Founded in 2003 in Paris, this group aims to promote debate, reflection, activities and experiences around the integral approach and its applications in the field of psychology and business, art and science, politics, medicine and education.
What the Paris Integral Vision / Ken Wilber Meetup Group?
Meet up in English means to know. According Wikipedia: "The Meet-up is an evening of social networking for the participants focused on one or more common interests. The meeting follows a linking electronic upstream initiated from a virtual community. " Not to be confused with Meet Down, a gathering of individuals around a center of interest and extended by the social network of a virtual community. This approach is rooted in a meeting and exchange real then be dematerialized in a virtual network.
Meetup is also the name of an international site that connects individuals wishing to grouped around a passion or common interest, and which allows to search among the thousands of existing groups, or those that we represent. Meetup is the world's largest network of local groups. More 2000 groups gather daily in the world around a common goal: to evolve or develop their individual communities. The Paris
Integral Vision / Ken Wilber Meetup Group Meetup therefore uses the network to initiate meetings in Paris about the integral vision and work of Ken Wilber. These meetings are open to all who want it. Simply register on the page Meetup group dedicated to to gain access to information about its activities. The group meets regularly every month, about a guest of a video, a specific theme related to the integral culture. A small fee is charged to each participant is requested. Most of its members speak both French and English
The Paris Integral Vision / Ken Wilber Meetup to exchange information and experiences on how everyone lives in its social and cultural context, this process of personal integration body, psyche, mind of the spirit that lies at the heart of the integral vision. It can lead exciting discussions on applications, technologies and most innovative developments of the integral approach.
can reflect together on models such as the Spiral Dynamics developed by Don Beck and Chris Cowan from work and research by Clare W. Graves. Conducted in a friendly and informal, these meetings can be an opportunity for art events around the music, for example, or give rise to workshops to explore particular practices.
A French exception
One participant captures the spirit of the group: "The thought of Ken Wilber is so little known in France, while it is a misfortune in the United States, Germany and England. Making up for our delay and take this into perspective changes in the world, our societies and ourselves. This inevitably leads to new questions and new practices of life. "
We know that there is actually a form of" French exception "in the reception of the works of Ken Wilber and the integral vision. This integration goes against abstraction and rationalism own the hexagonal culture. A culture with a rich analytical tradition that produced fine works but results in a highly fragmented discipline and " compartmentalization of knowledge into small fiefdoms of power .
Who says little fiefdoms said little masterpieces, often locked in the bunker of a specialty and reluctant to adopt any overall vision or transdisciplinary could challenge their power. For the integral vision, it is a fact, perspective the specialized knowledge, that is to say, it correlates them with other disciplines, other forms of knowledge and activities Human .
The French exception from an analytical abstraction so that's hard to perceive and develop an integrative epistemology approach based on both real and synthetic, dynamic and comprehensive. Therefore the integral vision is sometimes greeted in France with the reluctance to be that of an assembly of nuns who were held a speech on the pleasures of the flesh ...
French brains are so poorly trained that a comprehensive approach them about the integral vision gives sometimes painful impression of wanting to play a fugue Mozart with a drum. The score and the instrument are not really congruent! ...
Beyond the innovative aspect of the integral vision, the cultural exception explains the delay with which the integral culture in general and the work of Wilber, in particular, are received and translated in France and that lack of interest in academic circles for a highly original approach also greeted with enthusiasm, especially by younger generations. This explains why Wilber's books are among the most pirated internet ....
Vision and formalism
Following a long tradition of Anglo-Saxon American culture is empirical and pragmatic concrete. For historical reasons related to the founding of the United States by its founding fathers, it highlights visionary qualities and creative individuals . This form of "pragmatism inspired " explains why the full paradigm has found in the specific context of American culture a climate conducive to its development.
An essential characteristic of French culture is this love for the form which sometimes leads to formalism and explains its tropism for abstraction. This spirit of geometry is inherited, among other things, that Norbert Elias called a "court rationality," peculiar to the aristocracy, which assumes control of emotions and emotional control. In From France , Cioran writes: "What she loved, France? The styles, the pleasures of the intellect, salons, reason, small perfections. The expression above Nature. This a culture of form that covers the elemental forces and any burst of passion, spread the glaze thoughtful refinement ...
France considers anything over the form as a condition of taste ... The French prefer a lie to a truth well said poorly worded ... It is a culture-cosmic not landless but above it. Cultures are cosmic- abstract cultures. Deprived of contact with the origins, they are also with the metaphysical and the underlying issue of life ... The France? The refusal of the Mystery .
