A number of NGOs have emerged in the last fifty years to act and raise international public opinion on a number of topics. Known including Greenpeace who fights for environmental causes and Amnesty International for human rights.
On another scale, Club Budapest founded in 1993 by the Hungarian philosopher of science Ervin Laszlo , is an international association dedicated to the development of thought and a new ethic to help solve the social, political, economic and environmental implications of the twenty-first century. His philosophy is based on the observation that these daunting challenges can be met only by the development of a global cultural consciousness.
The Club Budapest has a mission to be a catalyst for the transformation to a sustainable world by working the emergence of a global consciousness at integrating Spirituality, Science and Arts and that 'the interconnection of generations and cultures. What makes originality of this organization is its systemic and comprehensive approach which operates the connection between the evolution of consciousness, models and strategies to implement the twenty-first century.
It is in this spirit that the Club Budapest offers France a number of theme nights and activities that can be read on its website. Among these activities, members of the Club of Budapest founded and host the Ultimate University, initiative on which we will have the opportunity back. Editor Carine Dartiguepeyrou , the Club of Budapest just completed a book entitled Prospective a changing world which have notably contributed Ervin Laszlo , Edgar Morin and Matthieu Ricard which can be found here an interview he gave at the exit of this book.
This book offers a series of contributions by authors from various backgrounds, all friends of the Club of Budapest , working in their own way to the planetary consciousness. Through their original visions, they seek to answer the following questions: "Why major global changes that we live in? What is the nature of this transformation and how impact she our political, economic and social? How to build a sustainable development beyond the debate on growth and decay? Is a "turn" or "metamorphosis" that leads us toward a new civilization? "
We propose below the reading of a declaration Club Budapest entitled " The State Emergency World" written by Ervin Laszlo and David Woolfson in response to the alarming situation of the planet. This statement is a call to leaders for a change of civilization based on a profound cultural transformation .
It reads in part: " The current dominant mode of thought can be maintained longer ... Every crisis brings with it an opportunity for change and transformation. The ideas and models needed the new systems already exist ... millions of individuals and groups of avant-garde for years referred to these threats and challenges. This "awakening" is a positive sign of the vitality of the human spirit and its ability to respond flexibly and creatively to threats to humanity ... A way of thinking and different tools can accelerate the emergence of a new world to escape worst scenarios. But we must act now. Time is short and the task is unprecedented. "
be found on the website of the French Club Budapest the translation of three annexes to this statement reminiscent of some quantitative and qualitative thematic data on the state of the planet and some solutions for them.
The State Emergency World . 30/09/08 - Ervin Laszlo and David Woolfson
The financial crisis and global economic, global climate change, the ongoing wars, terrorism, nuclear risks and challenges, the climax or the end of nonrenewable natural resources, the emerging crisis of water, the net annual increment of about 80 million of the world population, increasing poverty, housing shortages, famine in absolute terms, the widening gap between rich and poor within a nation and between countries, and other macro -related trends, are all growing and unmistakable evidence that the world is fundamentally non-viable and that mankind is rapidly heading towards a collapse of current ecological and societal .
Despite these global crises that threaten global human community, the mode of thought and actions of most politicians, or business, remain fixated on short-term rather than the long-term on national priorities rather that 'international on personal interests rather than on community interests, on the confrontation and the militarization rather than on cooperation and dialogue on values and the level of consciousness nineteenth century rather than those of XX th on maintaining the status quo of current affairs, rather than on the urgent passage new systems of economic, energy and social locally nationally and internationally .
Therefore, aware of these emerging global crises and the constant lack of necessary governance at national and global in the entire political and business, we call for urgent action, a "Declaration of the State Emergency World "on behalf of the inhabitants of our planet and profit.
The Global Situation
The global crisis that humanity is facing today affects all people and all societies. If we continue at the current rate, in the middle of this century, Earth could become largely uninhabitable for humans and most other life forms. Such a total system collapse could occur much sooner due to runaway global warming and other eco-disasters , or nuclear wars sparked by religious conflict, ethnic or geopolitical or overuse of dwindling natural resources. The macro
- trends continue for several decades and are now reaching a plateau irreversible. Scientific modeling of complex systems shows that when systems reach a critical state of instability, or they break down, or they reach a level of improved functioning. From these " points of no return " it is no longer possible to maintain the status quo and this mode of organization and operation.
