The author sets out in Synthetic the three axes of the evolving context in which expands the company of the 21st century. After analyzing the first part text, axis economic sustainability, social and environmental analysis there, below the axis of temporality , short, medium and long the depth axis affecting the rational dimension, emotional and spiritual.
These three areas are interrelated : the question of sustainability begs questions temporality and deepen their inquiry beyond a narrow rationality.
How the company extended the re-enchanted world. Second part. Michel Saloff Coste
axis of temporality: Short, Medium, Long
Enlargement of the temporal vision naturally leads business development of foresight. The is a prospective approach forecast and analysis of possible futures. The term is often used when it is based on scientific research varied and statistics translated into scenarios designed to inform thinking and choices for strategic decisions.
The primary function of foresight is to facilitate decision making on the basis of scenarios incorporating the underlying trends but also weak signals that could change the course of events in the short, medium or long term . The individual or group may well lit streamline or clarify their strategy to suffer the least events can be considered most likely. The exercise requires access a sufficient number of relevant, sometimes translated into models or simply trendlines.
must speak with a prospective approach as an effective forward is based on adjustments and corrections feedback loops over time. Taking into account the prospective policy makers and various actors of society itself alters the future. The company through this prospective work naturally agrees rationally but also emotionally and spiritually!
A number of companies pioneering new ways of exploring strategic Creative in "changing checkerboard" to escape direct competition induced mimetic logic of excellence.
More creative and the business is offset from the context, it becomes more "ideological" and somehow "political" and "spiritual" because it conveys a then "other" vision world. " TF1, Benetton, Nike, or Habitat homes are closer in ideology, more present, more active than most political parties. [...] Their first job is to produce more value added, but to identify values can be identity, cause the membership to this identity, and gather around them. These companies have achieved a double conversion copy. They recognized in the product and service accessory in the direction and values essential. They have anticipated the triumph of the intangible. And they have, often unknowingly, without even meaning to, understood that profit follows from the ideological power . ( The management of the third millennium )
axis depth
This leads logically to the axis Depth: Rational, Emotional, Spiritual.
There are three fairly distinct types of intelligences ( Finding Engineering ):
1 - Level formal intellectual. binary logic: yes or no
2 - Level emotionally turbulent. Integrative Logic: yes and no
3 - Level spiritual vacuum. paradoxical logic: yes or no
Because of new media all information is now available. Therefore, strategic approaches only rational ways of applying identical treatments to the same information may produce the same strategic decisions.
Only a creative strategy "profound" that re-enchants the world spiritually, emotionally and rationally because it uses a authentic work of inspiration and vision can create value in the short, medium and long term for all stakeholders: clients, shareholders, suppliers, citizens, planet.
The "creative strategy in depth " is an essential means to respond innovatively to issues of sustainable development, ecological, socially responsible and economically profitable nonetheless!
" The creative strategy addresses the need for every business to generate continuously alternative unpredictable and inaccessible to competitors , results from a new perspective focused on information accessible to all. Their generation requires substantial resources listening and responding to process weak signals from the environment, relayed by means of simulation unpublished. This requires new skills in sociology and psychology to complement conventional analytical skills and create development opportunities unimaginable. "(Simon Free, in processing strategies in The art of strategy )
The singularity can occur through the products, services and communication that carries them, but some companies have gone even further by reinventing business models very original and breaks with their entire industry.
The three levels of intelligence
strategy to generate massive value, take off and escape the trap of the competitive market is to distinguish itself by creating a singularity, this singularity can be more or less "deep" and involves different levels of intelligence.
The most basic is to achieve a breakthrough or technical and protect this patent rational singularity. More subtly, the creative strategies by singling out the brand and the brand developed a semantic universe (code, color, typography) and emotional individual who captures and holds the attention of customers and handling their emotions and desires. More subtly, it is call the customer on the meaning of life and make original proposals.
Within a century, the logic of singling have become increasingly sophisticated. We passed, for example, in the communication, advertisement advertising, to go to global communication. It is no longer to provide a product or a service, but even to live to the customer " a transformational experience which convenes its identity and is reborn with an expanded consciousness of the world .
In this context we can distinguish three levels of intelligence and innovation that fit: the first dimension, which we call "formal " corresponds to the logical dimension binary "yes or no", the second dimension , which we call ' turbulent "corresponds to the logic Integrative yes and not "the third dimension we call" empty "is the paradoxical logic" yes or no. "
formal intellectual level: binary logic (yes or no).
Because of new media all information is now available. Therefore, strategic approaches only rational ways of applying identical treatments to the same information may produce the same strategic decisions.
Only a creative strategy "profound" that re-enchants the world spiritually, emotionally and rationally because it uses a authentic work of inspiration and vision can create value in the short, medium and long term for all stakeholders: clients, shareholders, suppliers, citizens, planet.
The "creative strategy in depth " is an essential means to respond innovatively to issues of sustainable development, ecological, socially responsible and economically profitable nonetheless!
" The creative strategy addresses the need for every business to generate continuously alternative unpredictable and inaccessible to competitors , results from a new perspective focused on information accessible to all. Their generation requires substantial resources listening and responding to process weak signals from the environment, relayed by means of simulation unpublished. This requires new skills in sociology and psychology to complement conventional analytical skills and create development opportunities unimaginable. "(Simon Free, in processing strategies in The art of strategy )
The strategy singularization may well play both on the principle of a high-end niche product reserved for luxury customers and the principle of abundance and low prices. A good example is Ikea, which mixes low price design and particularly prestigious.
