, vegetable, animal kingdoms which man is coming and it brings with it with such recklessness and contempt. But also a life based on creativity, not the work on authenticity, not on appearances; on the luxuriance of desires, not on the mechanisms of repression and emotional release. A life devoid of fear, coercion, guilt, the exchange, dependence. Because it combines inseparably awareness and enjoyment of oneself and the world.

A woman who has the misfortune to live in a country plagued by barbarism and obscurantism wrote: " In Algeria, it teaches the child to wash the dead, I want him to learn the gestures love. "Without going into much morbidity, our teaching has been too often, under its apparent elegance, a dead groom. He is now back down to the labels know the gestures of love: the key to knowledge and the key fields where the disease is offered without reserve.

That childhood is trapped in a school that killed the beautiful instead of exalting indicates how urgently enough in education is, it does not sink further into the barbarism of boredom, to create a world where it is permissible to wonder.

Beware, however, to expect aid or panacea some supreme savior. It would be futile, certainly give credit to a government, a political faction, bunch of people eager to support primarily the interests of their faltering; or more of the tribunes and thought leaders, media personalities multiplying their image combine the nullity of the mirror that reflects their daily lives. But it would mostly go back to saying that the beggar kneel in attended, below, while education should be aimed at autonomy, independence, self-creation, without which it does is no real support, real solidarity, of community oppression.

A society that has no answer to the misery that patronage, charity and the combined company is a mafia. Put the school under the sign of competitiveness is to encourage corruption, which is the legal business.

The only support worthy of a human being is that he needs to move on its own. If the school does not teach to fight for the will to power, it will condemn generations to resignation, servitude and revolt suicidal. It will turn into breath of death and barbarism that everyone has in itself more alive and more human.

I do not suppose other than educational project to create the love and knowledge of life. Apart from a truant when life is looking and endless - the art of love speculative mathematics - it Only boredom and the dead weight of the totalitarian past.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Multiplayer Tech Deck

era designers (3) A Heretic Prophet

Above photo of Raoul Vaneigem.

This post is the result of Era Creators ( 1) and (2 )

" We are the children of a devastated world, which show try to be reborn in a world created. Learn to be human is the only radical ... It was never ordered to do s'atteindre than seeking its identity in any religion, ideology, nationality, race, culture, tradition, a myth, an image. Identify with what one has in itself more alive, it only empowers. " Raoul Vaneigem

The voice of the prophets

The voice of the prophets sing - or scream, as appropriate - in the desert of indifference, contempt and misunderstanding until we are able to capture the echo, muffled by our habits of living, feeling and thought. Yet inspiration visionary designers always announces the advent of new times before they objectified in events that change the world.

For before appearing in the objective world, these events are emerging in what Henry Corbin - then, after him, his disciple, the anthropologist Gilbert Durand and disciple thereof, the sociologist Michel Maffesoli - called the imaginal world : that of an imaginary intersubjective, creative stories and myths through which the collective consciousness gives meaning to experience. Nothing happens that does not begin from this intersubjectivity that the subjectivity of vision is intimately connected by the organic movement - vital and creative - its sensitivity.

Raoul Vaneigem is a prophet in his own way - an atheist and libertarian - who has written skillfully and accurately describe, before many others, the perverse mechanisms of alienation peculiar to the society of spectacle and the urgent need to restore the creative movement of life a central place in our world and our experience of social organization. He carefully analyzed and expressed lyrically existential impasse which leads us to a market society and the way it operates on the debilitating consciousness.

This is probably not for anything other than Raoul Vaneigem is the author of three books on heresies: Resistance to Christianity , The Heresies and The movement of free spirit . This prophet of life is actually a heretic whose freethinking hustles the dogmas of this religion that is the modern economy - gathered around the holy trinity: profit, labor, consumer - as did the heretics of the past vis-à-vis the dominant dogmas of Christianity.

