Democratic Republic of Congo The Dalai Lama Published in Human Rights Tribune :
Since August, the conflict in North Kivu between the Armed Forces Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) and troops of General Laurent Nkunda's rebel National Congress for People's Defence (CNDP) has intensified and is accompanied by serious violations and massive human rights that constitute international crimes punishable by the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Strong concern the situation prevailing in the capital of North Kivu, Goma, where in front of the advancing rebel CNDP elements in flight FARDC has engaged in acts of looting, summary executions and rape against civilians in the city and its surroundings. Insecurity and confusion would be exacerbated by the presence of Republican Guard soldiers sent to suppress the behavior of the FARDC and who surrendered themselves to the abuses. And a dozen soldiers of the FARDC were allegedly slaughtered by the Republican Guard. For their part, CNDP elements while retaining their positions outside the city awaiting the opening of negotiations with the Kinshasa government, also engages in atrocities in the territories under their control, including looting camps for displaced and war Kibati Rutchuru.
Faced with the imminent resumption of fighting and abuses that accompany them, the forces of UN Mission in DRC (MONUC) are clearly unable to fully assume their role of protecting civilian populations, limited by a mandate that allows them to use the force to combat gangs but only in support of the FARDC.
Demonstrations and clashes fanned by politicians, were also held in towns in eastern DRC against the presence of MONUC is accused of being unable to ensure protection of populations, or do not want to do. Thus, in the town of Goma 27 October 2008, the population has addressed the staff and facilities of MONUC. In Kisangani, groups of young men armed with full knowledge of the authorities, also expressed by attacking the forces of MONUC. Some of them are joining the security forces and army patrolling the city in search of rebel elements allegedly infiltrated. A climate of suspicion and tension develops when any criticism is seen as a betrayal. Defenders of Human Rights which denounced relentless abuses by all parties to the conflict are perceived as opponents "traitors" and "lackeys of Western". These charges a bit more fuel resentment of the population against MONUC and the international community and anything designated as foreign.
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