In our last post , we proposed the first part of an interview with Michel Saloff Coste on the site of the University Ultimate : Beyond the crisis, think the "new civilization." Michel Saloff Coste for the crisis we are experiencing is primarily a symptom of a much deeper phenomenon, the emergence of a "new civilization " which he describes some characteristics in the second part of this interview.
Interview with Michel Saloff Coste: Beyond the crisis, think the "new civilization." Second part
- The era of creation and communication is defined in all areas in contrast with the eras that preceded it. By studying the era of industry and commerce, one can clearly separate three major phases: an initial phase, until the '60s, where supply is less than the request. At that time, the key factor determining value creation is the capital. It is the capital that allows the construction of large production sites, which used to offer products in a market with strong demand.
Gold in the 70's begin to appear to malfunction. Communist systems mass produce goods, but being unable to adjust supply to demand, the liberal system, however, knows perfectly align supply with demand in particular by using marketing, market research, to listening to customers, but at the same time, it satisfies the consumer to buy more. The citizen, therefore, tends to transform itself into a consumer. We spend a market economy to a market society where everything starts to turn around the economy.
From " The Management of the third millennium " I put that value creation does not result solely, as at the height of the era of industry and trade, enhancement of classical investment. Similarly, the torque capital production tool, which is at the heart of value creation process of the industrial society was marginalized. This becomes essential in the new era is access to information and the ability to create information products.
Thus, the differentiating factor of production is more capital, but creative intelligence and proactive . A few examples illustrate this idea perfectly. General Motors, for example, showed reactivity in constantly renewing its range of 4x4 at a time when Americans wanted to buy such vehicles. But Toyota has felt better and ancipité the planetary transformation. The Japanese group has launched research on hybrid vehicles, so pro-active when no one claimed such products.
Therefore, for companies - and I defined it in a second book, The Leader of the third millennium - the challenge is to adopt a management that is based on listening, valuing personal characteristics, individual and collective development . This building and controlling management styles that have preceded them in the other three eras - the fascination, instinct, enthusiasm in hunter-gatherer era , hierarchical organization, order, control agriculture-livestock , competition, negotiation, Profit-sharing era of trade and industry ... But you must place all these dimensions of management in service of the creative process .
- You also mentioned many other features of this new civilization. Which ones you think are most central, and must know that today's leaders to better understand their environment?
- As we mentioned, the industrial era is primarily based on the techniques, the ability to control and harness the energy and the development of science, which helped to deepen the knowledge and world of the infinitely large and infinitely small. The great feature of the new era, and everyone can make the finding is the extraordinary development IT.
Similarly, oil, nuclear energy was placed at the heart of the industrial age, dominated by the model of the car and that of industrial agriculture, made possible both by the development of agricultural machinery and Fertilizer, themselves derived from petroleum. Gold energy key to the new civilization is the flow of information, ability to understand, transform and move with a value that makes a difference and meet the fundamental aspirations of the man.
Google the social networks , that perfectly correspond to the innovations characteristic of this era. Inventing a search engine that allows access to a multiplicity of available knowledge on the planet, is essential for the good of our societies. The spring of these innovations is more oil, but creation, intelligence, innovation.
Power, then, is no longer linked to the shareholding, but the ability to emergence of otherness and difference. If you are not able to create the difference, to reveal needs deep, authentic, which meet at the same time a sustainable human development, so we do not create value in society for the creation and communication.
All this also brings us a new way of thinking about the world. In the era of hunting and gathering prevailed animists. The era of Agriculture and Livestock has seen the development of major monotheistic religions. The age of commerce and industry is the triumph of Descartes, that is to say the mechanistic scientific thinking. Gold engine thought the era of creation and consumption is thought systemic .
Appeared in the 50's, she was released in France in particular by Joel de Rosnay ( The Macroscope ) and Edgar Morin . My book "The Management of the Third Millennium" is an attempt to apply systems thinking to the economic and entrepreneurial. United States, Peter Senge in " The Fifth Discipline " adopted at about the same time an identical approach. The novelty of systematics is to replace a mechanistic scientific thinking, thinking of reality as a succession of relationships and chains of cause and effect, a much more complex reality, made a set of systems that interact.