A radically new era

As and when they occur with the regularity of a metronome, the events are all examples validating the analysis and insights of this heretic. In a text written in the 90s where he presented his Treaty Savoir Vivre in paperback, Vaneigem writes: "The Treaty of etiquette for use by younger generations marks the emergence of a world in decline, a radically new era. During accelerated wins recently beings and things, its clarity is not allowed to grow. I want to be contrary to the will of individual autonomy sense, necessarily desperate to be in the throes of a universal conspiracy of hostile circumstances. The negative is the alibi of a resignation never to be se, does not enter his own rich life.

I preferred based on the desires lucidity, illuminating at each instant, the battle of life against death, most surely dismiss the logic of decline of the merchandise. The drop of profit from the exploitation and destruction of nature has determined, in the late nineteenth century, the development of a new neo-capitalism and ecological production methods. The cost of living not put more on his exhaustion but on its reconstruction.

The consciousness of life creating progress because the meaning of things contribute. Never desires, returned to their childhood, have disposed of each such power to break what the other hand, denies the reifies items in stores. It arrives today that no imagination had dared to support: the process of alchemy individual came to nothing less than the transmutation of history into inhuman achievement of human

We who want endless

Raoul Vaneigem continues the chronicle of this alchemical transmutation in a book published in 96 " Designed as a brief analysis and theses We who want endless critiqued in a declining market society and a vibrant society called to pass. Global capitalism is more than a parasitic system determining the existence of a bureaucracy where politics is the orders of a usurious practice. Any social organization and is threatened even in his controversy, seeking alternatives outside the operating economy, deteriorates with her.

However, if we want more of a civilization that has turned his hopes toward death, we do not want more of a society where life is seen through the perspective of profitability. How to prevent desires to become their opposites? How the negative strip is coated with a secular tradition? How do I know what you want and want what we know? The answer is in everyone from the moment it is important above all to revive what he has in him more alive
. "We

below the first - and uncertain Undaunted is the one who conquers chance - and the final text - which Children dispel the nightmare of the old world - in this book. More than a decade before the global crisis of capitalism, Vaneigem describes with precision the visionary end of a world ravaged by totalitarianism and the coming financial reclassified as a life.

Unfazed and uncertain is the one who wins the chance

We are in the world and ourselves at the intersection of two civilizations. One succeeds in breaking the bank by sterilizing the universe in its icy shadow, one discovers the first glimmers of a life reborn the new man, sensitive, and creative living, frail twig of an evolution where the 'economic man is no longer a dead branch.

Never despair of having to survive instead of living has reached in time and space and planetary existential extreme tension. Has never been as universally sensed the need to focus on living the totalitarianism of money and financial bureaucracy.

never finally as populations and particular beings have fallen prey to a confusion which mixed the most fearful of voluntary easements and quiet resolution to break under the onslaught of enjoyment of life and the imperatives merchants emmuraillent horizon.

For the first time in history is based a true international of mankind. It is built at the instigation of the woman, by the irresistible force of his emancipation. Decrees or statutes do not govern. He just this will to live that individual and collective of Chiapas to the Urals invent a humanity whose old world usurped the name to deny the quality.

Nothing matters more than to be aware because it is central to our lives.

It may seem vain to recall a few pages the ins and outs of a state of corruption that has plagued a few years what is being said, think and s'entreprend under various pretexts. I have not wanted to draw some light on the debate which it seemed that no one escaped: or die of rabies resigned from a company mired in trouble and inhumanity or take the pleasure of living and enter the throat whoever gets the name of the economy, our way.

If what I wrote, little has been heard, at least do nothing has been recovered by the world dominated by the reality of death and the shadow of an absent life. With some uncertainty, clumsiness or error which I'm found, I kept my resume at the beginning of a life restarted every day, at the very spot where a mutation occurs that our civilization has always declared moribund impossible.

I learn to want everything and nothing only waiting, guided only by the constancy of human being and consciousness of not being enough.

Children who dispel the nightmare of the old world

I lived in the dark ages, exalted me frail and distant gleams like the dawn that filtered out of the ordinary clarity of your life. Sleep imagination engendered monsters of reason . A cruel faculty of abstraction and the syllogisms toying with the numbers we are concealing the global arena where the cold calculation of interest decreed that were saved or slaughtered men, children, animals and trees. Blood splashing stock speculation speculators, large budgetary waters washed slaughterhouses of the world market. The pure spirit of business has always produced the vile brute, with the elegance of not touching it. However

winter so ardently dream of that spring is coming . In the scene that the money was building for the kingdom of death, your silhouette and light unreliable attracted to cemeteries outside of those who had ceased to take pleasure.