Various estimates have been given as a date of "point of no return". It has been predicted for example that the average temperature of Earth would increase by about 3 degrees Celsius in 2100, then was told that this level would be reached around mid-century and more recently that this level could be achieved within a decade. The figure of global warming has increased from 3 degrees to 6 degrees or more. A global warming of 3 degrees would create serious breaches of human activity, while an increase of 6 degrees would cause a global collapse, making the most of the planet unfit for human life.
These forecasts, however, does take into account only the time trend: global warming, water availability, production food, poverty, population pressure, pollution of air, etc.. They do not take into account the impacts created by the interconnection of macro - trends, nor the effects of feedback loops. When trend reaches a critical point, its effect on other trends can be very significant. For example, if global warming creates a prolonged drought in some areas and coastal flooding in others, the masses of poor and homeless people invade the regions least affected, including creating social movements and economic relations with the lack of water and food critics.
The acceleration of these developments and their implications for cross indicates that out of this global crisis and to achieve a more peaceful and sustainable world, we do that likely 'to Just three or four years after 2008. This is close to the Mayan prophecy 2012 as marking the end of the world today.
The period around the end of 2012 will probably be a turbulent period for the reasons mentioned above and for others. The predictions by the physical sciences anticipate disruptions in the geomagnetic field, electromagnetic and others around the world, causing significant harm to telecommunications and impacting many aspects of the activity and human health. For esoteric traditions, the end of 2012 will be the end of the known world, other interpretations more optimistic talk of a new world taking the place of the old.
Although the majority of the world's population has not yet recognized the danger of total collapse on a large scale millions of individuals and groups of avant-garde for years referred to these threats and challenges. This "awakening" is a positive signal the vitality of the human spirit and its ability to respond flexibly and creatively to the dangers that threaten humanity. This should be supported and facilitated by all appropriate means, because the scale and urgency of required transformation are well above the range of current efforts. This will be "too little, too late" unless the entire human community is mobilized quickly to reverse these macroeconomic trends before they become irreversible.
This must now become our global priority. We must act before that it is too late. We risk the collapse of our civilization and the disappearance of our species. We recognize the real possibility that a child born today will witness the final chapter of the 200 000-year history of modern man on this planet.
The way forward
We must face and deal creatively unintended consequences of narrow thinking and short-term approach which led us to the current global situation and can not be maintained. No "quick recipe " or "miracle technology" will save us consequences of wrong values and actions of the past. It engaging the human spirit in all its creative potential and wisdom that we can give birth to new modes of thought and action needed.
The current dominant mode of thought can be maintained longer . We must overcome the inertia societal generated by powerful self-destructive eras reminiscent of date to prepare for each region, nation and community to systemic failures and possible collapse. We must radically reconsider our worldview and restructure our systems such as energy, economy, governance, transportation, food, use and distribution of resources. We must act to widen the window of opportunity we have before it's too late to avoid a collapse of global scale. Every crisis brings with it an opportunity for change and transformation. The ideas and models needed for new systems already exist.
Today we are rediscovering the essential elements of the wisdom inherent in the great cultural traditions of the world , and let important scientific discoveries on the relationship between nature and us. At the same time, we develop alternative energy sources, sustainable technologies, communications and global information flows, biotechnology, nanotechnology , artificial intelligence and other technologies that can pave the way a mode of global sustainability for human communities and the environment.
A way of thinking and different tools can accelerate the emergence of a new world to escape worst scenarios. But we must act now. The clock is ticking and the task is unprecedented.
To cope with this emergency, effective and pragmatic solutions as soon as possible should be brought to the attention of many. Global communication and collaboration between peoples, nations, cultures, religions and sectors of society, professions, associations, networks, organizations, and other groups, is essential for the survival of humanity on this planet.
The new report " WorldShift 2012" Club of Budapest proposes the transition (" world shift ") A path of non-sustainability, conflict and confrontation, a path of global sustainability, wellness and peace. The proposals in this report and the proposals of the signatories of the Declaration have inspired this document.
So we hereby appeal urgently to all inhabitants of our planet so that if they show their awareness of the global state of emergency and their intention to help implement a significant change in all sectors of society (education, governance, economics, media, culture, technology) and at all levels (local, national and global) for the common good of all people, all societies and all life on Earth.
can be reached here to support the proposed Declaration of State Emergency World. Dedicated to sustainable development and the evolution of social networking conscience.Le WorldShift 2012 can follow this initiative and participate.
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