We added that the full spirituality, that of the twenty-first century is fundamentally non-dual : it perceives the dynamic evolution - not only biological but also psychological and cognitive, social and cultural - as the manifestation of the Spirit transcendent.
In this innovative perspective, human beings must therefore explore, experiment and express all the possibilities of full development.

this in mind that Jacques Ferber (the cons) has created the site Development Full to allow those who wish to familiarize themselves with the tools and models required for such exploration this experimentation and this expression .
This site is intended to provide information on individual development, relational, sexual, spiritual and social, from an integral vision in the course of the integral approach of Ken Wilber and the Spiral Dynamics following the work of Clare Graves . Jacques Ferber
summarizes his intent: " Gandhi said: " Become the change you want for the world " to instruct us to put ourselves in motion to serve the changing world so that all the individual pathways influence the evolution of world.
The idea is to transform itself to transform the world , by changing his look, expanding his consciousness and its relationship to the world to perceive what was previously unconscious, and so to relate differently with his own inner life, his family and his environment, aligning all facets of his being to act in the direction of greater unity of all humans and all kingdoms on the planet. " Evolving yourself in full, integral development and change our environment is, by resonance like this evolution of the living environment influence and intensify the processing of the individual.
An integrative approach
Full Readers of the Journal know Jacques Ferber, co- Veronica Guerin author with a fascinating book on relational development The world is changing ... and we? Key development issues and relational which we spent several tickets . These allow a better understanding of the unique approach of integrating Jacques Ferber enriches spiritual practices with his knowledge of cognitive science .
Side Left hemisphere of the brain, Jacques Ferber is a professor at the University of Montpellier, a specialist in cognitive science and collective intelligence. He works particularly on the modeling of social processes. He is the author a book entitled The multi-agent systems. Towards a collective intelligence . Currently sold out, download here for those interested. We can also read his online university courses on memetics or on individual cognition and collective .
Side Right Hemisphere , Jacques Ferber was formed Tantra at reiki, the symbolic analysis of dreams and myths, the Yoga, meditation and various spiritual traditions, in its psycho-spiritual journey for over 20 years. It is also the author of The tantric lover: the "man on the path of sacred sexuality where he presented a vision of human sexuality based on a double movement of male power and meeting with Women, for a joyful and sacred union of bodies, hearts and souls, in the consciousness and presence.
past few years, he gives workshops tantra, tantric meditation and development of conscience in full movement. This year, he organized a series of workshops meetings and Tantric meditations in the Paris region.
concepts and relations
far, Jacques Ferber animated two blogs. The first integral vision was more dedicated to the left hemisphere and conceptual thinking, while the second, Sexuality and Spirituality rather concerned the right hemisphere and the relational dimension, particularly as regards the integration of sexuality and spirituality.
Since the overlap between these two blogs were becoming more numerous, it became necessary to move to a site more powerful, to publish several articles and thus constitute a hub on the approach integral, which integrates individual and collective areas, the conceptual and practical, addressing the relational aspects, sexual and spiritual.
The two former sites are now closed but their content is on the new site Integral Development that synthesizes the two.
The Map and the Territory
And the baby is born has a lot of charm. The presentation is very dynamic and seems to be a success. On the merits this integration of conceptual and relational approach to addressing the theory models that are integral many cards from the human development while taking into account the practice experienced in the field of subjective experience or intersubjective relationship.
Because culture is integral innovative thinking based on an integrative epistemology and developmental models but also a moving subjectivity - imagination, intuition and sensitivity - which contributes creatively to the various environments - natural, cultural, social - of its evolution.
Originality: This site may be the support of a collective intelligence insofar as it is possible to publish texts that fall within its editorial by Jacques Ferber defined in the text below.
Our Vision. Jacques Ferber
In these times where complexity reigns, where it is sometimes difficult to find meaning in world events, there is a set of common psychological, spiritual, philosophical, ecological and social allegiance to an integral vision (sometimes also called integrative in French) that shows the articulation of individual development, relational, social and spiritual.
These include the integral approach of Ken Wilber and Spiral Dynamics , spiritualities in their evolutionary vision and integrative (Buddhism, Shamanism, approaches Christic, Teilhard de Chardin , Christian Gnosticism, Sufism , Kabbalah, Tantra, Yoga Integral Sri Aurobindo , etc. ..) of depth psychology (Jungian , Eliade ) Science complexity (including the memetics , theories autopoietic of Maturana and Varela, the multi-agent systems , .. ) of cognitive science and social (N. Elias Damasio, ..) of some forms of integral ecology, etc..
As if all these currents we were talking about the same thing: integration of masculine and feminine, science and spirituality, sexuality and the divine, body and spirit, reason and emotion, Heaven and Earth, Light and Shadow . As if all that we showed a way out of the changing times of emergence after basic mechanisms (physical forces, Darwinian selection, etc. ..) and a pre-established path towards greater Consciousness.
A spiritual perspective is particularly developed Tantra, which is the only way we know that takes into account sex and the energy of Eros in relationship to the divine . As a result, this site offers a vision for a "full Tantra, linking the individual in his spiritual quest, the relationship to another in the dimensions of Consciousness, Love and Power of Desire, the archetypes that inspire us, the thought forms and their evolution and the social structures that result.
You will find here:
- Some practical lessons , the tools " methods" or "skillful means " allowing each to evolve and grow in all areas of being: physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, cognitive, relational and spiritual.
- The views on the world, a view point for understanding the individual and collective evolution, as well as ways to apply in daily life in his art in its relations these tools, and to Consciousness for the world.
- The conceptual frameworks, from visions integrals, to understand the articulation of these tools, their place, their foundation and the thoughts behind them.
- The presentations to schools, practitioners, teachers guides and who put their energy and time to serve this changing world consciousness.
can subscribe to the free site to receive new articles as they are online.
PS: This weekend , Jacques Ferber anime two workshops to Suresnes near Paris.
Saturday, March 5 from 10am to 12.30pm - Workshops Meetings : Make love to life. How to live smoothly and harmoniously our existence. How to pass the enthusiasm fears, how to act without being in control.
Sunday, March 6 from 9:30 to 17:30 - Meditations Tantric : The Divine Feminine . the occasion of International Women's Day, the encounter with the energy of Shakti.