I was of those who foresaw your landscape, touching a sensitive approach and voluptuous, as they have the tenderness and abuse of bodies that look. As if there Framed imminent, the familiar you are finally known.

In the secret of going to others and yourself as the rain is going to land, you have discovered without fanning the mystery of the plant, animal, stone, children learn about where born men and women.

Browsing dancing or limping Parks of knowledge. You learn the charms of Orpheus. From a tiny spring the agreement wonders of adventure and the same and distinct beauty of the toad and the orchid.

the deep forest of desires, where everyone travels the maze that is invented by step, no dragon arises only has the power to appease those who, by mistake, fear or evil, has raised the risk. It is

nothing compared to the pleasure that is life itself . The genius of the human heart has led you to the unanimous body and the earth, where lies the power dies, the root regenerating its blood and its sap.

Why worry about another legacy of the single moment that gave birth to you and gives you the unique privilege of being unique and yet present everywhere where all life is reborn and multiply?

Science in you renewed dispenses without reservation or hesitation, the option, which will ignite the curiosity, the festival of inspiration, seasons and ages. Loving and beloved, what you should show it to you or guardian seeking protection? Just wander through the magnetic fields of life to learn the art of magnetism that attracts and repels people and things in the rhythm of time, and is undulate with the grace of a snake slowly traced the path in the interlacing of others and yourself.

Penetrated pleasure to exist, you're you and you are at all and nothing and no one you can enter and capture. The promises that life makes you, you keep them Wager, without accountability to anyone. What you try to live Point of desire, none other than you can take. You prance alone, the only armed force that provides weapons and armor, disdaining the companions of the dead corpses and sarcasm. Laughter Life consumes the coffins.

There is no reward because there is more than punishment. Only the best enjoyment determined to grow and ripen and toughen to defend themselves against what the obstacle and denies it.

Blessed is he who, beyond any sense of success or failure, without presumption or self-contempt, held Over the labyrinthine admitting the existence: thus have I wanted from my heart that it is.

Such things are only possible on earth.

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Say Congratulation To A Pregnant Woman

30 years of drawing workshop

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Japanese Teacher Student Skip

The Age of Designers (2) A Cultural Genealogy

The violence of a society is only stating that each inflicts violence to oneself by renouncing live. Raoul Vaneigem
This post is a continuation of the previous: Era Creators (1)
For Cyber Generation, the name of Raoul Vaneigem evoke probably not much. For older teens - a delicate euphemism avoids the word old, so unpleasant to the ears of the youth culture surrounding - those who belong to a generation who lived his adolescence and youth in the late sixties and during the seventies Raoul Vaneigem - just like Guy Debord - remain symbolic figures of situationist movement has largely inspired the student revolt of May 68. The World in , Nicolas Truong describes The Situationist International :

" Beyond art, subverting everyday life and enjoy unhindered live without downtime, making the revolution a celebration of the feast of a game and the existence of a construction situation. Insult and abuse the rebels false true Stalinist practice as an art scandal and knock out the glories of the radical installed, preventing the standards of popular culture in order to free the workers while focusing on workers' councils ...
For almost ten years, twelve issues of the Situationist International (1958-1969), written by a handful of insurgents, would subvert the old avant-gardes, provide some useful tools for the critique of consumer society ... The " show," this " social relation among people, mediated by images " which removes what was directly experienced in a performance, writes Guy Debord in Society of the Spectacle ( 1967), is one of the hallmarks of the movement ... "

The world is again

Raoul Vaneigem, he is the author of Treatise on the use of live young generations where a flamboyant style, both classical and operatic, serves critical thinking, both libertarian and revolutionary, punctuated by numerous literary references and philosophical. Vaneigem deconstructs the myths of the society of the spectacle in calling for a revolt of youth against the old world.