The singularity can occur through the products, services and communication that carries them, but some companies have gone even further by reinventing business models very original and breaks with their entire industry.
The three levels of intelligence
strategy to generate massive value, take off and escape the trap of the competitive market is to distinguish itself by creating a singularity, this singularity can be more or less "deep" and involves different levels of intelligence.
The most basic is to achieve a breakthrough or technical and protect this patent rational singularity. More subtly, the creative strategies by singling out the brand and the brand developed a semantic universe (code, color, typography) and emotional individual who captures and holds the attention of customers and handling their emotions and desires. More subtly, it is call the customer on the meaning of life and make original proposals.
Within a century, the logic of singling have become increasingly sophisticated. We passed, for example, in the communication, advertisement advertising, to go to global communication. It is no longer to provide a product or a service, but even to live to the customer " a transformational experience which convenes its identity and is reborn with an expanded consciousness of the world .
In this context we can distinguish three levels of intelligence and innovation that fit: the first dimension, which we call "formal " corresponds to the logical dimension binary "yes or no", the second dimension , which we call ' turbulent "corresponds to the logic Integrative yes and not "the third dimension we call" empty "is the paradoxical logic" yes or no. "
formal intellectual level: binary logic (yes or no).
formal rational intelligence (eg "1 +1 = 2") is the basis of our logical understanding. It is the consciousness embodied in temporality, which handles more or less rational and systematic reasoning discursive . Consciousness is a formal one we have when we focus on our bodies, our senses and our intellect. The scientific debate is good to develop gymnastics consciousness at a formal level. We can talk about "IQ " IQ to identify what type of intelligence.
emotionally turbulent Level: integrative logic (yes and no).
turbulent emotional intelligence (eg "I love you moi non plus") is the basis of our sensitivity to art. This opens the awareness to the feeling of eternity that we invaded in artistic contemplation. It is the space of emotion love. Art is the most commonly known by which an individual develops and deepens his awareness of the turbulent level. The awareness level of turbulent is that of affects, desires of and sensitivity. We can talk about "emotional quotient " QA to identify what type of intelligence.
Level spiritual vacuum : paradoxical logic (yes or no)
The intuitive intelligence vacuum (eg "In the Valley of the unspeakable forms the top of our words") is based our spiritual intuition . It is the consciousness that opens timelessness. It is the space of meditation. The awareness of emptiness is the inspiration . One can speak of " spiritual quotient "Q to identify what type of intelligence.
Spirituality and idealism
The genius of man is enshrined in its spiritual dimension, it is expressed in the outpouring of delicate heart through art and just fertilize the reason for the renewal of science. Each level of intelligence takes work to grow and become alive and meaningful. At each level there are mistakes to avoid: entirely confined in the formal, get lost in the convolutions of the turbulent, projecting our lack of space.
Jacques Seguela invokes the replacement of "copy strategy" by the "star strategy" for developing communication examples of "washing", which not only wash whiter but can also, through the semiotics , provide semantic illuminations to supermarket. In this regard, Thierry Gaudin , former Director of the Centre for Prospective Ministry of Research, speaks rightly communication "hallucinogen" . Attention to derivatives
! The ideology and the focus on values can lead to totalitarianism . And what about when the meaning and values are carried by a charismatic leader led inevitably to slip out of the business? The singularity can quickly turn into conformity within the company and cause sectarian behavior. It is the management's responsibility to be vigilant about possible excesses.
However we can enjoy the lights of science without reducing us to materialism. We can benefit from the insights of spirituality without hovering in idealism.
Idealism is contrary to true spirituality because it is underpinned by the exorbitant vanity to know what "ideal" and thus to make a object. We are therefore more in the "spirituality" but in the fetishism and Freud then speaks with reason " psychic infantilism " and "collective delirium " we aim to meet our anxieties by projections paternal or maternal transcendent.
True spirituality is quite the opposite impression modesty and openness to otherness : This "other " offers us every moment in its uniqueness and singular. The spiritual testimony of all civilizations and cultures all have in common message of universal love. You have to be dogmatic to turn these messages of love sectarianism folded on obsolete formalisms and articles of faith more "preposterous " than each other. There is indeed "collective madness" when it opens fetish maniac on the Holocaust in "other" or simply ignorance and disinterest in wealth cultural difference.
Science and materialism
Furthermore, and despite appearances, materialism is no more scientific than spiritual idealism is . Science as it is analytical decomposition process sheds light on the "how" but never the "why". Reduce the reality of process without finality is convenient to decompose, but everyday experience makes us experience every day the extraordinary propensity to generate any complex system, including against our will, intrinsic goals of emerging . Paradoxically
materialism is a form of idealism because it "reduces" the real "idea" that we can get from an analysis that science knows, by definition, however, as partial, limited and relative. The twentieth century has shown us how the dogmatic materialism as it opens the same way that idealism and for the same reasons on "collective delusions .
Luc Ferry has merit in his book " What is a successful life ? " to highlight how the evolution of the Eastern philosophical thought, Greek, Judeo-Christian and modern converge to the re-enchantment of the world through what he calls a" secular spirituality "and " expanded consciousness." It shows how masterly manner "the singularity of each," "the intensity of the moment" and "love each other" are the essential moments of this humanist vision which reconciles otherwise ...
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