Next Monday, February 14 , under the Paris Integral Vision / Ken Wilber Meetup Group Brian Robertson will talk about its governance model that is full of Holacratie .
Next Saturday, February 19 , as part of the University Ultimate which we spent several tickets , a study day - the eleventh - will be held on the topic: Towards a more integrated company . Here, following the presentation and the program that day. It can refer to Blog University Full for all the practical details concerning the organization and registration.
Towards a more integrated company?
In our changing world, the company is at the heart of questioning its very purpose, his responsibility as the values that animate it, all this will likely be redefined during the next decade. How to support this change is necessary and difficult?
companies of the 20th century were strongly influenced by the concerns and interests mainly economic and rational with strategies largely dominated by the need for quarterly results, and the short term. this narrow vision of the company is directly related to the pressure from investors, with their demand for quick return on investment. This tropism
which builds up until the crisis ecological, social and economic fabric of the early 21st century, radically questioning companies about their ability to create economic wealth but also their social responsibility and ecological . A film like The Corporation, which has been widely distributed, clearly shows how the narrow vision of the company justify behaviors that are often responsible for the crises we are experiencing today and which, therefore, question the rational design and classic progress.
The company's future can not be purely economic, rational and short term ... He must also position themselves increasingly facing challenges medium and long term ecological, social, and spiritual . This new challenge is what we call the extended enterprise or "full business".
Behind this trend is emerging:
- A company which, without renouncing to the short term, will also combine its strategy medium and long term .
- A company capable of thinking rationally and also has a real collective intelligence, emotional and meaningful.
- A company that puts people at heart of its strategy and considers this resource as a key factor creativity and innovation .
- A company conscious of its environmental responsibility and negative impacts on the biosphere, it will not bring to the community or to future generations.
- A company that is able to develop its business model and processes of production in the full respect of human capital offered our planet.
Able to generate profit, as well as humane treatment of its customers and employees, the company would complete the sake of progress in perfect harmony with the living.
While most companies today are still far from this new model, the mutation is in progress and, for some years, initiatives fully news unfold. The entire university, which aims to support these changes, is pleased to present these initiatives new players and those who build the company's future.
This day was designed and conducted by Carine Dartiguepeyrou Michel Saloff Coste, Bénédicte Fumey, Caroline Guidetti, Dominique Marty and Andre Copin Club of Budapest France.
8.30 Welcome. 9:00 Introduction to the day
9:10 to 9:30 Michel Saloff-Coste. The challenges facing the company in full, brought back to the period of transition that is ours.
19 February 2011 Michel Saloff Coste TO COMPLETE A BUSINESS? UNIVERSITY FULL 11 from INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY we Vimeo.
9:30 to 9:50 Eric Garnier. The integral approach of Alter Eco .
11:00 to 12:30 Panel discussion moderated by Bénédicte Gérard Fumey and Schoun: New contours of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development Benattar with Bernard, Jacques Giraud, Sabine Devlieger, Gerard Schoun. In preparation for this roundtable, we invite you to listen to the video of Elisabeth Laville on " Developments Company CSR .
New contours of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development from INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY we Vimeo.
2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.: Panel discussion moderated by Bénédicte Fumey and Caroline Guidetti: The current ecological processes that contribute to make the company more fully . Eric Allodi, Margot Borden, Caroline Gervais, Stephane Riot, William Hermitte.
Current approaches that help make the company more fully and more environmentally from INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY we Vimeo.
15h00-16h00: Panel discussion moderated by Carine and Dominique Marty Dartiguepeyrou: How can the company develop its social and emotional intelligence and gain humanity with Daniele Darmouni, Isabelle Desplats, Edel Gott, Francis Kratz, Olivier Réaud.
How can the company develop its social and emotional intelligence and humanity gain from INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY we Vimeo.
4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Roundtable moderated Michel Saloff Coste: From microeconomics to macroeconomics, the future challenges of an economy with more solidarity Borello or Nicolas Froissart, SOS Group, Alain Arsoneau, Carine Dartiguepeyrou, Cyril Dion, Thanh Nghiem Alexander Rojey, Martine Roussel-Adam.
From microeconomics to macroeconomics, the challenges of an economy more inclusive from INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY we Vimeo.
17h30 Presentation of the next full News and Universities Club of Budapest
Stakeholder Presentation
Eric Allodi : CEO of Integral Vision . We will discuss the contributions of the integral approach in the field of management and craddle to craddle .
Alain Arsoneau : co-manager of Facilities , business consulting, training & recruitment in real estate. Alain share his practical experience in a business full of vitality research collective, personal and professional fulfillment, where work and pleasure are associated.
Bernard Benattar : psychologist and philosopher's work, founding European Institute of Practical Philosophy (thinking together). Bernard will demonstrate the role of philosophy in business, as a mediation between minds and sensitivities.
