Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bebe Outlet In Toronto

extended enterprise re-enchanted the world? (1)

As part of the eleventh day the University Ultimate be held Saturday, February 19 on the theme "Towards a company more fully? "we propose the following excerpts from an article by Michel Saloff-Coste, co-founder of Integral University, where the author explains:" How extended enterprise re-enchanted world. " To read in its entirety on the blog University Ultimate.

Michel Saloff-Coste defines summarizes the three axes of the evolving context in which the company is developing the 21st century. A axis economic sustainability, social and ecological. An axis of temporality , short, medium and long. An axis of depth affecting the rational dimension, emotional and spiritual.
These three areas are interrelated: the question of sustainability begs questions of temporality and deepen their inquiry beyond a narrow rationality. Entanglement and the interaction of its dimensions require a new approach - both systemic and integral - human organizations in general and businesses in particular.

Michel Saloff-Coste has twenty years experience in coaching executives and management team. He developed an original method of coaching which articulates strategic development of individual potential (IPR) and Potential Development of Enterprise (DPE). His lectures in Europe, America and Asia have affected several thousand people. He is the author of numerous books of reference in the field of management.

How the extended enterprise re-enchanted world . Part . Michel Saloff Coste

Science without conscience is but ruin of the soul . Rabelais
In times easy enough but the mechanical mind in times of crisis it takes heart and even engineering. Charles de Gaulle

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come! Victor Hugo

I have often been brought to light companies about their future and their strategic choice. My experience has shown me how difficult it is to distinguish the real issues. Faced with the metamorphosis of the contemporary world, companies will have to change drastically to be legitimate and continue to create value added.
The subject is discussed in this article is the question of the extended enterprise: a underlying trend which is now touching all businesses ranging changes in the future role that may have Human Resources in organizations.

Issues firms during the twentieth century were often marked by well-defined characteristics: a strategy dominated by the need for quarterly results and therefore a dictatorship the short term. This logic and often accompanied by a strong emphasis given to rationality. Moreover, the corporate interests are largely economic. To summarize the company is primarily concerned the short term, the economic rationality.

This vision of the company "close" is directly related to the strong relationship between investors, " Stock Holders "and the management team, executing a strategy of return on investment. Tropism This builds up until the crisis to environmental, social and economic fabric of the early twenty-first century.
radically interrogate these crises on companies their ability to create economic wealth but also their social responsibility and ecological . Seizures in their radicalism, questioning the rationality standard of progress. This narrow view of the enterprise is becoming more questionable as the undertaking is led to consider the whole of these stakeholders, " share Holders"!

In the coming years the economic issues but also social and ecological questions that will take rightly provoked a lot of emotions and philosophical issues and spiritual.

companies find themselves faced with what they often want to evacuate in the outsourcing outside the company. The company's future can only be more economical in the short term and rational. He will have more position themselves to long-term issues, ecological and spiritual . It will also be social, to manage the medium term and have answers to the emotional distress of everyone. This new challenge is that we call "extended enterprise".

The company expanded

Behind this development is taking shape a company that would take into account the short term but also medium and long term business economic but also social and ecological ; a company capable of thinking rationally but also has a real emotional and spiritual intelligence.

A company of this type would be capable to make a profit but is also able to provide humane treatment clients and colleagues while being able to make its contribution in the development of truth, goodness and beauty, under the spiritual progress of humanity.

In practice we are often still far from the extended enterprise. It is clear, nonetheless, that for thirty years are built gradually new discourse about the company going in the direction of the extended enterprise . It is even possible that the economic crisis, social crisis and ecological crisis precipitated the end of companies whose vision is too narrow especially when their sins and blindness of millions of people die of hunger, thirst and their land will be flooded by rising sea level

A film like "The corporation "which was widely circulated shows how the narrow vision of the company justifies classical behaviors that are often responsible for the crises we are experiencing today. In so far as these crises will increase, one can anticipate that companies will increasingly confronted and criticized because of their lack of overall responsibility . Responsibility they do not assume because of the narrow vision of their role.

In this article we explore what characteristics of an extended enterprise, the special role of human resources in this type of business and how to develop talent in the extended enterprise?

The different dimensions of the extended enterprise can be analyzed in three ways:
- A axis sustainability: Economic, Social, Ecological
- An axis of temporality : Short, Medium, Long
- A axis depth : Rational, Emotional, Spiritual

The different axes mutually raise: the question of sustainability begs questions of temporality and deepen their inquiry beyond a narrow rationality.

axis sustainability

look further, first, the axis of sustainability: Economic, Social, Ecological

The sustainability (or sustainable development, Sustainable alleging Anglicism development) is a recent design of the public interest, it applied a mode of development and growth reconsidered wide World to take into account the ecological and cultural general of the planet. This, according to the definition proposed in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development in the Brundtland Report :

" Development that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their . Two concepts are inherent in this concept: the concept of " needs, and more particularly the essential needs of the poorest, who should be given the highest priority, and the idea of limitations the state of technology and our social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future. "

The French philosopher Michel Foucault addresses these issues on the epistemological level. He talks about design changes in the world, occurring at different periods of history. He calls these worldviews with the representations that accompany them, of epistemes . I myself developed this approach in my research on " system management complexity " and " The management of the third millennium " by trying to identify the key features "epistemological" to the contemporary era.

The phrase " act local, think global " used by Rene Dubos the environmental summit in 1972, is often invoked in sustainable development issues. It shows that taking into account environmental and social needs new heuristics that integrate the global nature of sustainable development . It is reminiscent of the philosophy of Pascal , rather than that of Descartes , the latter being more analytical. In practice, it should result in systemic approaches.

The goal of sustainable development is to establish sustainable patterns that reconcile the three aspects ( economic, social, and environmental ) human activities: "three pillars" to be considered by communities such as businesses and individuals. The aim of development Sustainable is to find a coherent balance and sustainable long-term relationship between these three issues. addition to these three pillars of a crosscutting issue, essential to the definition and implementation of policies and actions relating to sustainable development: governance .

governance involves the participation of all stakeholders (citizens, businesses, associations, elected ...) in the decision process and is thus a form of participatory democracy .

Sustainable development is not a static state of harmony but transformation process in which the exploitation of resources, the choice of investments, the orientation of technological and institutional change are made consistent with future as the needs of the present.

The three pillars are mutually reinforcing and are synergistic with each other to improve the business, however there is a strong divergence temporality between each . Companies tend to favor economic pillar because it relates to short-term the social , it has effects rather medium term and environmental dimension concerns the long-term ! Sustainable development obliges the company to expand its vision to consider the short time but also the medium and long-term prospective basis.


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