The analytical mind of French is therefore sensitive to the abstract harmony of forms where the entrepreneurial spirit of Anglo-Saxon is more sensitive to the concrete dynamics of the creative energy. For Anglo-Saxon idea is good if it is effective. For French, an idea must be effective if properly formulated. the heart of the worldview of the Anglo-Saxon strength, energy and momentum ; the heart of the worldview hex: shape, style and architectural .
A process of acculturation
Between these two cultural traditions behind two worldviews, we need a winger capable of achieving mediations necessary for a process of acculturation through which a cultural form can be gradually integrated into another form . Acculturation is an alchemical process that occurs in some minds before spreading gradually circles wider and wider.
A subtle alchemy that requires creative and not to impose a worldview at the expense of another, but to recognize the similarities and differences between two cultures, to produce their fertilization. This process of acculturation that evolved cultural forms can sometimes produce surprising metamorphoses.
Because it has both the advantages and limitations of analytical skills, can bring French culture to culture full richness of his analytical genius, exemplified by this great thinker of the evolution that Bergson is . Based on the dynamics of intuition, his evolutionary thinking was formed in response to the dominant rationalism without disavowing the analytical rigor.
is this rigor that channels sometimes creative force of Anglo-Saxon, including correction and some more complex formulations that are too simple, sometimes even downright simplistic, and rightly criticized the tendency to internalize an anthropology that capitalism regard as natural and universal.
Similarly, French culture has a lot to learn from the integral culture, particular to challenge an abstract formalism that hegemony is more in tune with Information Society and interconnection requiring immediate answers using the resources of creative intuition. The unsuitability of the abstract formalism to a company in continuous movement is also the source of a profound identity crisis that makes the French population the worst in the world according to a recent survey International.
The resolution of this crisis whose origin is cultural through the transformation of the French model, that of abstract universalism of the Enlightenment legacy in concrete dynamic universalization. Product of a corrupt reasoning supreme principle, abstract and linear progress that was the Enlightenment incarnate and must be achieved to become a integration of consciousness through the various stages of development, more archaic to the most transcendent . It is this metamorphosis that allows the assimilation of a complete epistemology.
If the Enlightenment secularized Christian heritage by objectifying, new light of a complete thought, based on the dynamics of cultural evolution, embodies and personifies the abstract and progressive legacy of the Enlightenment. Because this cultural change is an inevitable process that the introduction in France of the integral culture is not only desirable but necessary, despite all obstacles, resistance and misunderstandings that will surely generate.
Leaders of Paris Integral Vision / Ken Wilber Meetup Group are among those smugglers between cultures able to promote the process of acculturation we have just discussed.
group leader since 2005, Brian Van der Horst American. NLP trainer in Paris since 1984, he founded the Institute Landmark then founded a school full of coaching in 1996. From 2001 to 2003 he was coordinator in Europe for the Integral Institute created by Ken Wilber. His site is a wealth of information for all English speakers interested in integral theory and its applications, particularly the business world. There are many Powerpoint presentations in English on Ken Wilber and the integral vision as well as videos of his various public statements.
Eric Allodi establishes connections between technologies / philosophies more advanced and the business world where he served as top manager. Student eleven years of Andrew Cohen , American thinker of the Evolutionary Enlightenment and friend of Wilberforce, he founded the company Integral Vision whose goal is to make companies integrals help to raise their awareness . Found on the site of many information Full Vision the integral perspective and how it may apply to the business world. Eric Allodi is also the director of EnlightenNext for France, which is notably the publisher of the magazine Awakening and Evolution .
Alain Collery is a psychotherapist. HEC graduate, he has an experience of a company director and consultant. After psychoanalysis, he was trained in coaching and personal development as well as various therapies and especially sex therapy. This multidisciplinary training makes it sensitive to integrated approaches. Thus he held In2009, as part of PSY moving a Summer School on New Approaches integrals for psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts.
A community full
The Paris Integral Vision / Ken Wilber Meetup Group will develop as and when the bridges between cultures and Francophone full strength to strength. What we're trying to do our part through this blog. Such a working group may become an example and a prototype for the establishment of other such groups based on the principle of Meet Up in other cities in France.
With input from other networks such as the University Ultimate , it becomes possible to create a real community full in the Francophone world as it exists in many other countries, United States, Germany, England, Netherlands, Spain or Italy for example.
A community may develop its full specificity integrating the French tradition, adapting to the context of a globalized information society and by renewing through its participation in a dynamic global cultural renewal.
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