Monday, February 14 at 20h, The Integral Vision Paris / Ken Wilber Meetup Group offers an exceptional meeting with Brian Robertson , founder of the Holacratie , a full model of grouvernance business. The term "Holacratie" etymology is the Greek word for " holos" meaning all and " kratos" power. The purpose of this model is empowering governance to the organization itself.
A new corporate culture
Sociologist organizations, François Dupuy just published a book entitled "Lost in management" in which he explains the urgent need for innovation in the field of management. Anne Rodier wrote in Le Monde about this book: "This sociologist who observed the internal organization of French companies in the survey conducted from 2007 to 2008, paints a damning of the inadequacy of organizations working in economic development. The opening of markets due to globalization, the priority given to adaptation of products depending on customer demand would have required a radical change in management. Now companies are actually remained trapped in their old organizational workings, says he substance. "
Cultural factors - more profound economic change - make this change inevitable. In the context of a crisis of civilization that calls into question the capitalist system, the role and functioning of the company are now reinventing. That is why we are witnessing the emergence of a new corporate culture based on the development of intelligence Collective and changing governance models .
Rather than thinking that change through a fragmented vision, Integral Vision is a consulting company that offers alternative strategies for a new approach based on a holistic and integral world . Too often, the company operates a pyramid and compartmentalized. However, for it offers the best of itself, for it innovates and grows with agility, energy and creativity of each must speak and meet.
The four dimensions of the business full
This condition is essential to overcome the frustrations and individual interests , enabling the company, acting as a living organism full , major changes to its governance, to explore and implement strategies to break the good of the company but also for that of the planet and society. According
Eric Allodi, director and host of Integral Vision Integral Vision Paris / Ken Wilber Meetup Group: "This neither the technology nor the financial resources are lacking, what is lacking is the ability to transcend our differences and our views, to access, set at a level of consciousness and unity that can meet all challenges. "
The original approach of Integral Vision is based on the model of Four Quadrants of Ken Wilber . These four quadrants represent all aspects of the business - values and behaviors of its members, the culture and product / process company - and it is essential to work simultaneously on four axes interior / exterior - individual / collective for the company to develop harmoniously.
For Eric Allodi " Companies must cease to be part of the problem to be part of the solution. For this it is essential to act now on the levels of individual and collective consciousness by aligning the four dimensions - internal, external, individual and collective - of the company . The evolution of the governance model is one-dimensional through which the integral vision applies to the business world.
laboratories evolving social organization
companies are micro-organized societies which, under pain of extinction, must adapt to the changing environment in which they operate. It is in these laboratories that are elaborated and experimented in vivo - for better or for worse - of innovative organizational forms that adapt to changes in the economic and social, natural and cultural environments they operate. After
proven in the field, these innovative forms are often times, then by society as a whole. And that, insofar as they express the response to changes in the collective consciousness of its ecosystem. To emerge innovative forms of social organization , so it's good to be attentive to what happens in the microcosm that is companies which are elaborated in a dynamic adaptive and creative organizations of the future.
After years of theoretical research and practical applications in his own company, Brian Robertson inspired by the sociocracy the lean management, the theory of integral Ken Wilber and evolutionary enlightenment of Andrew Cohen, has developed an original form of governance called Holacratie . This system was successfully developed in the corporate world as in that of non-governmental organizations . Can be found on the site of Integral Vision extensive information and references on this model that has received a warm welcome in France since its introduction in 2008.
The evolution of social organization
From an evolutionary perspective as that of the full theory, at each stage of evolution corresponds to a mode of consciousness, a world view and a form of social organization . This organization is objectified and manifest expression of an intersubjective consensus specific to a culture and a worldview, one correspondent and another at a given evolutionary stage.
If a chart is placed in vertical ordinate the ability to understand the complexity horizontal x-axis and the temporality of history in which a type of organization has emerged, one obtains a diagonal corresponding to various forms of government ranging from anarchy to holacratie through stages of autocracy, the monarchy, meritocracy, democracy and the dynamic self.