From the introduction of the Treaty, Vaneigem the tone of a radical thought: "What is lived in this book, I did not intend to make significant to readers who are about in good conscience to relive it. I expect it to be lost and is found in a general movement of mind, as I flatter myself that these conditions will disappear from human memory. The world is again: all his reconditioning specialists did not prevent . Of these, I do not want to understand better not to be understood ... "

A Marxist analysis of class struggle, and the Situationists Vaneigem add the bias of subjectivity and life:" Those who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and positive in the refusal of constraints , these have a corpse in the mouth . "
In this sense, there are the megaphone of an international movement which, from Mexico City to Prague, Berkeley in Japan via Germany and Italy, saw the energy of youth to stand up sclerosis cons of an old world from war and promised to collapse by the advent of consumer society: "The struggle of subjective and what corrupts it now expands the boundaries of the old struggle classes. It renews and sharpens. The bias of life is a political bias. We do not want a world where the guarantee of not dying from hunger comes against the risk of dying of boredom .
The Situationist movement transforms the economic and political demands that were those of the labor movement into a global challenge with strong accents existential and cultural. What is disputed are not only statements of fact but a state of mind: this bourgeois vision of the world that real life sacrificed to the abstract world of economics . This challenge rests on the assertion a subjective quality to face the very simplistic and deadly power of a purely accounting and quantity of life.

Man crumbled and man unit

The youth of this era therefore protested against the hegemony of technocratic and utilitarian thinking which leaves no room for creative movement of life and subjectivity. This culture of domination is the origin of man crumbled opposed by the man who claims unit in a full revolt alive and creative :

"The man survival is man crumbled in the mechanisms of hierarchical power, a combination of interference in a chaos of oppressive techniques just waiting to arrange themselves that the patient programming programmed thinkers. The man of survival is also man unit, the man of total refusal . It happens some time, but each of us live contradictorily, and all degrees of reality, the conflict of oppression and freedom, without it being weird and distorted as before at the same time as two antagonistic perspectives: the perspective of power and the prospect of passing. "

The" show "is another name for this alienation that abstract rights of vital movement and creator behind it. On behalf of the appeal of life in him he feels like concrete and poetic expression of his subjectivity, man unit, one of total rejection, disputes the company's performance, producer of man crumbled. Thought and action subversive express this vital and creative movement refuses to choke under the orders of a technocratic power guiding individuals towards their dissolution in the deadly machinery of production and consumption.
" Not a riot, not a revolution, which reveals a passionate quest for the exuberant life, transparency in human relations and a collective mode of transformation of the world ... Men of thought does plenty of humor: they disconnect the circuit elements and then announce that the current will not pass. They can then say, without a net, the total realization is an illusion, an illusion of transparency, social harmony a fad. Where the separation reign, everyone is really taking the impossible. The Cartesian way of fragmenting and progress by degrees always guarantees the imperfect and flawed. The forces of Order only hire the disabled. "
No revolution that is also cultural: the man crumbled, the fragmentation of the origin of Cartesian thought dominant technocratic, must be passed by man alive that expresses, through the vital movement of creation, his subjective participation in a collective whole and natural. This expression of sensitivity homéotélique linking the Party and the all foreshadows the development of a full thought.

Cultural evolution

analyzes Vaneigem find many echoes at the same time, in the work of Herbert Marcuse : One-Dimensional Man, subtitled An Essay on the ideology of advanced industrial society , published in France in 1964 and reissued in 1968. The thought of Vaneigem, like Marcuse, reflects this dialectic between alienation of man crumbled and the liberation of man unit, ie between the one-dimensional man of Advanced Industrial Society and Human multidimensional from one civilization to invent together.

