In our last three tickets, we presented the Club of Budapest and Michel Saloff Coste - founder in 1995 of Club of Budapest in France - originally the creation of the University Ultimate in February 2008. This latest move highlights in the Francophone emergence of a new global approach to fully qualified epistemological:
U not evolutionary way of seeing the world, based on the overall science and existing knowledge, modern and traditional, Western and Eastern, scientific, artistic and spiritual. This comprehensive, inclusive, holistic and systemic gives a relief different in each discipline and a different outlook on life. It is inseparable from the necessary changes in the course of socio-organizational model of the world today. "
University Why Ultimate?
In an article entitled "Why University Complete? "the hosts of Ultimate University and analyze their sense of initiative " This is a time of great change, with a considerable technological progress and global thought and human life, especially at commercial, cultural and political. Civilizations that were not known and that developed independently of each other, are brought to live together, for better or for worse. Transport through increasingly rapid and computer networks that cover the entire planet, humans have virtually access to all knowledge of mankind.
This wealth of knowledge and meetings take place in a context of crisis civilization, which is available including ecological, social and economic, which seriously question the survival of humanity. The integrated approach means both meeting the challenges that present themselves to humanity, and announce the emergence of new thinking globally, open to cultural differences and dialogue among civilizations.
Ervin Laszlo , founder of the international Club of Budapest, is recognized as one of the initiators of the evolution theory systems, the systemic towards a more integral approach. By creating the Ultimate University in Paris, our first wish was to raise awareness of the integral approach in France, where she remained still relatively unknown and secondly to put into perspective the work of Ervin Laszlo placing them in the wider context other researchers in this field.
We are interested especially in France the work of Jean-Eric Aubert , Carine Dartiguepeyrou , Thierry Gaudin , Jacques Lesourne , Bruno Marion , Edgar Morin, Michel Saloff Coste , Jean Staune and the world in the work of Ken Wilber, Don Beck and Steve McIntosh . In the future we would like to expand this into perspective with other researchers in France and abroad. The few days we are only able to organize early development compared to a real academic work, to develop in the future. "
New forms of understanding
The creation of the University Ultimate appears as the symbol of a profound cultural regeneration and a spiritual resistance to the dominant orthodoxy, to both reductionist and materialistic. This is particularly for these two reasons that this initiative deserves attention from those interested in the movement of ideas and sensibilities.
Echoing various initiatives in other countries, creating a Ultimate University in the nation of Cartesianism is indicative of a changing cultural context. It expresses the emergence of new forms of understanding adapted to an information society in constant change and increasing complexity. These new forms of understanding are the manifestation of the evolutionary dynamics that drives the collective consciousness in this new millennium.
The official line of technocracy in power, the various crises faced by humanity require of acting and technical sector, that is to say using the thinking and organizational model for the origin of these crises . For the avant-garde cultural refuse this blindness, economic crises, ecological, social and cultural, will under no circumstances be resolved from the reference field that has generated.
By expressing the saturation of a model that has outlived its time, these crises are all signals that are used to mark the path of a necessary evolution: they literally cause a questioning of our lifestyles and thought that requires new responses inspired by an evolution of our world view.
The emergence of a full paradigm
Our worldview is directly determined by cultural representations and the epistemological paradigm that underlies it. This paradigm is a kind of implicit perspective, specific to a given culture, which validates the interpretation system through which we give meaning to our experience allows us to act and to society.
No social organization that falls within a cultural form based on an epistemological paradigm. can say that the paradigm is the underlying model that establishes the shared vision without which there is no society. This model expresses the dynamics of change at a time and a given evolutionary stage. Therefore access to a new level of complexity is still emerge a new paradigm.
The developments epistemological, cultural and social are systemic and synchronous. They interact constantly with each other. We have already discussed here relations between epistemological developments and cultural. All social bond is based on a cultural bridge, itself forged in the context of an epistemological consensus . The interaction between systemic social change and cultural change is part of the dynamics of an evolving epistemological.
It is no coincidence that in the global crisis in which humanity finds itself, there emerges a new paradigm - Full - able to simultaneously take into account the evolution of individual subjectivity and the intersubjectivity cultural like the social and natural environment . What the specificity of an integral perspective is to think and act simultaneously on three levels: that of epistemological paradigm of social organization and cultural performances ...
These three levels correspond to fields of knowledge , the community and the imaginary , social expressions of these three archetypes that are universal True, the Although and beautiful. Truth of the laws and principles developed in the architectural field epistemology. Common good that weaves the social bonds of solidarity in the field of ethics . Beauty of forms which express the spirit of the time in the field of aesthetic imagination and sensitivity.
merchants of illusion
The problem of modern man, fascinated by the world of appearances and the victim of a fragmented view is that it would solve his problems by converting only the outside world. And this without making any effort to change themselves, without understanding that these problems are not foreign to him and they are both warning signs and opportunities for change. Thus it would transform the socio-economic development without perceiving that it is the expression of a collective mentality, correlated with underlying paradigm.