This new understanding of reality constitutes a major break. Until then, science and all fields of knowledge were apprehended in the process of decomposition that sequencing the reality in sub-specialty areas. Our culture has extensive knowledge on a very small part of the knowledge, and widespread ignorance at all. Now it is essential today to address the problems in their entirety.
The ecological crisis, for example, is a crisis at all , not the party. The first contribution of systemic the discovery of interrelationships and interactions that govern the world, and has put the need for transdisciplinary approaches . It is this particular observation has led several French researchers to create, in February 2008, the University Ultimate . Many think tanks have already made the world according to this philosophy, as New Economics Foundation * , or the Club of Budapest **.
* Created in the United Kingdom in 1986, the NEF is a think tank and action working towards a "new model of wealth creation based on equality, diversity and economic stability."
- In this new era, information occupies a place quite major. Can you elaborate on this dimension?
- In the era of hunter-gatherer, prevailing oral communication and word-of-mouth. The era of agriculture and livestock is that of writing, which led to the birth of a historical approach, and the creation ultimately of history. The era of industry and commerce has been the extraordinary development of the printing press and the mass media. The big break in the era of creation and communication is that of developing networks, far beyond the mass media, because they make us both transmitters and receivers. We are still only babbling corporate network, but its implications are manifold. We thus move from a society where leaders and elected officials manage information bit fluid, a world of broadcast and real-time interaction between leaders and citizens.
This new civilization of people who continue to share them also evolve as a feature of their conscience in real time. We as such the first humans to be born into a system of representation given to grow and learn live in other systems of representation, before dying in another still different.
In this sense I think the establishment, in this new era, has a fundamental place. In the fields of science, art, philosophy, creating the cosmos is constantly reset on new foundations. This is indeed a coincidence that at the time were developing the theories of Einstein on relativity, Kandinsky conceived in 1910 his first abstract painting.
- Your analysis began in the mid 80s. Are not you surprised by the accuracy with which reality agrees with you on all these points?
- What surprises me is not so much the rapidity with which the techniques that I described - computers, networks ... - came to be part of our daily lives, but rather the appearance spectacular society with which the creation and communication has emerged. Royalty has been in France for 1000 years assert itself fully, the Rothschild dynasty 100 years, 10 years Microsoft and Google a year!
One point still surprises me: when I wrote "The Management of the Third Millennium", I thought there would be in the future much less dramatic events in the techniques and the instrumental, but much more effort in thinking and research emerging new civilization. Besides, twenty years ago, I had no trouble finding funding sources that explore such innovative ways.
Today, while these thoughts become urgent, difficulties in finding financing are extreme ! Yet another point of astonishment: I had not anticipated that the limits of planet arise as soon as our eyes from all sides. And yet we are unable to believe this! Hence the need to invest in this innovative thinking, create trade, interactions between research centers , and promote, as there were chambers of commerce and industry to support the previous era , room for reflection and communication networks operating in!
- Finally, what gives you hope that the company gains in the awareness of changes to be made?
- Remember that a crisis they are both risks and opportunities . But France has great opportunities before them. Most scholars who have discussed this new civilization of intangible - whether Edgar Morin, Thierry Gaudin , Joël de Rosnay - are French. During the passage of the civilization of agriculture-livestock trade and industry, France has managed to invent key concepts, such as separation of powers, modern democracy, the Napoleonic Code was also included in the world wide.
They are individuals who are personal development to better understand what is happening today. They are proactive in logical . It is the party of people excited for example by the election, the United States, Barack Obama, who are neither right nor left, but who think in terms of societal transformation . Now it is capital today to lead this collective work, because a new civilization never leaves the head a few. It can only result from a great global debate. And invites us all today become the creators of this new civilization!
Interview with Michel Saloff Coste: Beyond the crisis, think the "new civilization." Second part
- What major features characterize the new civilization?
- The era of creation and communication is defined in all areas in contrast with the eras that preceded it. By studying the era of industry and commerce, one can clearly separate three major phases: an initial phase, until the '60s, where supply is less than the request. At that time, the key factor determining value creation is the capital. It is the capital that allows the construction of large production sites, which used to offer products in a market with strong demand.
Gold in the 70's begin to appear to malfunction. Communist systems mass produce goods, but being unable to adjust supply to demand, the liberal system, however, knows perfectly align supply with demand in particular by using marketing, market research, to listening to customers, but at the same time, it satisfies the consumer to buy more. The citizen, therefore, tends to transform itself into a consumer. We spend a market economy to a market society where everything starts to turn around the economy.