In those years, the same dialectic of anime cons-American culture - and its quest for a new paradigm - thinking that seeks to charge a man again reunited in a re-enchanted world. For one who sees beyond appearances, the metamorphoses of evolution, there is a deep genealogical continuity between the movement of May 68, culture cons of the 60/70, the quest for a new paradigm in the 80s, the emergence of Cultural Creatives in the 2000s and that of the integral culture in the 2010s.
This genealogical continuity is all the more apparent that the Situationists themselves part of the parentage of surrealism, the Dada movement and the socialist and libertarian thought of the nineteenth century, many avant-garde inspired expressing the refusal vital, creative thinking and collective dominance to Once utilitarian, individualistic and technocratic. As Guy Debord writes: " The vanguards have a time, which may happen to them most happy is, in the fullest sense of having outlived their . " In
creatively expressing the zeitgeist, these minorities have actually made their evolutionary time by printing in the collective consciousness of new ways of living, feeling and thinking . These vanguards are all transformations of the same impetus that has been sweeping gradually transformed our world view. The advent of an integral culture and its development is part So in a cultural genealogy we described the premises, including here , here and there .
In reaction to a culture of domination abstract, become deadly, cultural developments of the last two centuries, as expressed through the creative minority, gradually draws the figure of a concrete totality : that of a subjectivity involved in the various natural and social, cultural and spiritual or it operates. Such a development diffuses throughout the company when the natural renewal of generations causes the ruin of the dominant thought and institutions who represents even a current creator gradually introduces a new vision of the world more complex and more complete.

The creation of self

Throughout its route author Vaneigem will continually identify personal, social and cultural allowing expression of vital movement and creator of the subjectivity and emancipation in the restraints exercised by the various economic and political power, cultural and religious. In Era creators, published in 2002, Vaneigem perceives the conditions for a revolution in attitudes, manners and society which makes possible the advent of another world. Fax this and Phil that book in Nouvelle Revue Moderne :

"The Age of creators is the debate at the heart of the relationship between the individual and society." Is there a man who not be resolved at one time or another, build his life according to his aspirations, despite the upset that he opposed the order of things millennium? "asked Raoul Vaneigem before finding that most are resigned and eventually fall into an order based on the renunciation. Despite the contradictions that undermine that order remains bearer of reproduction, because " violence of a society is only stating that each inflicts violence to oneself by renouncing live." This analysis is based

Vaneigem in the rejection of violence, but also leads to stress that it is unsatisfactory to refer all to himself and its responsibility for its own ills. His choice to put "
the heart desires, the center of a will to live only able to identify whether a fascinating labyrinth " the state that led to the creation of self becomes " the alpha and omega of a human adventure in which I participate in both inviting my happiness on the happiness of others. Being happy reads the singular and the plural is combined .

An insurgency poetic

The creation of self, however, does not of itself : Millennia of lives subject to labor, oppression of women, religious thought, laid upon it a taboo which is served from childhood. One can read the history of the company's relationship with its most creative individuals in relation to that person. "Oh
Montaigne, Shakespeare, Diderot, Stendhal, Hölderlin, James, Chekhov, Kafka, Joyce, Lowry, the least I guessed, even in your problems, because the affection I bear you 's' Vaneigem cried ...

We could easily fill it with the list of writers and artists who touch us deeply because the conflicts that reflect their lives and work are also ours. In contrast to the myth of the "artiste maudit" that he rejects, Vaneigem calls for streamlined creation of what the exchange goods and labor, creating a focused desire to be refined by recreating, as "
all creation refers to the creation of self .

The ability to "rediscover our potential
for exercise" is not restricted to a chosen few marked by grace. "We're all creators but the ban to create, build our lives - we have been served for centuries - encourages us to ignore, deny, despise a practice that we engage spontaneously .

be recognized in its appeal invigorating air whose breath gives life to the embers of the great poetic insurrection "
The creation of man by man is the only violence that can break the inertia, passivity, fatalism The voluntary servitude which we continue to arm the tyrannies that oppress us . Such is the poetry will be made by all and each . ""

green meme

Beyond the purely aesthetic of the work of Vaneigem, breath sometimes stunning style, those who are familiar models of cultural evolution, including that of Spiral Dynamics, see this iconic work of the current protest of May 68 as the affirmation of the values of Meme Green - compassionate, pluralistic - based on the prevalence of subjective experience and feelings, relativism and cooperation, the hatred of hierarchy and competitions. A green meme that allows the excess values of same orange - rational / individualistic - based on the values of individual success, efficiency and competition.