Margot Borden : psychotherapist and corporate consultant, professor at Antioch University McGregor (USA). Director Integral perspectives, it will demonstrate how it helps businesses adopt a more marketing-friendly people.
Justine Caulliez : Justin is co-founder of the association Earth Consciousness, co-creator and trainer of its program in Integral Approach to Personal Change. She will animate the mind-body interludes of the day.
Daniele Darmouni : Founder and President of International Mozaik , school become creative members of the Club of Budapest France. She is co-author of the books " supervision of coaches " (2010) and " Artisans become " (2011). Daniele will demonstrate its commitment to take into account the different dimensions of being his experience in training and coaching
Carine Dartiguepeyrou : President of the Club of Budapest France, coordinator of the book "Forecasting a changing world "(2010) and co-author of the books" leader of the 3rd millennium "(2006)," The HRD 3rd millennium "(2008, 2010) and " Visions women HRD on a changing world " (March 2011). She will discuss the International Symposium social money and complementary (Lyon February 2011).
Isabelle Desplats : trainer sociocracy and founding member of the Movement of Hummingbirds . She will speak about issues of governance in toto, the dynamic self and non-violent communication.
Sabine Devlieger : psychologist , clinical psychologist, coach and trainer in business. Founder of Humanissimo : research and solutions to the original relational suffering at work. She enriches her approach neuroscience and primatology and we will discuss the concept of "grooming human"
Cyril Dion : Director of the Movement of Hummingbirds, initiator of the laboratory companies Hummingbirds .
Bénédicte Fumey , committee member of the Club of Budapest France, she has a journey frame and marketing in the field of information technology and communication. It focuses on issues of sustainable development and we will discuss the contributions of "natural capitalism .
Eric Garnier : Head of Communications Alter Eco . He participated alongside Tristan Lecomte , founder of Alter Eco on the establishment of an integral approach within Alter Eco which we speak.
Caroline Gervais : Director of The Natural Step France. She will talk about the systemic approach, strategic and participative The Natural Step, which allows businesses and local authorities to integrate the development perspective sustainable in the heart of their business, their strategy for the decline in all areas where that power is necessary.
Jacques Giraud : Member of the Foundation Hourdin , representing the Civic Covenant for site CSR .
Edel Gött : CEO and founder of Evolution & Research, School of ethical leaders. She will talk about steps to help individuals to become ethical leaders. Author " Now or never, urgency to act "(2010).
Eric Grell : designer. Eric is co-host of our days at the University full.
Carolina Guidetti : co-founder of the Club of Budapest France , teacher and journalist in Sustainable Development (emission Resources Radio Here and Now). Caroline is passionate about issues related to sustainable development it prefers to describe as "desirable evolution.
William Hermitte Guillaume started a chocolate business " Choc'éthic (importing tasting) sharing the values of solidarity. It will demonstrate its commitment as a social entrepreneur.
Francis Kretz : former head of France Telecom-Orange, now enjoys a second career coaching business. He conducted a survey of women and men on the feminine and masculine values and management of mixed teams and individuals. We talk about the play of masculine and feminine qualities for the successful company's future.
Dominique Marty : Member of committee of the Club of Budapest France, she is a psychologist, coach and HR consultant. It audits the pioneers in the field of social innovation and considers the dynamics of male-female ("managerial new covenant") as an emerging and very promising, collective intelligence.
Thanh Nghiem : Founder of Angenius , author of "Bees and men" (2010). She will talk about the gift economy at the service of collective intelligence.
Olivier Réaud : founder of consulting firm collaborative management In Principo . Olivier we present an overview of the collaborative practice within companies and ways to create more collaboration within companies.
Stephane Riot : founder of Terra Nove , founding member Association Biomimicry France. We will discuss the approach he developed to assist individuals and businesses in their consciousness change towards sustainability.
Alexander Rojey : initiator of the focus group inter-company network IDeas (research and prospective) of the Foundation Tuck, author of "The Future concerned . Alexander will demonstrate its commitment to build visions of the future of energy and the world of tomorrow, linking the different actors concerned.
Martine Roussel-Adam : President's Fund Ashoka , president of the Investment Committee Phi Partners Trust, Founding President of Paths Childhoods , Honorary Member of the Club Budapest France. It will demonstrate the solidarity finance and the importance of social entrepreneurs in an economy to build more cohesive.
Michel Saloff-Coste : co-founder of the Club of Budapest France and founder of the University full days, researcher, artist, consultant. Author of several business books including " The management of the third millennium ", " Find his genius" (2005) and " leader of the 3rd millennium ( 2006).
Gerard Schoun : Expert in Corporate Social Responsibility Organizations partner Vigeo (European leader in measuring the SAR), author of several books including in 2010 " You will be a leader, my daughter "(essay on the notion of responsible leadership) and "The Barkleys management according " (description of a suitable management of the world after the crisis.
Alain Intand (subject), former head of SNCF, representing Covenant of Civic for site CSR .
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