Sunday, November 23, 2008

Can General Anesthesia Cause A Fit

The Gaza Strip Situation dramatic dying

Zerrouky Hassane article in humanity

Palestine: Several surveys highlight the extremely poor the situation of the blockaded territory Israel: infant mortality rates and record unemployment, devastated health sector.

"Save Gaza, save children's lives, save our future" is the cry of alarm that launches Medoukh Ziad, a teacher at Al-Aqsa Gaza, which has sent us an overwhelming situation. Gaza is dying. This little area of just 360 square kilometers is cut off from the rest of the world because of the blockade imposed by Israel since June 2007. The 1.5 million people who live there are virtually prisoners : They can not get out.

The agricultural sector destroys

"The closure of Gaza is a physical punishment as that population's mental, "warned the United Nations Relief and Works Agency United Nations for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said in a statement released Tuesday. The UN agency said its food distributions (wheat, meat, milk powder and oil) to about 750,000 Palestinians in Gaza will stop on Thursday, unless it obtains access to the occupied territory.

Note that the number of trucks delivering fuel, cargo and other goods necessary for the socio-economic activity and health has increased from about 300 per day on the eve of the blockade to 45 at the beginning of the blockade, to be virtually zero today. Thus, food scarcity has automatically pushed up prices in a region where the infant mortality rate (30 deaths per thousand, according to WHO) is one of the highest in the world.

Economically, the 3900 SMEs / SMIs operating in 2005, leaving only 195, which operate at idle. The 960 garment factories subcontracted some 5 million pieces destined for the Israeli market are now at a standstill, and their 25 000 employees, now unemployed, went to swell the ranks of the 80% of unemployed in the Territory.

Hit hard, agriculture (70,000 hectares), which employed over 40 000 employees (12% of the workforce), lives. The export ban on agricultural products, causing losses of 150,000 dollars per day, added to lack of seeds, fertilizers and agricultural equipment, is being reduced to nothing this vital sector of the economy.

More serious still is the impact on infrastructure, health, education and more generally the daily lives of residents of the Gaza Strip. In terms of construction, all projects within the framework of the UN - as road networks and streets of towns and villages, roads, construction of universities and hospitals worth 350 million dollars, are stopped. The shortage of drugs may affect more than 160 types of products in the coming days, reports a study of the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

lack of parts replacement, 90 medical devices have failed. In addition, according to WHO, the Israeli army has banned the release of 1 150 patients, including 210 in a worrying state, go to heal in Egypt or Jordan or elsewhere. Without treatment abroad, 259 patients have died since June 2007. What is added, according to a WHO report, that "psychological trauma and stress with high levels, especially among children and young adults."

Power Plants stationary

In addition, the shortage of fuel, resulting in frequent power shutdowns still in service, is not without consequences the functioning of vital sectors in terms of lifestyle and health: it is true of water supply services, wastewater sewage treatment, waste treatment, and more generally of garbage collection ; lack of fuel and spare parts, over 50% of vehicle fleet of Gaza City are off, and garbage piled up visibly in the streets of Gaza and other locations.

Mucus Before Pregnancy

Democratic Republic of Congo The Dalai Lama

Published in Human Rights Tribune :

Since August, the conflict in North Kivu between the Armed Forces Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) and troops of General Laurent Nkunda's rebel National Congress for People's Defence (CNDP) has intensified and is accompanied by serious violations and massive human rights that constitute international crimes punishable by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Strong concern the situation prevailing in the capital of North Kivu, Goma, where in front of the advancing rebel CNDP elements in flight FARDC has engaged in acts of looting, summary executions and rape against civilians in the city and its surroundings. Insecurity and confusion would be exacerbated by the presence of Republican Guard soldiers sent to suppress the behavior of the FARDC and who surrendered themselves to the abuses. And a dozen soldiers of the FARDC were allegedly slaughtered by the Republican Guard. For their part, CNDP elements while retaining their positions outside the city awaiting the opening of negotiations with the Kinshasa government, also engages in atrocities in the territories under their control, including looting camps for displaced and war Kibati Rutchuru.

Faced with the imminent resumption of fighting and abuses that accompany them, the forces of UN Mission in DRC (MONUC) are clearly unable to fully assume their role of protecting civilian populations, limited by a mandate that allows them to use the force to combat gangs but only in support of the FARDC.

Demonstrations and clashes fanned by politicians, were also held in towns in eastern DRC against the presence of MONUC is accused of being unable to ensure protection of populations, or do not want to do. Thus, in the town of Goma 27 October 2008, the population has addressed the staff and facilities of MONUC. In Kisangani, groups of young men armed with full knowledge of the authorities, also expressed by attacking the forces of MONUC. Some of them are joining the security forces and army patrolling the city in search of rebel elements allegedly infiltrated. A climate of suspicion and tension develops when any criticism is seen as a betrayal. Defenders of Human Rights which denounced relentless abuses by all parties to the conflict are perceived as opponents "traitors" and "lackeys of Western". These charges a bit more fuel resentment of the population against MONUC and the international community and anything designated as foreign.