The Age of ad creators obviously the next evolutionary stage - full - but the denial of spiritual experience in favor of a purely immanent and vitalistic human existence Vaneigem prevents access to this level. Based on the prevalence of desire and subjectivity, this vitalism is immanent well some French intelligentsia whose Deleuze and famous desiring machines were once emblematic figures. This
intellectual generation born before the war and was at its zenith during the 60/70 'creator is still trapped in a cultural tradition that makes amalgam of religion and spirituality , between obedience to a dogma clerical pre-modern and emergent consciousness and transpersonal transrational. What makes it quite incapable to seize the vital movement in desire and energy to create an expression and an immanent spirit transcending .

This lack of evolutionary perspective that whole neo-liberal thinking has recovered this libertarian relativism and subjective to turn them into "ideology instinctual " manipulated, in fact, serving the market. The alliance of liberal and libertarian ideologies reduced the subjective assertion of power to that of a deeply nihilistic narcissism, a sort of "just ego " putrid focused on meeting the individual drives and those fantasies of omnipotence inherent. Neo-liberal intrinsically evil which we see the ravages of the economic, political and social insofar as it reduces the role of another instrument in the service of selfish satisfaction, both impulsive and compulsive.

An integral spirituality

However, borrowed by the sensitivity of a new generation, a different path emerges, which lets you go from green meme relativistic the same yellow full recognizing the vital movement of desire and creativity, energy and the expression of an immanent transcendent Spirit which we can experience an introduction to both aesthetic and sensitive, intellectual and symbolic.

Everywhere in the Western world, asserting a cultural movement based on a deeply innovative Thought Reform and the regenerative depth of spiritual experience that has nothing to do with dogma and clerical pre-modern religion. In France, a new generation of thinkers and writers - I refer specifically to Denis Marquet and his work element philosophy angelic to which we will - dare to defy the tenets of a stale formalism franchouillard to affirm the close link between energy and the transcendent Spirit and movement evolution of life immanent.
About the last book of Annie Le Brun , Nicolas Truong World speaks of " The urgency to defend a href through poetic consciousness gives thanks to the wonderful without falling into the rut of religious . "Can we say more? The era of the creators is it not simply that of a poetic life based on the intimate experience of a world re-enchanted?

Era Creators refers to the emergence of a integral spirituality and poetic, deeply non-dual. Remember, writes Jean Yves Leloup that " Being spiritual means being inspired . The Age of designers is that of a full inspiration, which, in any form, sees the term "symbolic" of this evolutionary force, both vital and creative, which is called the Spirit.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Platinum Games Mobile

Benedict Felix, "the letter"

Felix Benedict, "the letter"
27 January 2011>> 12 March 2011
MX7 Gallery
7 2000 Antwerp Belgium

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Walkie Talkie Distances

Era Creators (1)

" We are in the world and ourselves at the intersection of two civilizations. One completes its ruin by sterilizing the universe in its icy shadow, the other discovered the first glimmers of a life reborn the new man, sensitive, and creative living, frail twig of an evolution where economic man is no longer a dead branch . " Raoul Vaneigem
libertarian thinker and emblematic figure of the Situationist International , Raoul Vaneigem, is author of a book that has deeply inspired by the student revolt of May 68: The Treaty Savoir Vivre for use by young generations , published in 1967. In 2002 he published the Era creators we offer below the last pages that constitute a kind of manifesto expressing the mutation that we live: a revolution in attitudes, manners and society, carrying new values and a different vision the world.

Raoul Vaneigem . Era Creators

strange lucidity than that autopsy the old world and ignores the birth of a new world.
In the 1960s, when the bloom of the economy promised by the state of well-being for all, denounce the ravages of the goods exhibited at sarcasm skeptics.

How do you objected the good spirits of the time, that people accessing the happiness guaranteed by the car, television, low-cost housing and consumer goods, are considering a moment to revolt?

Today came the fashion of condemning the economic horror, the same blindness prevents awareness of changes taking place before our eyes.

From assert new values, they complete the ruin of the old, they highlight love of life, the creative imagination, human progress, generosity, solidarity-based collective consciousness individual.