Many merchants of illusion disclaim efforts necessary for personal transformation and collective engaging in a perspective of socio-political or environmental activism that are not supported by a new worldview . It is a profound illusion that humanity has paid a high price in the last century to try to change society or behaviors without taking into account the necessary change in attitudes that must prevail in any social or behavioral changes.
Systems thinking is echoed what all great thinkers have argued forcefully: there can be no social change and transformation of the epistemological framework that forms the cultural attitudes. It is much easier to propose new forms of organization to transform cognitive structures through which we interpret the world. Nothing is more difficult in effect, and slower than change filters perceptual and cognitive cause of our worldview.
ecologist Edward Goldsmith wrote about it: " Another obstacle to change a worldview: individuals and companies that invested psychologically in this collection in its entirety, defend against any who would enter into credit. This is the "principle of preservation cognitive structures " the American anthropologist AFC Wallace . It applies, for example, professionals seeking to retain the paradigm of their discipline, even though it has long been totally discredited in the eyes of sensible people . "
Symptoms and crises
Anyone who started therapy know how complicated it is to change our world map out of the rut in which we are locked and we are running around in scenarios repetitive, thus preventing us to participate in the creative dynamics of life and spirit .
symptoms, psychological or physical, always appear to express the fact that some functions and behaviors that were adapted to a point in our evolution are no longer a new situation. What is true of an individual is also good for society. Seizures are symptoms that we must know how to listen to find solutions to our evolution.
But resistance to change are enormous. We are desperate to keep our old references, even if they cause suffering because what we fear most is the unknown which requires mobilizing all our energies even though a Much of these are invested in the comfortable routine of deadly habits.
There remains the "pedagogy disaster " the only way to break the secure framework which we have identified. This catastrophe can be personal - illness, economic insecurity, the breakdown of family ties or love - as it may be collective - ecological crisis, economic, social, cultural, geopolitical - with the ambition of the possible disappearance of the species by synergy of these crises. As the
Christiane Singer " crises in the society we live in, are really what has yet to find the best, if not master, when you do not close at hand to enter into the Another dimension ... In a society where everything is blocked, where the roads are not suitable for entering in-depth, there the crisis to break through these walls around us. The crisis, which serves as a kind of battering ram to break down the doors of the fortress where we stand walled, with the full range of our personality, what we believe to be . ( Good use crises)
If you want to avoid this painful disaster pedagogy, with its share of suffering, we can begin a psychotherapy expand our world map taking into account the messages expressed by these signals are the symptoms. Since there are psychotherapy, there to meet the social crises of social therapy based on learning new models allowing the company to build a reference system adapted to new stadium evolutionary it addresses. Thus, during human history appear regularly avant-garde are the vectors of these new models. These are
creative minorities who, for fifty years, have been slow to emerge from other models of thought given to new forms of sensibility, to the amusement or inquisitor proponents of the dominant ideology . These movements are always innovative in the history of societies is the role of intuition in the individual level: that of a sensitivity visionary who participates in an organic way to the changing dynamics of life and spirit . It is this creative and intuitive sensitivity that allows the emergence of new forms of understanding.
Materialism dominant reserve these creative minorities the way it treats intuition: a subject of derision treated with condescension by an abstract thought - disconnected from the creative movement of life - who do not understand the meaning, or use. Arthur Schopenhauer describes fairly accurately the three stages of transition from one old to a new paradigm. "All truth passes through three steps. First it is ridiculed. Then, she met with strong opposition before being accepted as evidence. "
A cultural exception
Where are we in this transformation of the reductionist paradigm that was one of the modern industrial paradigm which is full of" Kosmodernité "corresponding to the information age? In a country like France where there is cultural exception of a thought analytical and abstract formalism, quite reluctant to interdisciplinarity and the integration of cognition and knowledge (that is an understatement ...), the creation of the Integral University shows that this movement deep cultural regeneration is underway.
Because profoundly transformed our world view, this movement is hardly accepted by the supporters of the institution, often enclosed in perceptions and representations of another age, as was not accepted by clerics to power the movement of Lights at the end of the Ancien Regime.
This is a true cultural regeneration sociotherapy animated by creative thinkers who have inspired, of course, as always, face obstacles and difficulties due to inertia, resistance and skepticism. But let us remember the words spoken by JF Kennedy " The world's problems can be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited to obvious realities. We need men who can imagine what has never existed. "
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