The anarchy is the rule of society without government. The autocracy is the governance of a single individual. The monarchy is the governance of a dynastic family that is transmitted by heredity. The meritocracy is governance by the most qualified person. The democracy is governance by the people and the majority. The sociocracy is a system of governance based, from systems thinking, the principles of self-organization of living organisms.
What the Holacratie?
The Holacratie is a system of governance based, from an integral vision on the principle of an eco- body coherent and integrated, with the experience, competence and capacity Innovation Collective members.
The purpose: to bring out the essence, the potential for innovation and collective intelligence of the organization by freeing them from the fears and ambitions of individual egos.
To better understand the ins and outs of Holocratie and the socio-economic context in which can develop such a model, we propose below an article to Eric Allodi Marketing Magazine on Management businesses in the twenty-first century.
Towards a new management for companies in the twenty-first century. Eric Allodi
Foresight. To get out for good of the crisis, companies should perhaps change their perspective. Etymologically, the term "holacratie (HolacracyTM English) comes from the Greek word" Holos "which means" an entity that is simultaneously a whole and a part of something (eg an atom, a cell) and "kratos "which means" power. " It is therefore to provide effective governance to the organization itself rather than its members. HolacracyTM is a registered trademark of HolacracyOne Inc.. could well be the way forward. Born in the USA there are over ten years, this concept offers a new mode of governance. To think before you adopt.
If the economic crisis appears to be subsiding and the statistics improve, let there be no mistake, we are not off the hook! The systemic crisis of civilization we are experiencing is indeed timely. We have temporarily calmed the symptoms but we have not addressed the problem at its root. The failure of Copenhagen is an example. As countries or individuals remain braced on their interests and personal ambitions, no change is possible and we will continue to align unsatisfactory compromises. Today, given the urgency, we need to change perspective .
As Einstein said " problems we face can not be solved at the level and with the thinking that has generated . It is therefore necessary to create a global context moral, ethical, philosophical or spiritual which not only allows us to meet current challenges, but also encourages us individually adopt a comprehensive vision to develop our global consciousness and transform our culture .
The same change in perspective should happen to businesses. How many conflicts, injustice, suicide, reorganizations "miracles" needed to understand that we must open the door to a new entrepreneurial culture that gives the public its true meaning? It is time to adopt a new governance that enables individuals to transcend their fears and ambitions to finally leave the room for the most basic human values.
To meet the societal and environmental issues, it is essential to implement a governance system that involves all employees, a living system capable of pulling the quintessence of a group sharing the same values . However, when a discrepancy arises between the company's vision and that of its members, the pyramidal hierarchy system shows its limits; employees feel less and less involved, and disempowering.
To remedy this, the holacratique governance, conceptualized in the United States there are nearly ten years, moved through the practice of collective intelligence, provide effective governance to the organization itself rather than its members. The hierarchy is not questioned, but the pyramid structure gives way to a frame in concentric circles with rules as guidelines: a dynamic steering business through meetings and a specific facilitation process, elected representatives within each circle, decisions taken by consent and not by consensus.
Let players vision and projects of the company
The company is nimble, able to adapt in real time to internal and external events, like a living organism to achieve its vision and meet its objectives. holacratique The governance system is revolutionary. It transforms a fragmented, often unconscious and interdependence of world issues and its market in a eco-organization coherent and integrated , with the experience, competence and innovativeness of its collective members. It is an efficient tool to develop cohesion, fluidity reports, unleash creativity and authenticity of employees. This approach allows each individual to become a participant in the vision and projects of the company.
The corollary of the above is that the solution to the ills of the world begins with the choice of each of us, since we literally created the world in our image . We know the world views generated fears and desires of the ego, and we no longer want. So, as Gandhi said, "Let the change we wish to see in the world . It's not too late ...
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