They do not rely on the goodwill that has always said the worst disappointments. They can not be satisfied with a determination ethics that, however useful it may be, is too focused on abstraction, the intellectual in modern versions of the old categorical imperative. They are carried by the harbingers of a revolution in attitudes, customs, societies and economies to meet their needs .

What are the signs that we must gather not as an immediate, favorable to the beatitudes of silly, but as the disparate elements of a creative to do?

1 - The emergence of a new production method based on natural renewable energies , seeking the exercise of creating and opening the door to the concept less compatible with the economics of exploitation: free.

2 - The development of civic consciousness and the initiation of its overcoming in a project where the happiness of each is the guarantor of happiness for all.

The fight for life, the passage of civil resistance and disobedience to the passive creating new collective social relations . He has no use regulations account between businessmen gang that put the world under the scalpel, but it is however the only party capable of driving the warring parties in consolidating the territory of living.
We want to emancipate humanity from all forms of economies based on exploitation of nature and of man by man, the release of the gangue lucrative stifles .

3 - The growing importance given in the project of humanization of man, in school, child and women's action . No regime can not be tolerated where women are oppressed, because it means that men who oppress them are nothing in themselves and resign themselves to pay in the most spineless cronyism mafia interests.
The future of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Algeria, the country still under the thumb of a religion * that perpetuates the absolute predominance of the male belongs to women across the United distinctions nations and cultures, not those that compete with the power of manhood, such as Thatcher or Benazir Bhutto, but those who eventually with the brute male, military and patriarchal.

4 - recreation body, the excess of consumerist hedonism and the rediscovery of the body as a place of enjoyment creative. The only way to guard against hatred endemic only waiting for a pretext to break in some of the world whatsoever, is to awaken everywhere the company to build a happiness , focusing , refining and harmonizing daily pleasures.

5 - The only progress that interests us now is that the human faculty and its specific: creativity . Only the imaginative power of prejudice in life that can revoke the global share of death-profit, whose arrogant nihilism exhibited in the eyes of his triumph resigned ridiculous.
* (Editor's note: All its legitimate defense of women's empowerment, Raoul Vaneigem operates by equating the spiritual dimension of Islam and obscurantist and fundamentalist forms of Islam that instrumentalize .. . It existed yesterday, as it exists today, an Islam which advocates the emancipation and women's right .)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Drawing Spiral Stairs 3d In Autocad

2010 is dead, long live 2011

Anna late, late as usual, and once will not hurt this time it's not even the fault of the RER B and its new yellow seats, but since the French politeness give me until February, there is still time to wish all of you a wonderful 2011. So here, good 2011.
But before we begin this new chapter, we return briefly to the few pages that have punctuated my year 2010, with the traditional balance , expression this year due to delay, delay, late ...

Side Music:

Group of the Year: MUSE I could see for the first time in concert this year. Always such a good group, I hate to see what will give their new album! But for now I leave you with my favorite song from their latest album, undisclosed Desires.

Album of the Year: Alexz Johnson Voodoo ! After more than two years of waiting, I finally and I must confess that he was not disappointed. This does not look like we are just hear on the radio, it's the kind of music that needs several listens to be truly appreciated, as was the voice of Alexz .. I'll let you judge for yourself with the most moving title of the album in my opinion , Look at those eyes.

Soundtrack: The music of Glee! I love this choir, and some of their covers are really very good as Toxic, Forget You, Hold Your Hand, Valerie ...

Song headlock : Rene the mole people frankly, put it topped the charts .. Some days I fear for humanity!

Video of the Year: Telephone Lady GaGa it's been awhile since we had not seen a clip like this, 9 minutes, dialogues, dance The Pussy Wagon (Kill Bill touch), and dialogue has Tarantino .. "Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger LOL

Concert of the year: the MonsterBall, no words to say how much it was .. ouaaaaa. A true mass in the glory of Little Monster. But I must admit that the show Mika was really good too, with his arrival in space!