From " The Management of the third millennium " I put that value creation does not result solely, as at the height of the era of industry and trade, enhancement of classical investment. Similarly, the torque capital production tool, which is at the heart of value creation process of the industrial society was marginalized. This becomes essential in the new era is access to information and the ability to create information products.
Why? Because the transition from an economy of demand to supply-side economics in the 70s, introduced innovation as a key factor of competitiveness . Companies need ideas to diversify in the face of increased competition. This movement continues to grow: novelty, which was originally a "more" becomes a necessary condition to exist. What makes the value is no longer in production capacity. What can sell at a profit and sell a product is its "novelty ," the creative and innovative product.
Thus, the differentiating factor of production is more capital, but creative intelligence and proactive . A few examples illustrate this idea perfectly. General Motors, for example, showed reactivity in constantly renewing its range of 4x4 at a time when Americans wanted to buy such vehicles. But Toyota has felt better and ancipité the planetary transformation. The Japanese group has launched research on hybrid vehicles, so pro-active when no one claimed such products.
Similarly, Steve Jobs has never launched and found inspiration in market research to launch the Macintosh, iPod and iPhone, simply because the needs, at the time when created these products did not exist. That the difference between reactivity and proactivity.
Therefore, for companies - and I defined it in a second book, The Leader of the third millennium - the challenge is to adopt a management that is based on listening, valuing personal characteristics, individual and collective development . This building and controlling management styles that have preceded them in the other three eras - the fascination, instinct, enthusiasm in hunter-gatherer era , hierarchical organization, order, control agriculture-livestock , competition, negotiation, Profit-sharing era of trade and industry ... But you must place all these dimensions of management in service of the creative process .
- You also mentioned many other features of this new civilization. Which ones you think are most central, and must know that today's leaders to better understand their environment?
- As we mentioned, the industrial era is primarily based on the techniques, the ability to control and harness the energy and the development of science, which helped to deepen the knowledge and world of the infinitely large and infinitely small. The great feature of the new era, and everyone can make the finding is the extraordinary development IT.
Similarly, oil, nuclear energy was placed at the heart of the industrial age, dominated by the model of the car and that of industrial agriculture, made possible both by the development of agricultural machinery and Fertilizer, themselves derived from petroleum. Gold energy key to the new civilization is the flow of information, ability to understand, transform and move with a value that makes a difference and meet the fundamental aspirations of the man.
Google the social networks , that perfectly correspond to the innovations characteristic of this era. Inventing a search engine that allows access to a multiplicity of available knowledge on the planet, is essential for the good of our societies. The spring of these innovations is more oil, but creation, intelligence, innovation.
Power, then, is no longer linked to the shareholding, but the ability to emergence of otherness and difference. If you are not able to create the difference, to reveal needs deep, authentic, which meet at the same time a sustainable human development, so we do not create value in society for the creation and communication.
All this also brings us a new way of thinking about the world. In the era of hunting and gathering prevailed animists. The era of Agriculture and Livestock has seen the development of major monotheistic religions. The age of commerce and industry is the triumph of Descartes, that is to say the mechanistic scientific thinking. Gold engine thought the era of creation and consumption is thought systemic .
Appeared in the 50's, she was released in France in particular by Joel de Rosnay ( The Macroscope ) and Edgar Morin . My book "The Management of the Third Millennium" is an attempt to apply systems thinking to the economic and entrepreneurial. United States, Peter Senge in " The Fifth Discipline " adopted at about the same time an identical approach. The novelty of systematics is to replace a mechanistic scientific thinking, thinking of reality as a succession of relationships and chains of cause and effect, a much more complex reality, made a set of systems that interact.
This new understanding of reality constitutes a major break. Until then, science and all fields of knowledge were apprehended in the process of decomposition that sequencing the reality in sub-specialty areas. Our culture has extensive knowledge on a very small part of the knowledge, and widespread ignorance at all. Now it is essential today to address the problems in their entirety.
The ecological crisis, for example, is a crisis at all , not the party. The first contribution of systemic the discovery of interrelationships and interactions that govern the world, and has put the need for transdisciplinary approaches . It is this particular observation has led several French researchers to create, in February 2008, the University Ultimate . Many think tanks have already made the world according to this philosophy, as New Economics Foundation * , or the Club of Budapest **.