Listed Literature:

Only 52 books read against 74 last year, due to a big drop proportional increase my schedule, aaaargh, dirt studies, c ' is not like her that I will reduce my PAL still ... huge (understatement).

literary saga of the year : Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead . Real discovery of the end of the year 2010, I took enormous pleasure throughout the six books of the saga that I highly recommend. And for those who hesitate to enter two words: Adrian & Dimitri . You tell me the news;)

Doudou Book of the Year : The literary circle of lovers Potato Peel Shaffer and Barrows , not great literature but a book well written and moving. A real favorite who come out in pocket)

Book 'imaginary' of the year : Bleeds Ilona Andrews Magic , 4th volume of the adventures of Kate Daniels and sexy Curran. urban fantasy in a world devastated by the arrival of magic, with a funny heroine who does not hesitate to kick some ass (and who does not sleep with everything that moves, eh Anita), and his complicated relationship with others and some particuluer Lord of Beasts, a little psycho on the edges but still so sexy ... In short, if you like Bit bed and Urban Fantasy Mercy Thompson type or Anita Blake then go ahead, the first three volumes available at Milady's, you will not be disappointed, despite the ugly covers, each volume is better than the last.

Couple of the Year: Curran and Kate of course. Erm, but I said no more, the poor little French have not yet 4;)

Successful year : I finally finished Dracula! After many failures in consecutive years after I came to this book, certainly classic but a little boring at times , and sometimes downright annoying when Miss Mina plays the card of "I'd like to help men especially as it was I who did all the work but they are right I have to stay at home because I am a small woman. " Grr.

Discovery of the Year: cycle Discworld Terry Pratchett! Books parodic fantasy all the more funny each other, even if not always obvious to follow ^ ^ Hat the translator who must scramble to translate, brilliantly, all the puns and references to the fantasy world of Pratchett, or action takes place on a world shaped disc, supported by four elephants resting on the back of the giant tortoise who A'Tuin endless journey through the cosmos.
Here is an excerpt from the first volume, the eighth color, to give you a glimpse of the thing ..

- hrown said lever and managed to insert your fingers under the stone. "There are nuts in the bobotiers bobo, he said. You can find treasures beneath the altars. Logic. "

- No, replied Rincewind. Prescisement No. Let's just say that if the absolute chaos was reflected by lightning, this gas is the type who would stand atop a hill in plain copper wet, a holler "all gods are bastards." You have to eat?

Event: Meeting with 5 seconds Laurel K. Hamilton ! J got a signed book to prove it LOL

Listed audiovisual ...

Slap year : Avatar . Ok the scenario like a metro ticket, but the special effects .. ouaaaa.

Film puzzle of the year but still super : Um, the competition is tight between Shutter Island and Inception .. but I must say it is still Inception who won with his dreams, in dreams, in dreams and its open end. So dream or reality? Whatever your choice, the film is really a great moment of cinema.

cute film of the year : Toys Story 3! A true success , unlike Shrek franchise is getting better, funny and moving I loved it! Special Mention Buzz English;)

Deception year : Sex and the City 2. Really zero, chained cliches and big strings.

I also loved Me Despicable ; Sherlock Holmes me pleasantly surprised Alice in Wonderland not as good as it could not hurt all the same, the Twilight Saga Eclipse finally acquires a movie not too rotten after Twilight and its experimental camera running, and the laughable New Moon and shopping in the forest.
Serie TV e OF THE YEAR: neck and neck, the ever genial Doctor Who that managed to renew itself with a new Doctor adopted despite a few scares (although Tennant will always be the Doctor of my heart) and a new show runner, Moffat gives us moments of anthologies. But Glee made me laugh and sing much of the year despite a big drop
quality with the beginning of the second season.

I also really loved Merlin, where you can discover the young years of Merlin and his complicated relationship with a young Arthur was not easy to live every day, a little cheap but funny, fun, and English. Sherlock by Moffat again, despite my apprehension to the views of the pitch, Sherlock Holmes XXI is a success! Sanctuary with the return of Amanda Tapping as the guardian of phenomena (nice word for weird monsters) in virtual sets. And finally Castle, the coolest writer (and sexy) of the planet.

Deception: Gossip Girl running in circles, I abandoned.

When is my personal life, let's say I had a license but I missed twice the permit, I saw Rome (beautiful city) and found the red fruit cheescake Starbucks more than once;)

And you see your year?