* Created in the United Kingdom in 1986, the NEF is a think tank and action working towards a "new model of wealth creation based on equality, diversity and economic stability."
** The Club of Budapest is an international network on future challenges of bringing together personalities like Mikhail Gorbachev, the Dalai Lama. It is currently chaired by the science philosopher Ervin Laszlo.
- In this new era, information occupies a place quite major. Can you elaborate on this dimension?
- In the era of hunter-gatherer, prevailing oral communication and word-of-mouth. The era of agriculture and livestock is that of writing, which led to the birth of a historical approach, and the creation ultimately of history. The era of industry and commerce has been the extraordinary development of the printing press and the mass media. The big break in the era of creation and communication is that of developing networks, far beyond the mass media, because they make us both transmitters and receivers. We are still only babbling corporate network, but its implications are manifold. We thus move from a society where leaders and elected officials manage information bit fluid, a world of broadcast and real-time interaction between leaders and citizens.
This new civilization of people who continue to share them also evolve as a feature of their conscience in real time. We as such the first humans to be born into a system of representation given to grow and learn live in other systems of representation, before dying in another still different.
For each of us, time accelerates, we are called to change at least every ten years in the business, and these changes are accompanied each time of upheaval in our systems of representation. Because of globalization and communication networks, in addition we ever faced with other cultures, other systems of representation of the world as they re-examine our own.
In this sense I think the establishment, in this new era, has a fundamental place. In the fields of science, art, philosophy, creating the cosmos is constantly reset on new foundations. This is indeed a coincidence that at the time were developing the theories of Einstein on relativity, Kandinsky conceived in 1910 his first abstract painting.
designers invite us constantly to take a fresh look at all our performances, and reset our spiritual worldview. All this does not take us away from the management, quite the contrary: in the world of business, Companies like Google, Apple, were able to generate innovations bringing new visions of society.
- Your analysis began in the mid 80s. Are not you surprised by the accuracy with which reality agrees with you on all these points?
- What surprises me is not so much the rapidity with which the techniques that I described - computers, networks ... - came to be part of our daily lives, but rather the appearance spectacular society with which the creation and communication has emerged. Royalty has been in France for 1000 years assert itself fully, the Rothschild dynasty 100 years, 10 years Microsoft and Google a year!
And most surprisingly, from my point of view, is the reaction time it takes for politicians construct an adapted speech. This is a good reason, since most of them remain locked in an era of trade and industry . They are not alone. All major appliances - the political parties, unions, universities, the press ... - born in the nineteenth century, still believe in this era there. These modes of thought become obsolete.
One point still surprises me: when I wrote "The Management of the Third Millennium", I thought there would be in the future much less dramatic events in the techniques and the instrumental, but much more effort in thinking and research emerging new civilization. Besides, twenty years ago, I had no trouble finding funding sources that explore such innovative ways.
Today, while these thoughts become urgent, difficulties in finding financing are extreme ! Yet another point of astonishment: I had not anticipated that the limits of planet arise as soon as our eyes from all sides. And yet we are unable to believe this! Hence the need to invest in this innovative thinking, create trade, interactions between research centers , and promote, as there were chambers of commerce and industry to support the previous era , room for reflection and communication networks operating in!
- Finally, what gives you hope that the company gains in the awareness of changes to be made?
- Remember that a crisis they are both risks and opportunities . But France has great opportunities before them. Most scholars who have discussed this new civilization of intangible - whether Edgar Morin, Thierry Gaudin , Joël de Rosnay - are French. During the passage of the civilization of agriculture-livestock trade and industry, France has managed to invent key concepts, such as separation of powers, modern democracy, the Napoleonic Code was also included in the world wide.
We live in a historical period in which France could to lead a movement. It is estimated between 20 and 30% of the total number of "cultural creatives " sensitive to ecological issues and planets, the law and the empowerment of minorities, interested in cultures in their diversity.
They are individuals who are personal development to better understand what is happening today. They are proactive in logical . It is the party of people excited for example by the election, the United States, Barack Obama, who are neither right nor left, but who think in terms of societal transformation . Now it is capital today to lead this collective work, because a new civilization never leaves the head a few. It can only result from a great global debate. And invites us all today become the creators of this new civilization!
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